T434K Table in SAP | Stock determination: Header table Table & Fields List

T434K is a SAP table coming under LO module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of T434K in SAP.

  • Table description : Stock determination: Header table
  • Module : LO-MD
  • Parent Module : LO
  • Package : MDBC
  • Software Component : BBPCRM
T434K table in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP T434K Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
EPRIOStock determination groupBF_GROUPBF_GROUP
RULESStock determination ruleBF_RULESBF_RULES
RAVALStock determination: price ranking orderBF_RAVALBF_RANK
RAQUAStock determination: quantity ranking orderBF_RAQUABF_RANK
RAPOSStock determination: Priority ind. ranking in item tableBF_RAPOSBF_RANK
SOVALStock determination: sort by priceBF_SOVALBF_SORT
SOQUAStock determination: sort by quantityBF_SOQUABF_SORT
SOPOSStock determ.: sort by priority key figure from item tableBF_SOPOSBF_SORT
WMHDLStock determination: WM processingBF_WMHDLBF_WMHDL
BFMVSStock determination: Quantity distribution ruleBF_MVSNUM3
BFSPLStock Determination: Split CriterionBF_SPLNUM3
DIALGStock determination: Online controlBF_DIALGXFELD
USERXStock determination: user exit for item tableBF_USERXXFELD
PIPELStock determination: Pipeline withdrawalBF_PIPELXFELD

T434K related tables

DIT434KDI-IS Stock determination PM/CS: Header table
DIT434LTexts for stock determination - header table
T434KStock determination: Header table
T434LTexts for stock determination - header table
DICS_T157BDescr. of Qty Fields (Plant Stock Avail., Stock Display)
OIB_T156_FIELDSMaterial-stock field relation with stock type and SOBKZ
T157BDescr. of Qty Fields (Plant Stock Avail., Stock Display)
UPARA_STOCKSAssign Actual Stock to Planned Stock
/LIME/STOCK_I011LIME - Stock Key Sales Order Stock (R/3)
/LIME/STOCK_I012LIME - Stock Key Sales Order Stock, Batch (R/3)
/LIME/STOCK_I021LIME - Stock Key Project Stock (R/3)
/LIME/STOCK_I022LIME - Stock Key Project Stock, Batch (R/3)
/MRSS/C_MAT_RSMRS Material Availability: Resource Stock / Van Stock
DIT434PStock determination: FS item table
FIP_C_STQTY_DETCustomizing table for stock quantity determination
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