NPAT is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of NPAT in SAP.
- Table description : IS-H: Patient Master Data (General)
- Module : CRM
- Parent Module : CRM
- Package : NPVS
- Software Component : BBPCRM
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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP NPAT Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
PATNR | IS-H: Patient Number | PATNR | PATNR |
EINRI | IS-H: Institution | EINRI | EINRI |
GSCHL | IS-H: Sex Indicator - Internal | GSCHL | GSCHL |
NNAME | IS-H: Patient Last Name | NNAME_PAT | TEXT30 |
NNAMS | IS-H: Standardized Last Name | NNAMES_PAT | CHAR30 |
VNAME | IS-H: Patient First Name | VNAME_PAT | TEXT30 |
VNAMS | Standardized First Name | VNAMES_PAT | CHAR30 |
NAMZU | IS-H: Name Affix | RI_NAMZU | TITEL |
VORSW | IS-H: Name Prefix | RI_VORSW | TITEL |
NAME2 | Pseudonym, Order Name | NAME2_PAT | TEXT30 |
GBDAT | IS-H: Birthdate | RI_GBDAT | RI_DATUM |
GBNAM | IS-H: Birthname | GBNAM | TEXT30 |
GBNAS | IS-H: Standardized Birthname | GBNAMS_PAT | CHAR30 |
GLAND | IS-H: Country of Birth | GLAND | LAND1 |
TODKZ | IS-H: Patient Is Deceased | PAT_TOD | XFELD |
TODDT | IS-H: Date of Death From | TODDV | RI_DATUM |
TODZT | Time of Death From | TODZV | UHRZT |
TODDB | Date of Death To | TODDB | RI_DATUM |
TODZB | IS-H: Time of Death To | TODZB | UHRZT |
TODUR | IS-H: Cause of Death | TODUR | TODUR |
ANRED | IS-H: Form-of-Address Key | RI_ANRDS | RI_ANRDS |
FAMST | IS-H: Marital Status | RI_FAMST | RI_FAMST |
KONFE | IS-H: Religion | RI_KONFE | RI_KONFE |
NATIO | IS-H: Nationality | RI_NATIO | LAND1 |
SPRAS | Patient Language | SPRAS_PAT | SPRAS |
LAND | IS-H: Country of patient's place of residence | LAND_PAT | LAND1 |
PSTLZ | IS-H: Patient Postal Code | PSTLZ_PAT | PSTLZ |
ORT | IS-H: City where Patient Resides | ORT01_PAT | TEXT25 |
ORT2 | Patient District | ORT02_PAT | TEXT25 |
STRAS | IS-H: Street and House Number of Patient | STRAS_PAT | STRAS |
BLAND | IS-H: Region (Federal State, Province, County) | ISH_REGION | REGIO |
TELF1 | IS-H: Patient Telephone Number | TELF_PAT | TEXT16 |
SPEND | IS-H: Organ Donor Indicator | SPENKZ | XFELD |
SPENT | Explanation for Donor Indicator | SPENTEXT | TEXT50 |
SPELT | Indicator that Long Text Exists | RI_LGTXT | XFELD |
VIPKZ | IS-H: VIP Indicator | VIPKZ | XFELD |
ARCHV | IS-H: Archived Data Indicator | ARCHIV | XFELD |
STATU | Patient Status | PAT_STATUS | PAT_STATUS |
EXTNR | IS-H: External Patient Identification | EXT_PATNR | EXT_PATNR |
NOTAN | IS-H: Emergency Admission Indicator | NOTAUF | XFELD |
KRZAN | IS-H: Quick Admission Indicator | KURZAUF | XFELD |
RFPAT | Reference to Patient Number in Merging | RFPAT | PATNR |
RFZIF | IS-H: Check Digit for Patient | PZIFF_PAT | PZIFF |
BERUF | IS-H: Patient Occupation | BERUF | TEXT25 |
AGNUM | IS-H: Patient's Employer | AGNUM_PAT | RI_KUNNR |
AGNAM | IS-H: Employer Name | AGNAM | TEXT30 |
AGLAN | IS-H: Employer Country | AGLAN | LAND1 |
AGPLZ | IS-H: Employer Postal Code | AGPLZ | PSTLZ |
AGORT | IS-H: Employer City | AGORT | TEXT25 |
AGSTR | IS-H: Employer Street | AGSTR | STRAS |
AGTEL | IS-H: Employer Telephone Number | AGTEL | TEXT16 |
RVNUM | IS-H: Social Insurance Number | ISH_RVNUM | ISH_SVNUM |
ANNA1 | IS-H: Last Name of Person to Be Contacted | NNAME_ANG | TEXT30 |
ANVN1 | IS-H: First Name of Person to Be Contacted | VNAME_ANG | TEXT30 |
ANLA1 | Country of the Person to Be Contacted | LAND_ANG | LAND1 |
ANPL1 | IS-H: Postal Code | PSTLZ_ANG | PSTLZ |
ANOR1 | IS-H: City where Person to Be Contacted Resides | ORT01_ANG | TEXT25 |
ANST1 | IS-H: Street and House Number of Person to Be Contacted | STRAS_ANG | STRAS |
ANTE1 | IS-H: Telephone Number of Person to Be Contacted | TELF_ANG | TEXT16 |
ANVV1 | IS-H: Relationship | VERWVH | VERWVH |
VMKZ1 | IS-H: Legal Representative | VORMUND | XFELD |
ANNA2 | IS-H: Last Name of Person to Be Contacted | NNAME_ANG | TEXT30 |
ANVN2 | IS-H: First Name of Person to Be Contacted | VNAME_ANG | TEXT30 |
ANLA2 | Country of the Person to Be Contacted | LAND_ANG | LAND1 |
ANPL2 | IS-H: Postal Code | PSTLZ_ANG | PSTLZ |
ANOR2 | IS-H: City where Person to Be Contacted Resides | ORT01_ANG | TEXT25 |
ANST2 | IS-H: Street and House Number of Person to Be Contacted | STRAS_ANG | STRAS |
ANTE2 | IS-H: Telephone Number of Person to Be Contacted | TELF_ANG | TEXT16 |
ANVV2 | IS-H: Relationship | VERWVH | VERWVH |
VMKZ2 | IS-H: Legal Representative | VORMUND | XFELD |
KZTXT | IS-H: Comment on Patient | TEXT_PAT | TEXT50 |
LGTXT | Indicator that Long Text Exists | RI_LGTXT | XFELD |
BEGDT | IS-H: Valid-From Date of Record | RI_BEGDT | RI_DATUM |
ENDDT | IS-H: Valid-To Date of Record | RI_ENDDT | RI_DATUM |
HISTK | Indicator that History Records Are Available | RI_HISTK | XFELD |
RISKF | IS-H: Risk Information Exists for the Patient | ISH_RISIKO | XFELD |
TESTP | Test Patient Status | TESTP | XFELD |
PZIFF | IS-H: Check Digit for Patient | PZIFF_PAT | PZIFF |
ERDAT | IS-H: Date when Record Created | RI_ERDAT | RI_DATUM |
ERUSR | IS-H: Name of Employee who Created Record | RI_ERNAM | USNAM |
UPDAT | IS-H: Date of Last Change | RI_UPDAT | RI_DATUM |
UPUSR | IS-H: Name of Person who Last Changed Data | RI_UPNAM | USNAM |
STORN | IS-H: Cancellation Indicator | RI_STORN | XFELD |
STUSR | IS-H: Name of User who Canceled Data Record | STORN_USER | USNAM |
STDAT | Date of Cancellation | STORN_DAT | RI_DATUM |
GBORT | IS-H: Patient Birthplace | ISH_GBORT | TEXT25 |
HARNR | IS-H: Personnel Number of Family Physician | HARNR | RI_KUNNR |
EARNR | IS-H: Personnel Number of Referring Physician | EARNR | RI_KUNNR |
UARNR | IS-H: Personnel Number of Referring Physician | UARNR | RI_KUNNR |
RESID | IS-H: Indicator that Patient is Non-Resident | ISH_RESID | XFELD |
PASSTY | Type of Identification Document | ISH_PASSTY | ISH_PASSTY |
PASSNR | IS-H: Identification Document Number | ISH_PASSNR | ISH_PASSNR |
ADRNR | IS-H: Address Number | ISH_ADRNR | ISH_ADRNR |
ADROB | IS-H: Address Object | ISH_ADROBJ | ISH_ADROBJ |
ADNAG | IS-H: Address Number | ISH_ADRNR | ISH_ADRNR |
ADOAG | IS-H: Address Object | ISH_ADROBJ | ISH_ADROBJ |
ADNN1 | IS-H: Address Number | ISH_ADRNR | ISH_ADRNR |
ADON1 | IS-H: Address Object | ISH_ADROBJ | ISH_ADROBJ |
ADNN2 | IS-H: Address Number | ISH_ADRNR | ISH_ADRNR |
ADON2 | IS-H: Address Object | ISH_ADROBJ | ISH_ADROBJ |
ANEX1 | IS-H: External Identification of Next of Kin/Assoc. Party | EXTNR_ANG | EXT_PATNR |
ANEX2 | IS-H: External Identification of Next of Kin/Assoc. Party | EXTNR_ANG | EXT_PATNR |
ADRN2 | IS-H: Address Number | ISH_ADRNR | ISH_ADRNR |
ADRO2 | IS-H: Address Object | ISH_ADROBJ | ISH_ADROBJ |
INACT | 'Inactive' Indicator | ISH_INACTIVE | XFELD |
USER1 | IS-H: User-Defined Field 1 | ISH_PATUSER1 | ISH_PATUSER1 |
USER2 | IS-H: User-Defined Field 2 | ISH_PATUSER2 | ISH_PATUSER2 |
USER3 | IS-H: User-Defined Field 3 | ISH_PATUSER3 | ISH_PATUSER3 |
USER4 | IS-H: User-Defined Field 4 | ISH_PATUSER4 | ISH_PATUSER4 |
USER5 | IS-H: User-Defined Field 5 | ISH_PATUSER5 | ISH_PATUSER5 |
USER6 | IS-H: User-Defined Field 6 | ISH_PATUSER6 | ISH_PATUSER6 |
EXTAUFG | IS-H: Kennzeichen externer Auftraggeber | EXTAUFG | XFELD |
EXTAUFGA | IS-H: EA Externe Auftraggeberart | EXTAUFGA | EXTAUFGA |
EMPSC | IS-H: Employed Since | ISH_EMPDAT | RI_DATUM |
UNKNOWN_GBDAT | Geburtsdatum nicht genau bekannt | ISH_UNKNOWN_GBDAT | ISH_UNKNOWN_GBDAT |
INSID | DE: Eindeutige Versichertennummer (EGK) | ISH_VERS_NR |
NPAT related tables
Table | Note |
NPAT | IS-H: Patient Master Data (General) |
NPAE | IS-H: Patient master data (institution-related) |
NPAP | IS-H: Provisional Patient Master Data |
N1PATM | IS-H*MED: Medical Patient Master Record |
CRMM_ISH_CASE | Patient Data for Business Partner |
CRMM_ISH_PAT | Patient Data for Business Partner |
ISH_PATIENTA | Healthcare BP: Patient Data |
N1MED | OBSOLETE: Patient-Related Medication Data for a Prescription |
N1RISMIS | IS-H*MED: Data transfer error (case - patient) |
NEHC_PAT | IS-H: Health Insurance Card (Patient Data) |
CRM_ISH_SER | Patient Service Information |
CRM_ISH_SERH | Patient Service Information |
CRM_ISH_SER_GR | Patient Service Group |
CRM_ISH_SER_GRH | Patient Service Group |
N1FPV | IS-H*MED: Patient Transport Service - Available Transporters |
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