UMD04 Table in SAP | Default Values for Planning Table in Repetitive Mfg Table & Fields List

UMD04 is a SAP table coming under PP module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of UMD04 in SAP.

  • Table description : Default Values for Planning Table in Repetitive Mfg
  • Module : PP-REM
  • Parent Module : PP
  • Package : MD04
  • Software Component : BBPCRM
UMD04 table in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP UMD04 Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
MDAKTActivity types in materials planningMDAKTMDAKT
NETPLNet requirements segment in the planning tableNETPLCHAR1
BRTPLGross requirements planning in the planning tableBRTPLCHAR1
LGOR1Storage location MRP in the planning tableLGOR1CHAR1
LGOR2Excluded storage locations in the planning tableLGOR2CHAR1
KNDPLMake-to-order planning in the planning tableKNDPLCHAR1
PROPLPlanning individual projects in the planning tablePROPLCHAR1
MSTPLDirect Production in Planning TableMSTPLCHAR1
VORPLPlanning without final assembly in the planning tableVORPLCHAR1
LELIWOnly select materials with productionLELIWCHAR1
ONLRQOnly select materials with requirementsONLRQCHAR1
ANZKAOnly display capacity categories relevant to schedulingANZKACHAR1
KPFLGIndicator: Capacity planning activeKPFLGCHAR1
ERWMDDisable extended material data in REM planning tableERWMDCHAR1
SELH1Selection period for the planning tableSA_SELH1DEC03
SELH2Selection period for the planning tableSA_SELH1DEC03
SKBEDRow sort ID for requirements in the planning tableSA_SKBEDNUMC2
SKVERRow Sort ID for 'Available Quantity' in Planning TableSA_SKVERNUMC2
SKREIRow sort ID for coverage in the planning tableSA_SKREINUMC2
SKANDRow sort ID for other versions in the planning tableSA_SKANDNUMC2
SKNZURow sort ID for 'to be assigned' in the planning tableSA_SKNZUNUMC2
SKVPBRow sort ID for planned indep. reqmts in the planning tableSA_SKVPBNUMC2
SKSUZRow sort ID for 'total receipts' in the planning tableSA_SKSUZNUMC2
SKSUBRow sort ID for 'total requirements' in the planning tableSA_SKSUBNUMC2
SKPRDRow sort ID for production in the planning tableSA_SKPRDNUMC2
SKSZURow sort ID for 'other receipts' in the planning tableSA_SKSZUNUMC2
SKLFPRow sort IS for long-term planning in the planning tableSA_SKLFPNUMC2
SKREWRow Sort ID for Range of Coverage in Planning TableSKREWNUMC2
MATSKMaterial selection appears when accessing the planning tableSA_MATSKCHAR1
LINSKLine selection appears when accessing the planning tableSA_LINSKCHAR1
PRDPLProduction dates or basic dates ?PRDPLPRDPL
PATVRScheduling strategy in the planning tablePATVRPATVR
ABBEDDisplay requirements rowsABBEDCHAR1
ABVERDisplay availabilityABVERCHAR1
ABANDDisplay other versionsABANDCHAR1
ABNZUDisplay quantities still to be assignedABNZUCHAR1
ABVPBDisplay planned independent reqmts in the planning tableABVPBCHAR1
ABSUZDisplay total production in the planning tableABSUZCHAR1
ABSUBDisplay total requirments in the planning tableABSBECHAR1
ABUEZDisplay the user exit row in the planning tableABUEZCHAR1
ABSZUDisplay other receiptsABSZUCHAR1
ABLFPDisplay information from long-term planningABLFPCHAR1
SKTPTSort in the planning table: By material - by lineSKZPTSKZPT
SVIEWView selection for the repetitive mfg planning tableSVIEWSVIEW
PFEXLPath for accessing EXCEL in the planning table (MF50)PFEXLCHAR100
TEEKZDetermines the scheduling level in the planning tableTEEKZTEEKZ
SMEKZStandard unit of measureUNIKZSMEKZ
DSTRIQuantities display in the planning tableDSTRIDSTRI
DSPHZPeriod in days for automatically dispatching in MF50DSPHZNUM03
ABKOMREM-PT: MRP segment aggregationABKOMABKOM
SKUE1Row sort ID for user exit rows in planning tableSA_SKUEZNUMC2
ABUE2Display the user exit row in the planning tableABUEZCHAR1
SKUE2Row sort ID for user exit rows in planning tableSA_SKUEZNUMC2
ABUE3Display the user exit row in the planning tableABUEZCHAR1
SKUE3Row sort ID for user exit rows in planning tableSA_SKUEZNUMC2
JVIEWView of dispatched ordersSP_GJVIEWSP_GJVIEW
DETLIDetailed information (restrictions) on production lineDETAIL_LINEXFLAG
DETDIDetailed information (restriction) on MRP controllerDETAIL_DISPONENTXFLAG
TABSTREM PT: Active tabstrip (set in initial screen)ACTIVE_TAB_STRIPCHAR4
DAYDEIndicates whether day's description displayed for periodsDAY_DESCRIBTIONCHAR1

UMD04 related tables

UMD04Default Values for Planning Table in Repetitive Mfg
T437DControl Parameter Plant for Repetitive Mfg
FIBL_RPCODE_TDEFDefault Values for Repetitive Codes
T437PPlanning IDs for Repetitive Manufacturing
T437ATable for Field Selection: Repetitive Manufacturing
T437SRepetitive Manufacturing Profile Table
FIBL_RPCODEMaster Data for Repetitive Code
FIBL_RPCODE_GRELAssign Repetitive Codes/Groups
FIBL_RPCODE_GROUGroups of Repetitive Codes
FIBL_RPCODE_GRTXGroup Names of Repetitive Code
RMIOInput Structure of Repetitive Manufacturing Confirmation
RMRPHR Data of Repetitive Manufacturing Backflush
S225Goods receipts: repetitive manufacturing
S226Material usage: repetitive manufacturing
S227Product costs: repetitive manufacturing
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