TZPA is a SAP table coming under TR module and SAP_APPL component.View details, Fields & related tables of TZPA in SAP.
- Table description : Financial Assets Management Product Types
- Module : TR
- Parent Module : TR
- Package : FVVW_CORE
- Software Component : SAP_APPL

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP TZPA Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
GSART | Product Type | VVSART | VVSART |
RANTYP | Contract Type | RANTYP | RANTYP |
SANLF | Product Category | SANLF | VVSANLF |
SKOGRP | Condition Group | SKOGRP | SKOGRP |
SFDLEV | Not used | OVERW2 | CHAR2 |
APLAN | Cash management update period in years | VVAPLAN | NUM02 |
SAKTPAS | Indicator: Asset/Liability Transaction | VVSAKTPAS | VVSAKTPAS |
AUSWA | Financial Assets Management field selection string | VVFEAUS | TEXT100 |
NUMKR | Number range | NUMKR | CHAR2 |
JREFER | Reference data indicator | JREFER | JANEI |
JEINBEHALT | Indicator for withholding of amount during disbursement | VVJEINBE | KENZX |
SEFFMETH | Effective Interest Method (Financial Mathematics) | SEFFMETH | SEFFMETH |
SZBMETH | Interest Calculation Method | SZBMETH | SZBMETH |
SDISEIN | Type of Discount Withholding | SDISEIN | SDISEIN |
PDISLIMIT | Discount limit accrued | PDISLIMIT | DEC3_7 |
SSOLIST | Calculation using actual principle (or debit) | SSOLIST | CHAR1 |
VVRANLWI1 | No. of the secondary index description for class data | VVRANLWI | VVRANLWI |
VVRANLWI2 | No. of the secondary index description for class data | VVRANLWI | VVRANLWI |
SZPA | Interest per disbursement | SZPA | VVZPA |
SORDER | Borrower's note via order management | VVSORDER | XFELD |
SREVAL | Determine price gain taking account of accruals/deferrals | VVSREVAL | XFELD |
DSART | Planning type | DSART | DSART |
SASGNCOMP | Assign product type to TR-TM component | VVSASSIGNCOMP | XFELD |
SREVALEXCL | Price gains w/o proportionate gains from deferral write-back | VVSREVALEXCL | XFELD |
SCOLLATER | Collateral active | SCOLLATERAL | XFELD |
SUSEREXIT | User exit 14 active | SUSEREXIT | XFELD |
DRAWNART | Product Type of the Drawn Bond | DRAWN_PRODUCTTYPE | VVSART |
DRAWNTEXT | Additional Text for the Class of Drawn Positions | DRAWNTEXT | TEXT10 |
.INCLU--AP | Additional Functions of the Product Type | ||
SPRODUCT | Check Against Underlying Product | SPRODUCT | T_FVD_PRODUCT |
SFASTENTRY | Creation Only Permitted Via Process Consumer Loan" | SFASTENTRY | XFELD |
SLIVEINS | Credit Life Insurance Active | SLIVEINS | XFELD |
SDISBURSE | Disbursement Permitted Only Via Loan | SDISBURSE | XFELD |
SARREARCAP | Capitalization of Overdue Items Active | SARREARCAP | X |
SNOTICE | Payoff for Consumer Loans Active | SNOTICE | XFELD |
SNOTICE_LENDER | Notice for Consumer Loans Active | SNOTICE_LENDER | XFELD |
SBODISBACTIVE | Business Operation Disbursement Active | SBODISBACTIVE | XFELD |
SAUTOPAYPP | Automatic Payment Postprocessing Active | SAUTOPAYPP | XFELD |
SEXTDUNING | Extended Dunning Active | SEXTDUNNING | XFELD |
SRELEASE | Start Release Only if Product Breached | SRELEASE | XFELD |
SESCROW | Escrow Active | SESCROW | XFELD |
SINSURANCE | Indicator: Insurance Active for Product Type | SUSINSURANCE | XFELD |
SNO_CONDITIONS | Indicator Do Not Create Conditions for This Product Type | SNO_CONDITIONS | XFELD |
CMS | Link to CMS Relevant for Transaction Type | TB_GSART_CMS | FLAG |
.INCLU--AP | Fields in Limit Management | ||
SLPG | Limit Product Group | TB_SLPG | T_SLPG |
TZPA related tables
Table | Note |
TZPA | Financial Assets Management Product Types |
TZPAB | Financial Assets Management product types |
TZPAT | Financial Assets Management product type texts |
TDINTEB | Internal Level of Financial Assets Management |
TDINTEBT | Name for Internal Level of Financial Assets Management |
TZBK | Financial Assets Management valuation areas |
TZC37 | Financial Assets Management status definition |
TZPLP | Financial Assets Management Plausibility Checks |
VZWDVL | Buffer for sends within Financial Assets Management |
T036V | Allocation of planning levels for Financial Assets Mgmt |
BAD_FINPROD_I | BAD - Item data: financial product |
CRMC_FINP_OP_NCP | Financial Product Data: Fields Not to Be Copied |
JBDSCPRODEXT | Financial Object Integration: Selection Criteria BCA Product |
/RPM/FIN_VIEWMAP | Financial view types for the portfolio types |
AFWGO_FO_REWORK | Management of Financial Objects to be Postprocessed Per EP1 |
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