TWVMOQ Table in SAP | Info System Access Parameters for Qty Sold and Forecast Data Table & Fields List

TWVMOQ is a SAP table coming under MM module and SAP_APPL component.View details, Fields & related tables of TWVMOQ in SAP.

  • Table description : Info System Access Parameters for Qty Sold and Forecast Data
  • Module : MM-CBP
  • Parent Module : MM
  • Package : WVMI
  • Software Component : SAP_APPL
TWVMOQ table in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP TWVMOQ Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
PAPRFProfile for transferring material data via IDoc PROACTWVMI_PAPRFWVMI_PAPRF
QUALFQualifier for quantity information in IDoc PROACTWVMI_QUALFWVMI_QUALF
MCINFName of information structureMCINFMCINF
VRSIOVersion number in the information structureWVMI_VRSIOVRSIO
FDPLTField anme for indentifying plant in info structureWVMI_FDPLTFDNAME
FDMATField name for identifying material in info structureWVMI_FDMATFDNAME
FDQUAField name for identifying quantity in info structureWVMI_FDQUTFDNAME
FDCHKField name for indentifying comparison quantityWVMI_FDCHCFDNAME

TWVMOQ related tables

TWVMOQInfo System Access Parameters for Qty Sold and Forecast Data
T258MAssignment: SD qty. fields -> CO-PA qty. fields
T156SYMvt Type: Qty/Value Update: System Table; Rel. 4.6A
TNPROC_MAT_RELAssignment of Single-Qty PrCd. to Material and Summary PrCd.
A313SD Doc./Item/Personnel/Sold-to pt/
A386Sales Org./Dist.Chl./Division/Sold-To Pty
CCRCT_SOEHS: Confirmed Sold Quantities
CCRCT_SOLOEHS: Reference to Confirmed Sold Quantities (CCRCT_SO)
CCRCT_SOPLEHS: Planned Sold Quantities
CHBSINTCRE-SCM - "sold to interal party" for canceled sales!
OID_WEAGLast Order Ship-to/Sold-to
OIUPR_SKFW_STWell Count SKF Plug, Sold, Abandoned ST - TBLGR025
T661WDetermination of Sold-to Party for EDI DlvSched/JIT
/IMO/CFS_PARAMSParameters for Product Cost Forecast and Simulation (CFS)
DICS_T156SCMvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6A
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