VSPLAF_CN is a SAP table coming under SRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of VSPLAF_CN in SAP.
- Table description : Version: Planned order
- Module : SRM-EBP
- Parent Module : SRM
- Package : CNVS
- Software Component : BBPCRM

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP VSPLAF_CN Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
.INCLUDE | Version: PS version, version-related key fields | ||
VSNMR | Number or description of a version | VSNMR | VSNMR |
PLNUM | Planned order number | PLNUM | PLNUM |
MATNR | Planning material | PLMAT | MATNR |
PLWRK | Planning Plant | PLWRK | WERKS |
PWWRK | Production plant in planned order | PWWRK | WERKS |
PAART | Order type | PAART | PAART |
BESKZ | Procurement Type | BESKZ | BESKZ |
SOBES | Special procurement type | SOBES | SOBES |
GSMNG | Total planned order quantity | GSMNG | MENG13 |
TLMNG | Partial lot quantity | TLMNG | MENG13 |
AVMNG | Fixed quantity of scrap from production | AVMNG | MENG13 |
BDMNG | Requirement Quantity | BDMNG | MENG13 |
PSTTR | Order start date in planned order | PSTTR | DATUM |
PEDTR | Order finish date in the planned order | PEDTR | DATUM |
PERTR | Planned opening date in planned order | PERTR | DATUM |
WEBAZ | Goods receipt processing time in days | PLWEZ | DEC3 |
DISPO | MRP controller | PLDSP | DISPO |
UMSKZ | Conversion indicator for planned order | PLUMS | XFELD |
AUFFX | Firming indicator for planned order data | PLAFX | XFELD |
STLFX | Fixing indicator for BOM explosion | PLSFX | XFELD |
KNTTP | Account assignment category | KNTTP | KNTTP |
KDAUF | Sales Order Number | KDAUF | VBELN |
KDPOS | Item number in Sales Order | KDPOS | NUM06 |
KDEIN | Delivery schedule for sales order | KDEIN | NUM04 |
PROJN | Old: Project number : No longer used --> PS_POSNR | PROJN | PROJN |
RSNUM | Number of reservation/dependent requirements | RSNUM | RSNUM |
QUNUM | Number of quota arrangement | QUNUM | QUNUM |
QUPOS | Quota arrangement item | QUPOS | NUM03 |
FLIEF | Fixed vendor | FLIEF | LIFNR |
KONNR | Number of principal purchase agreement | KONNR | EBELN |
KTPNR | Item number of principal purchase agreement | KTPNR | EBELP |
EKORG | Purchasing organization | EKORG | EKORG |
LGORT | Storage location | LGORT_D | LGORT |
NUMVR | Version number | NUMVR | NUMVR |
KZVBR | Consumption posting | KZVBR | KZVBR |
SOBKZ | Special Stock Indicator | SOBKZ | SOBKZ |
SERNR | BOM explosion number | SERNR | SERNR |
PALTR | Explosion date | PALTR | DATUM |
TECHS | Parameter Variant/Standard Variant | TECHS | TECHS |
STALT | Alternative BOM | STALT | ALTNR |
AENNR | Change Number | AENNR | AENNR |
ARSNR | Settlement reservation number | ARSNR | MDNUM |
ARSPS | Item number of the settlement reservation | ARSPS | RSPOS |
VERTO | Distribution key for quantity produced | SA_VERTO | SA_VERTL |
VERID | Production Version | VERID | VERID |
AUFNR | Run schedule header number | SA_AUFNR | SA_AUFNR |
TRART | Scheduling type of the planned order | TRART | CHAR1 |
PLGRP | Responsible planner group/department | VAGRP | VAGRP |
TERST | Start date for production | TERST | DATUM |
TERED | Finish date for production | TERED | DATUM |
BEDID | ID of the capacity requirements record | BEDID | BEDID |
AUFPL | Routing number of operations in the order | CO_AUFPL | AUFPL |
LINID | ID for a schedule record | SP_OPID | SP_OPID |
TRMKZ | Scheduling indicator | TRMKZ | XFELD |
TRMER | Scheduling error | TRMER | TRMER |
REDKZ | Reduction indicator for scheduling | REDKZ | REDKZ |
TRMHK | Scheduling source | TRMHK | TRMHK |
PLNNR | Key for Task List Group | PLNNR | PLNNR |
PLNAL | Group Counter | PLNAL | ALTNR |
PLNTY | Task List Type | PLNTY | PLNTY |
FRTHW | Production note in the planned order | FRTHW | FRTHW |
RGEKZ | Indicator: Backflushing for order | CO_RGEKZ | CO_RGEKZ |
MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | MEINS | MEINS |
CUOBJ | Configuration (internal object number) | CUOBJ | CUOBJ |
REVLV | Revision level | REVLV | REVLV |
ABMNG | Reduced quantity in the planned order | ABMNG | MENGE |
RATID | Index for the results of scheduling production rates | RATID | BEDID |
GROID | Index for rough scheduling results | GROID | BEDID |
RATER | Scheduling error in scheduling production rates | RATER | TRMER |
GROER | Scheduling error in rough scheduling | GROER | TRMER |
OBART | Object type | OBART | OBART |
PLSCN | Planning Scenario of Long-Term Planning | PLSCN | PLSCN |
SBNUM | Simulation requirements number | SBNUM | SBNUM |
KBNKZ | Kanban Indicator | KBNKZ | KBNKZ |
KAPFX | Indicator: capacity for planned order dispatched | KAPFX | XFELD |
SEQNR | Seq. number order | CY_SEQNR | CY_SEQNR |
PSTTI | Start Time of Planned Order | PSTTI | UZEIT |
PEDTI | End Time of Planned Order | PEDTI | UZEIT |
MONKZ | Indicator: for assembly order procedures | MONKZ | XFELD |
STSTA | BOM Statuses | STLST | STLST |
PRNKZ | Ind.: Leading order in collective order is planned ordre | PRNKZ | KREUZ |
MDPBV | Planned order: confirmation of availability | MDPBV | MDPBV |
VFMNG | Planned order: committed quantity | VFMNG | MENG13 |
MDACH | Action control: planned order processing | MDACH | MDACH |
MDACC | Action: planned order processing | MDACC | MDACC |
MDACD | Date of action: planned order | MDACD | DATUM |
MDACT | Time of action: Planned order processing | MDACT | UZEIT |
GSBTR | Total commitment date of plnd ord. after ATP check f.comps. | GSBTR_PLAF | DATUM |
PLETX | Planned order shift quantities exist | PLETX | XFELD |
PRSCH | Planned order: scheduling using production dates | MD_PRSCHED | XFELD |
LVSCH | Planned order: leading scheduling level (determines dates) | MD_LVSCHED | SCHED_TYPE |
KZAVC | Indicator for type of availability check | KZAVC | KZAVC |
VRPLA | Indicator: planning without final assembly | VRPLA | XFELD |
PBDNR | Requirements Plan Number | PBDNR | CHAR10 |
AGREQ | Requirements totaling | AGREQ | AGREQ |
UMREZ | Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure | UMREZ | UMBSZ |
UMREN | Denominator for conversion to base units of measure | UMREN | UMBSN |
ERFMG | Quantity in unit of entry | ERFMG | MENG13 |
ERFME | Unit of entry | ERFME | MEINS |
RQNUM | Requirements record number | RQNUM | RQNUM |
KZBWS | Valuation of Special Stock | KZBWS | KZBWS |
WEMNG | Quantity of goods received | WEMNG | MENG13 |
WAMNG | Issued quantity | WAMNG | MENG13 |
EDGNO | Internal number for edge of object dependencies tree | EDGNO | EDGNO |
LBLKZ | Subcontracting vendor | LBLKZ | XFELD |
EMLIF | Vendor to be supplied/who is to receive delivery | EMLIF | LIFNR |
UBERI | Issuing MRP area when transferring stock | UBERI | BERID |
EMATN | Material number corresponding to manufacturer part number | EMATN | MATNR |
REMFL | Repetitive Manufacturing indicator | REMFL | REMFL |
PSTMP | Last Change to Planned Order: Time Stamp | PSTMP | TZNTSTMPS |
PUSER | Last Change to Planned Order: User | PUSER | UNAME |
BADI | Object change via active Business Add-In | MD_BADI | MD_BADI |
STAEX | Status information on BOM explosion in planned order | MD_STAEX | MD_STAEX |
RESLO | Issuing Storage Location for Stock Transport Order | RESLO | LGORT |
MEDKZ | Indicator for Distributed Planned Order | MEDKZ | MEDKZ |
CNFQTY | Total Confirmed Qty Planned Order (Repetitive Manufacturing) | MD_MES_CNF_QTY | MENG13 |
.INCLUDE | |||
.INCLU--AP | SRM/ERP Integration: Central Contract | ||
VSPLAF_CN related tables
Table | Note |
T460C | Order/Purchase order types for planned order |
T460D | Order/Purchase order types for planned order |
VSPLAF_CN | Version: Planned order |
KDPL | Index customer order -> planned order |
T457P | Text Table for Order Types in the Planned Order |
/SAPPCE/TPNV05 | Planned Revenues/Costs: Determination of CO Version |
BKKPOHD_TMP | Planned Payment Order, Header Data |
BKKPOHD_TMP_DEL | Planned Payment Order, Header Data |
BKKPOIT_TMP | Items in Planned Payment Order |
BKKPOIT_TMP_DEL | Items in Planned Payment Order |
BKKPONT_TMP | Planned Payment Order, Payment Details |
BKKPONT_TMP_DEL | Planned Payment Order, Payment Details |
BLPR | Document Log Index and Planned Order (Backflush) |
COWB205PAR | Parameter for Flag for Planned-Order Firming |
COWB215PAR | Parameter for Flag for Deletion of Planned Order |
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