NORG is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of NORG in SAP.
- Table description : IS-H: Organizational Units
- Module : CRM
- Parent Module : CRM
- Package : NBAS
- Software Component : BBPCRM

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP NORG Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
ORGID | IS-H: Organizational Unit Identification Key | ORGID | ORGID |
ORGTY | IS-H: Category of Organizational Unit | ORGTYP | ORGTYP |
ORGNA | IS-H: Organizational Unit Name | ORGNA | TEXT30 |
ORGZU | IS-H: Additional Name of Organizational Unit | ORGZU | TEXT30 |
ORGKB | IS-H: Organizational Unit Short Text | ORGKB | TEXT12 |
OKURZ | IS-H: Identifier of Organizational Unit in the Application | OEKURZ | ORGKZ |
EINRI | IS-H: Institution | EINRI | EINRI |
ARCHV | IS-H: Archived Data Indicator | ARCHIV | XFELD |
LAND | Country Key | LAND1 | LAND1 |
PSTLZ | IS-H: Postal Code | RI_PLZ | PSTLZ |
ORT | City | ORT01 | TEXT25 |
STRAS | IS-H: Street and Street Number of Organizational Unit | STRAS_ORG | TEXT30 |
TELNR | IS-H: Telephone Number of Organizational Unit | TELF_ORG | TEXT16 |
TELFX | Fax Number of Organizational Unit | TELFX_ORG | TEXT31 |
TELTX | IS-H: Teletex number of organizational unit | TELTX_ORG | TEXT30 |
KZTXT | IS-H: Comment on Organizational Unit | TEXT_ORG | TEXT50 |
LGTXT | Indicator that Long Text Exists | RI_LGTXT | XFELD |
FACHR | IS-H: Specialty acc. to Federal Reg. for Hospitals (Germany) | FACHRTY1 | ISH_FACHR |
FACHR2 | IS-H: Specialty acc. to German Statistical Regulatory Req. | FACHRTY2 | ISH_FACHR |
FACHR3 | IS-H: Specialty according to Nursing Staff Regulation | FACHRTY3 | ISH_FACHR |
SPERR | Blocking Indicator | RI_SPERR | XFELD |
BEGDT | IS-H: Valid-From Date of Record | RI_BEGDT | RI_DATUM |
ENDDT | IS-H: Valid-To Date of Record | RI_ENDDT | RI_DATUM |
BELEG | IS-H: OU May Assign Patients to Beds on OU of Other Dept | RI_BELKZ | XFELD |
FREIG | IS-H: Release Indicator | FREIG | XFELD |
FAZUW | Indicator that Departmental Assignment Is Allowed | FAZUW | XFELD |
PFZUW | IS-H: Nursing Assignment is Allowed | ISH_PFZUW | XFELD |
AUFKZ | IS-H: Admitting Facility Indicator | ORGAUF | XFELD |
INTKZ | IS-H: OU Can Be Assigned Patients From Other Department | RI_INTKZ | XFELD |
INTEN | IS-H: Intensive Care Indicator of Organizational Unit | ISH_INTENS | XFELD |
AMBES | IS-H: Outpatient Visit Allowed | AMBES | XFELD |
ORGDS | IS-H: Data Protection Applies to OU | ORGDS | XFELD |
PPRKZ | IS-H: OU Excluded from Nursing Acuity Classification | ISH_PPRKZ | XFELD |
LOEKZ | Deletion Flag/Indicator | RI_LOEKZ | XFELD |
LOUSR | IS-H: User who Deleted Record | RI_LOUSR | USNAM |
LODAT | IS-H: Date of Deletion | RI_LODAT | RI_DATUM |
ERDAT | IS-H: Date when Record Created | RI_ERDAT | RI_DATUM |
ERUSR | IS-H: Name of Employee who Created Record | RI_ERNAM | USNAM |
UPDAT | IS-H: Date of Last Change | RI_UPDAT | RI_DATUM |
UPUSR | IS-H: Name of Person who Last Changed Data | RI_UPNAM | USNAM |
ARCOE | IS-H: Organizational Unit is Medical Record Archive | ISH_ARCORG | XFELD |
SPVON | IS-H: Blocking Date from (Entry Block) | ISH_SPERRV | RI_DATUM |
SPBIS | IS-H: Blocking Date To (Entry Block To) | ISH_SPERRB | RI_DATUM |
FACHR9 | IS-H: Specialty - User-Definable | FACHRTY9 | ISH_FACHR |
PAEDKZ | IS-H: Indicator for Pediatrics | ISH_PAED | ISH_XFELD |
ABRKZ | IS-H: Indicator whether OU is Authorized to Bill Indepndtly | ABR_ORGID | XFELD |
KSTKZ | IS-H: Allocation Indicator Cost Center | ISH_KSTKZ | XFELD |
N1ANFGP | Locked for Request | N1ANFGP | XFELD |
N1ANFKZ | Can be Requested Indicator | N1ANFKZ | XFELD |
N1DIKZ | Scheduling Indicator | N1DIKZ | XFELD |
N1ERBRKZ | Performability Indicator | N1ERBRKZ | XFELD |
N1AUFANZ | Number of Standard Calls | N1AUFANZ | INT1 |
N1AUFZR | Call Period | N1AUFZR | INT3 |
N1CODEKZ | Encoding Requirement Indicator | N1CODEKZ | XFELD |
N1EXANKZ | External Requestability Indicator | N1EXANKZ | XFELD |
N1KABKZ | Changing Room Assignment Indicator | N1KABKZ | XFELD |
N1LEZWKZ | Registration Dept. Indicator Obligatory | N1LEZWKZ | XFELD |
N1LSTTYP | Service Facility Categories | N1LST_TYP | N1LST_TYP |
N1TERVKZ | Appointment Allocation Indicator | N1TERVKZ | XFELD |
TALST | IS-H: Service in Service Catalog | TARLS | TARLS |
FACHR1 | IS-H: Specialty According to Fed. Reg. Hosp. 1995 (Germany) | FACHRTY0 | ISH_FACHR |
FACHR4 | IS-H: Specialty according to Krazaf (Austria) | FACHRTY4 | ISH_FACHR |
FACHR5 | IS-H: Physician Specialty | FACHRTY5 | ISH_FACHR |
FACHRA | IS-H: Specialty - User-Definable | FACHRTY9 | ISH_FACHR |
FACHRB | IS-H: Specialty - User-Definable | FACHRTY9 | ISH_FACHR |
FACHRC | IS-H: Specialty - User-Definable | FACHRTY9 | ISH_FACHR |
FACHR6 | IS-H: Specialty according to POLIS (Netherlands) | FACHRTY6 | ISH_FACHR |
CALEN | IS-H: Calendar of an Organizational Unit | ISH_ORGCAL | WFCID |
ADRNR | IS-H: Address Number | ISH_ADRNR | ISH_ADRNR |
ADROB | IS-H: Address Object | ISH_ADROBJ | ISH_ADROBJ |
FACHR7 | IS-H: Specialty for Organizational Unit | FACHRTY7 | ISH_FACHR |
SLWRK | IS-H MM: Plant of Care Unit Storage Facility for Org. Unit | ISH_MOEWERKS | WERKS |
SLLGO | IS-H MM: Plant of Care Unit Storage Facility for Org. Unit | ISH_MOELGORT | LGORT |
EANNR | IS-H: International Article Number (EAN) | ISH_EANNR | CHAR013 |
BELAB | IS-H: External Physician Department | ISH_EXTDPT | XFELD |
FACHRD | IS-H: Specialty Acc. to KHStatV for Special Institutions | FACHRTYD | ISH_FACHR |
NORG related tables
Table | Note |
BBPORGF4 | F4 for User Assignment - Organizational Units for BBP |
BBPORGUSR | Assignment Users / Organizational Units for BBP |
BBP_OBJ_MERGED | Organizational Units with Merged Accruals |
CKMLRUNPLANT | Organizational units in a material ledger costing run |
CNVFIELDREF | Assignment of fields to organizational units |
CNVFIELDREFPARS | Assignment of fields to organizational units |
COMS_PR_ORG_KEYS | Key Fields of Organizational Units |
CRMC_LEAS_VAL_OC | Assignment of Validation Classes to Organizational Units |
DF12L | Organizational Units |
GLFLEX00 | General ledger: Organizational units |
IHC_DB_ORG | IHC AMS Organizational Units |
JSTGEOORG | IS-M/SD: Assignment of Geographical to Organizational Units |
N1ABLH | ISHMED: Process-organizational hierarchy of the organ. units |
NORG | IS-H: Organizational Units |
PPF_TST_ORG | Organizational Units for Test Application |
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