T163G Table in SAP | Confirmation Control Table & Fields List

T163G is a SAP table coming under SRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of T163G in SAP.

  • Table description : Confirmation Control
  • Module : SRM-EBP
  • Parent Module : SRM
  • Package : ME
  • Software Component : BBPCRM
T163G table in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP T163G Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
BSTAEConfirmation Control KeyBSTAEBSTAE
BLFDNSequence of Vendor ConfirmationsBLFDNNUM01
EBTYPConfirmation CategoryEBTYPEBTYP
WDVORMonitoring Period for ConfirmationWDVORNUM02
WDDATReference Date for Vendor Confirmation Monitoring PeriodWDDATWDDAT
EBTZTVendor confirmation processing timeEBTZTNUM02
TLERLTolerance for Too-Early Confirmation Dates via EDI/SOATLERLNUM03
TLELTTolerance for Too-Late Confirmation Dates via EDI/SOATLELTNUM03
TLWRLTolerance for too early acknowl. dates via EDI (warning)TLWRLNUM03
TLWLTTolerance for too late acknowl. dates via EDI (warning)TLWLTNUM03
MARELConfirmation Subject to Reminder/ExpeditingMARELXFELD
KZDISIndicator: Confirmation is Relevant to Materials PlanningKZDISXFELD
WERELIndicator: Confirmation is GR-RelevantWERELXFELD
WEZUOIndicator: GR with Reference to Vendor ConfirmationWEZUOXFELD
VMCHGAdopt Vendor Material Change (Inbound EDI Only)VMCHGPRCHG
PRCHGAdopt Price Change (Inbound EDI/SOA)PRCHGPRCHG
PRTLHPermitted Price Overrun in % (Inbound EDI/SOA)PRTLHPRZ22
PRTLLPermitted Price Shortfall in % (Inbound EDI/SOA)PRTLLPRZ22

T163G related tables

CDBC_SRVCONF_IControl Parameters for confirmation Items
CRMC_SRVCONF_ITrans. Item Type - Service Confirmation - Control Parameter
P01D3_DSAPDEUEV Confirmation: Control Record for Notifications
T163GConfirmation Control
T163LConfirmation Control Keys
T163LVDetermination of Confirmation Control Key
T163MConfirmation Control Keys: Description
TCORWConfirmation: Window Control
TPARUControl parallelized confirmation processes
TPRRUControl table for process chain for confirmation
TPRRUTText table for process control of confirmation
TRUSControl table for collective confirmation
/SAPSRM/SH_CONFCTable for ERP Search Help Confirmation Control
AFRDDefault values for collective confirmation
AFRHHeader information for confirmation pool
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