MARA is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of MARA in SAP.
- Table description : General Material Data
- Module : CRM
- Parent Module : CRM
- Package : MG
- Software Component : BBPCRM

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP MARA Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
MATNR | Material Number | MATNR | MATNR |
.INCLUDE | Data Division MARA | ||
ERSDA | Created On | ERSDA | DATUM |
ERNAM | Name of Person who Created the Object | ERNAM | USNAM |
LAEDA | Date of Last Change | LAEDA | DATUM |
AENAM | Name of Person Who Changed Object | AENAM | USNAM |
VPSTA | Maintenance status of complete material | VPSTA | PSTAT |
PSTAT | Maintenance status | PSTAT_D | PSTAT |
LVORM | Flag Material for Deletion at Client Level | LVOMA | XFELD |
MTART | Material type | MTART | MTART |
MBRSH | Industry sector | MBRSH | MBRSH |
MATKL | Material Group | MATKL | MATKL |
BISMT | Old material number | BISMT | BISMT |
MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | MEINS | MEINS |
BSTME | Order unit | BSTME | MEINS |
ZEINR | Document number (without document management system) | DZEINR | CHAR22 |
ZEIAR | Document type (without Document Management system) | DZEIAR | ZEIAR |
ZEIVR | Document version (without Document Management system) | DZEIVR | VERSI |
ZEIFO | Page format of document (without Document Management system) | DZEIFO | DINFO |
AESZN | Document change number (without document management system) | AESZN | AENUM |
BLATT | Page number of document (without Document Management system) | BLATT | BLATT |
BLANZ | Number of sheets (without Document Management system) | BLANZ | NUM3 |
FERTH | Production/inspection memo | FERTH | FERTH |
FORMT | Page Format of Production Memo | FORMT | DINFO |
GROES | Size/dimensions | GROES | CHAR32 |
WRKST | Basic Material | WRKST | WRKST |
NORMT | Industry Standard Description (such as ANSI or ISO) | NORMT | NORMT |
LABOR | Laboratory/design office | LABOR | LABOR |
EKWSL | Purchasing Value Key | EKWSL | EKWSL |
BRGEW | Gross weight | BRGEW | MENG13 |
NTGEW | Net weight | NTGEW | MENG13 |
GEWEI | Weight Unit | GEWEI | MEINS |
VOLUM | Volume | VOLUM | MENG13 |
VOLEH | Volume unit | VOLEH | MEINS |
BEHVO | Container requirements | BEHVO | BEHVO |
RAUBE | Storage conditions | RAUBE | RAUBE |
TEMPB | Temperature conditions indicator | TEMPB | TEMPB |
DISST | Low-level code | DISST | DISST |
TRAGR | Transportation Group | TRAGR | TRAGR |
STOFF | Hazardous material number | STOFF | STOFF |
SPART | Division | SPART | SPART |
KUNNR | Competitor | WETTB | KUNNR |
EANNR | European Article Number (EAN) - obsolete!!!!! | EANNR | CHAR13 |
WESCH | Quantity: Number of GR/GI slips to be printed | WESCH | MENG13 |
BWVOR | Procurement rule | BWVOR | BWVOR |
BWSCL | Source of Supply | BWSCL | BQSCL |
SAISO | Season Category | SAISO | SAISO |
ETIAR | Label type | ETIAR | ETIAR |
ETIFO | Label form | ETIFO | ETIFO |
ENTAR | Deactivated | DUMMYENTAR | CHAR1 |
EAN11 | International Article Number (EAN/UPC) | EAN11 | EAN11 |
NUMTP | Category of International Article Number (EAN) | NUMTP | NUMTP |
LAENG | Length | LAENG | MENG13 |
BREIT | Width | BREIT | MENG13 |
HOEHE | Height | HOEHE | MENG13 |
MEABM | Unit of Dimension for Length/Width/Height | MEABM | MEINS |
PRDHA | Product Hierarchy | PRODH_D | PRODH |
AEKLK | Stock transfer net change costing | CK_AEKLK | XFELD |
CADKZ | CAD Indicator | CADKZ | XFELD |
QMPUR | QM in procurement is active | QMPUR | XFELD |
ERGEW | Allowed packaging weight | ERGEW | MENG13 |
ERGEI | Unit of weight (allowed packaging weight) | ERGEI | MEINS |
ERVOL | Allowed packaging volume | ERVOL | MENG13 |
ERVOE | Volume unit (allowed packaging volume) | ERVOE | MEINS |
GEWTO | Excess weight tolerance for shipping unit | GEWTO | PRZ21 |
VOLTO | Excess volume tolerance limit during packing | VOLTO | PRZ21 |
VABME | Variable Purchase Order Unit Active | VABME | VABME |
KZREV | Indicator: revision level has been assigned to the material | KZREV | XFELD |
KZKFG | Configurable Material | KZKFG | XFELD |
XCHPF | Batch management requirement indicator | XCHPF | XFELD |
VHART | Shipping material type | VHIART | TRATY |
FUELG | Filling level (by volume) | FUELG | DEC3 |
STFAK | Stacking factor | STFAK | INT2 |
MAGRV | Material Group: Packaging Materials | MAGRV | MAGRV |
BEGRU | Authorization Group | BEGRU | BEGRU |
DATAB | Valid-From Date | DATAB | DATUM |
LIQDT | Deletion date | LIQDT | DATUM |
SAISJ | Season Year | SAISJ | CJAHR |
PLGTP | Price band category | PLGTP | PLGTP |
MLGUT | Empties Bill of Material | W_MITLEERG | FLAG |
EXTWG | External material group | EXTWG | EXTWG |
SATNR | Cross-Plant Configurable Material | SATNR | MATNR |
ATTYP | Material Category | ATTYP | ATTYP |
KZKUP | Indicator: Material can be co-product | KZKUPMAT | FLAG |
KZNFM | Indicator: The material has a follow-up material | KZNFM | XFELD |
PMATA | Pricing Reference Material | PMATN | MATNR |
MSTAE | Cross-Plant Material Status | MSTAE | MMSTA |
MSTAV | Cross-distribution-chain material status | MSTAV | VMSTA |
MSTDE | Date from which the cross-plant material status is valid | MSTDE | DATUM |
MSTDV | Date from which the X-distr.-chain material status is valid | MSTDV | DATUM |
TAKLV | Tax Classification of Material | TAKLV | TAXKM |
RBNRM | Report layout | RBNR | RBNR |
MHDRZ | Minimum Remaining Shelf Life | MHDRZ | DEC4 |
MHDHB | Total shelf life | MHDHB | DEC4 |
MHDLP | Storage percentage | MHDLP | DEC3 |
INHME | Content unit | INHME | MEINS |
INHAL | Net contents | INHAL | MENG13 |
VPREH | Comparison price unit | VPREH | PACK3 |
ETIAG | IS-R Labeling: material grouping (deactivated in 4.0) | ETIAG | ETIAG |
INHBR | Gross contents | INHBR | MENG13 |
CMETH | Quantity Conversion Method | OIB_CMETH | OIB_CMETH |
CUOBF | Internal object number | CUOBM | CUOBJ |
KZUMW | Indicator: Environmentally relevant | KZUMW | XFELD |
KOSCH | Product allocation determination procedure | KOSCH | KOSCH |
SPROF | Pricing profile for variants | SPROF | SPROF |
NRFHG | Material qualifies for discount in kind | NRFHG | NRFHG |
MFRPN | Manufacturer Part Number | MFRPN | CHAR40 |
MFRNR | Manufacturer number | MFRNR | LIFNR |
BMATN | Number of firm's own (internal) inventory-managed material | MPMAT | MATNR |
MPROF | Mfr part profile | MPROF | MPROF |
KZWSM | Units of measure usage | KZWSO | KZWSO |
SAITY | Categories of seasonal materials | SAITY | SAITY |
PROFL | Dangerous goods indicator profile | ADGE_PROFL | ADGD_PROFL |
IHIVI | Indicator: Highly viscous | ADGE_IHIVI | X |
ILOOS | Indicator: In bulk/liquid | ADGE_ILOOS | X |
SERLV | Level of Explicitness for Serial Number | SERLV | SERLV |
KZGVH | Shipping material is closed packaging | KZGVH | XFELD |
XGCHP | Indicator: Approved batch record required | XGCHP | XFELD |
KZEFF | Assign effectivity parameter values/ override change numbers | CC_MTEFF | XFELD |
COMPL | Material completion level | CSCP_COMP_LVL | CSCP_COMP_LVL |
IPRKZ | Period Indicator for Shelf Life Expiration Date | DATTP | DATTP |
RDMHD | Rounding rule for calculation of SLED | RDMHD | RDMHD |
PRZUS | Indicator: Product composition printed on packaging | PRZUS | XFELD |
MTPOS_MARA | General item category group | MTPOS_MARA | MTPOS |
BFLME | Generic Material with Logistical Variants | BFLME | BFLME |
MATFI | Material Is Locked | MATFI | XFELD |
CMREL | Relevant for Configuration Management | DE_CM_RELEVANCE_FLAG | DO_CM_RELEVANCE_FLAG |
BBTYP | Assortment List Type | BBTYP | BBTYP |
SLED_BBD | Expiration Date | SLED_BBD | SLED_BBD |
GTIN_VARIANT | Global Trade Item Number Variant | GTIN_VARIANT | GTIN_VARIANT |
GENNR | Material Number of the Generic Material in Prepack Materials | WSTR_SATNR_PP | MATNR |
RMATP | Reference material for materials packed in same way | PL_RMATP | MATNR |
GDS_RELEVANT | Indicator: Global Data Synchronization-Relevant | GDS_RELEVANT | XFELD |
WEORA | Acceptance At Origin | WEORA | XFELD |
WHSTC | Warehouse Storage Condition | CIFWHSTC | CHAR2 |
WHMATGR | Warehouse Material Group | CIFWHMATGR | CHAR4 |
HNDLCODE | Handling Indicator | CIFHDLCODE | CHAR4 |
HAZMAT | Relevant for Hazardous Substances | CIFHAZMAT | XFELD |
HUTYP | Handling Unit Type | CIFHUTYP | CHAR4 |
TARE_VAR | Variable Tare Weight | CIFTAREVAR | XFELD |
MAXC | Maximum Allowed Capacity of Packaging Material | CIFMAXC | DECV15_3 |
MAXC_TOL | Overcapacity Tolerance of the Handling Unit | CIFMAXCTOL | DEC2_1 |
MAXL | Maximum Packing Length of Packaging Material | CIFMAXL | CIFQUAN15 |
MAXB | Maximum Packing Width of Packaging Material | CIFMAXB | CIFQUAN15 |
MAXH | Maximum Packing Height of Packaging Material | CIFMAXH | CIFQUAN15 |
MAXDIM_UOM | Unit of Measure for Maximum Packing Length/Width/Height | CIFMAXDUOM | MEINS |
HERKL | Country of origin of the material | HERKL | LAND1 |
MFRGR | Material freight group | MFRGR | MFRGR |
QQTIME | Quarantine Period | CIFQQTIME | |
QQTIMEUOM | Time Unit for Quarantine Period | CIFQQTIMEUOM | MEINS |
QGRP | Quality Inspection Group | CIFQGRP | CIFQGRP |
SERIAL | Serial Number Profile | CIFSERIAL | CIFSERIAL |
LOGUNIT | EWM CW: Logistics Unit of Measure | CIFLOGUNIT | MEINS |
CWQREL | EWM CW: Material Is a Catch Weight Material | CIFCWQREL | XFELD |
CWQPROC | EWM CW: Catch Weight Profile for Entering CW Quantity | CIFCWQPROC | CIFCWQPROC |
CWQTOLGR | EWM-CW: Catch Weight Tolerance Group for EWM | CIFCWQTOLGR | CIFCWQTOLGR |
ADPROF | Adjustment Profile | CIFADPROF | CIFADPROF |
IPMIPPRODUCT | ID for an Intellectual Property (CRM Product) | CRM_PRODUCT_ID_IP | CRM_PRODUCT_ID |
ALLOW_PMAT_IGNO | Variant Price Allowed (for Material Master) | WPM_ALLOW_PMAT_IGNO_MAT | XFELD |
ANIMAL_ORIGIN | Indicator: Contains Non-Textile Parts of Animal Origin | WRF_ANIMAL_ORIGIN_FLAG | WRF_ANIMAL_ORIGIN_FLAG |
TEXTILE_COMP_IND | Indicator: New Textile Composition Function | WRF_TEXTL_COMP_IND | WRF_TEXTL_COMP_IND |
.INCLUDE | Material Master Data - Brazil | ||
ANP | ANP Code | J_1BANP | J_1BANP |
.INCLU--AP | Enhancement for EMARA Loading Units | ||
.INCLUDE | Include Basic Structure (2Field) for Appends | ||
/BEV1/LULDEGRP | Loading Unit Group: IS Beverage | /BEV1/LULDEGRP | /BEV1/LULDEGRP |
.INCLU--AP | Empties Management: Enhancement of EMARA | ||
/BEV1/NESTRUCCAT | Structure Category for Material Relationship | /BEV1/NESTRUC_CAT | /BEV1/NESTRUC_CAT |
.INCLU--AP | DSD Append for Tolerance Types | ||
.INCLUDE | DSD Strucure for Tolerance Types | ||
.INCLU--AP | DSD append for Counting Group | ||
.INCLUDE | DSD structure for Counting Group | ||
.INCLU--AP | Extension of Material Master for Visit Control (DSD) | ||
.INCLUDE | Extension of Material Master for Visit Control (DSD) | ||
.INCLU--AP | EMARA Append for Vehicle Space Optimization | ||
.INCLUDE | Include for Append to MARA for Vehicle Space Optimization | ||
/VSO/R_TILT_IND | Material may be Tilted (Vehicle Space Optimization) | /VSO/M_TILT_IND | /VSO/M_XFIELD |
/VSO/R_STACK_IND | Stacking not Allowed (VSO) | /VSO/M_STACK_IND | /VSO/M_XFIELD |
/VSO/R_BOT_IND | Bottom Layer (Vehicle Space Optimization) | /VSO/M_BOTTOM_IND | /VSO/M_XFIELD |
/VSO/R_STACK_NO | Stacking Factor (Vehicle Space Optimization) | /VSO/M_STACK_NO | /VSO/M_STACK_NO |
/VSO/R_PAL_IND | Load without Packaging Material (VSO) | /VSO/M_PALLET_IND | /VSO/M_XFIELD |
/VSO/R_PAL_OVR_D | Permissible Overhang (Depth) of Packaging Material (VSO) | /VSO/R_PAL_OVR_D | MENG13 |
/VSO/R_PAL_OVR_W | Permissible Overhang (Width) of Shipping Material (VSO) | /VSO/R_PAL_OVR_W | MENG13 |
/VSO/R_PAL_B_HT | Maximum Stacking Height of the Packaging Material (VSO) | /VSO/R_PAL_BIN_HGT | MENG13 |
/VSO/R_PAL_MIN_H | Minimum Stacking Height of the Packaging Material (VSO) | /VSO/R_PAL_MIN_HT | MENG13 |
/VSO/R_TOL_B_HT | Tolerance to Exceed the Max. Stacking Height (VSO) | /VSO/R_TOL_BIN_HT | MENG13 |
/VSO/R_NO_P_GVH | Number of Materials for each Closed PKM (VSO) | /VSO/M_ANZ_PER_GVH | /VSO/M_ANZ_PER_GVH |
/VSO/R_QUAN_UNIT | Unit of Measure Vehicle Space Optimization | /VSO/R_QUAN_UNIT | /VSO/R_QUAN_UNIT |
/VSO/R_KZGVH_IND | Closed Packaging Material Required (VSO) | /VSO/M_KZGVH_IND | /VSO/M_XFIELD |
.INCLU--AP | Append for EHS on EMARA | ||
.INCLUDE | EHS-INT: Enhancement Fields MARA | ||
DG_PACK_STATUS | Dangerous Goods Packaging Status | ADGE_DG_PACK_STATUS | CHAR10 |
.INCLU--AP | Extension of MARA by New DFPS Fields | ||
.INCLUDE | Extension of MARA by New DFPS Fields | ||
MCOND | Material Condition Management | DFPS_MCOND | DFPS_MCOND |
LOGLEV_RETO | Return to Logistics Level | DFPS_LOGLEV_RETO | DFPS_LOGLEV |
.INCLU--AP | PIC: Additional Fields for Parts Interchangeability | ||
.INCLUDE | PIC Additional Fields for Parts Interchangeability | ||
PICNUM | Supersession chain number | PIC_PICNUM_SUS | PIC_PICNUM |
.INCLU--AP | Creation Status - Seasonal Procurement | ||
BSTAT | Creation Status - Seasonal Procurement | WRFBSTAT | WRFBSTAT |
.INCLU--AP | MARA Extension with New Fashion Fields: Seasonal Procurement | ||
.INCLUDE | MARA Extension with New Fields: Seasonal Procurement | ||
COLOR_ATINN | Internal Charactieristic Number for Color Characteristics | WRF_COLOR_ATINN | ATINN |
SIZE1_ATINN | Internal Char. Number for Characteristics for Main Sizes | WRF_SIZE1_ATINN | ATINN |
SIZE2_ATINN | Internal Char. Number for Characteristics for Second Sizes | WRF_SIZE2_ATINN | ATINN |
COLOR | Characteristic Value for Colors of Variants | WRF_COLOR | WRF_ATWRT |
SIZE1 | Characteristic Value for Main Sizes of Variants | WRF_SIZE1 | WRF_ATWRT |
SIZE2 | Characteristic Value for Second Size for Variants | WRF_SIZE2 | WRF_ATWRT |
FREE_CHAR | Characteristic Value for Evaluation Purposes | WRF_FREE_CHAR | WRF_ATWRT |
CARE_CODE | Care Codes (such as Washing Code, Ironing Code, etc.) | WRF_CARE_CODE | WRF_CARE_CODE |
FIBER_CODE1 | Fiber Code for Textiles (Component 1) | WRF_FIBER_CODE_1 | WRF_FIBER_CODE |
FIBER_PART1 | Percentage Share of Fiber (Component 1) | WRF_FIBER_PART_1 | WRF_FIBER_PART |
FIBER_CODE2 | Fiber Code for Textiles (Component 2) | WRF_FIBER_CODE_2 | WRF_FIBER_CODE |
FIBER_PART2 | Percentage Share of Fiber (Component 2) | WRF_FIBER_PART_2 | WRF_FIBER_PART |
FIBER_CODE3 | Fiber Code for Textiles (Component 3) | WRF_FIBER_CODE_3 | WRF_FIBER_CODE |
FIBER_PART3 | Percentage Share of Fiber (Component 3) | WRF_FIBER_PART_3 | WRF_FIBER_PART |
FIBER_CODE4 | Fiber Code for Textiles (Component 4) | WRF_FIBER_CODE_4 | WRF_FIBER_CODE |
FIBER_PART4 | Percentage Share of Fiber (Component 4) | WRF_FIBER_PART_4 | WRF_FIBER_PART |
FIBER_CODE5 | Fiber Code for Textiles (Component 5) | WRF_FIBER_CODE_5 | WRF_FIBER_CODE |
FIBER_PART5 | Percentage Share of Fiber (Component 5) | WRF_FIBER_PART_5 | WRF_FIBER_PART |
.INCLU--AP | Slowseller Management: Degree of Fashion | ||
MARA related tables
Table | Note |
MARA | General Material Data |
SMOMARA | General Material Data |
MVOP | Material data material versions |
DFKKORDERASSIGN | Assignment of ORDNR for General Requests (General Object) |
L2TC_IM_SETTINGS | Exp. from Material Stock: General Settings |
A101 | SOrg/DstCh/Material-Main Item/Material Pricing Group |
A102 | SOrg/DstCh/Material Pricing Group-Main Item/Material |
A265 | Standard Dummy Customer/Document Type/Material Grp/Material |
A266 | Standard Dummy Customer/Material Group/Material Number |
CAD_PARTS | Table for Assignment of Standard Material to Material Nos |
J_1IMODDET | Modvat Determination Table (Input Material->Output Material) |
KOTG401 | GG: Listing - Material entered / Material |
KOTR012 | Receiving Material + Sending Material |
KOTR013 | Receiving Material Type + Sending Material Type |
MVGD | Material master/product group material version |
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