NBEW is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of NBEW in SAP.
- Table description : IS-H: Movements for Case
- Module : CRM
- Parent Module : CRM
- Package : NPVS
- Software Component : BBPCRM

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP NBEW Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
EINRI | IS-H: Institution | EINRI | EINRI |
FALNR | IS-H: Case Number | FALNR | FALNR |
LFDNR | IS-H: Sequence Number of Movement | LFDBEW | LFDBEW |
BEWTY | IS-H: Movement Category | BEWTY | BEWTY |
BWART | IS-H: Movement Type | RI_BWART | RI_BWART |
BWIDT | IS-H: Date of Movement | BWIDT | RI_DATUM |
BWIZT | IS-H: Time of Movement | BWIZT | UHRZT |
PLANB | IS-H: Planned Indicator for Date of Movement | PLANB | ISH_PLAN |
STATU | IS-H: Internal Status of Outpatient Visit | ISH_ABSTIN | ISH_ABSTIN |
BWPDT | IS-H: Planned Date of Movement | BWPDT | RI_DATUM |
BWPZT | IS-H: Planned Time of Movement | BWPZT | UHRZT |
BWEDT | IS-H: Movement End Date, Start Date of Subsequent Movement | BWEDT | RI_DATUM |
BWEZT | IS-H: Movement End Time, Start Time of Subsequent Movement | BWEZT | UHRZT |
PLANE | IS-H: Planned Indicator for End Date of Movement | PLANE | ISH_PLAN |
LFDREF | IS-H: Sequence Number of Subsequent Movement | LFDREF | LFDBEW |
TELNR | IS-H: Telephone Number of Patient in Institution | TELF_INT | TEXT16 |
TVKZ | IS-H: TV Indicator | TVKZ | XFELD |
KZTXT | Comment on Case Movement | TEXT_BEW | TEXT50 |
LGTXT | Indicator that Long Text Exists | RI_LGTXT | XFELD |
NOTKZ | IS-H: Emergency Case Indicator | RI_NOTKZ | XFELD |
UNFKZ | IS-H: Accident Type | UNFART | UNFART |
UNFNR | IS-H: File Number / Processing Number for Accident | UNFNR | UNFNR |
UNFOR | IS-H: Accident Location | ORT01_UNF | TEXT25 |
UNFZT | IS-H: Time of Accident | UNFZT | UHRZT |
UNFDT | IS-H: Accident date | UNFDT | RI_DATUM |
UNFTX | IS-H: Comment on Accident | TEXT_UNF | TEXT50 |
UNLTX | Indicator that Long Text Exists | RI_LGTXT | XFELD |
WLPRI | IS-H: Priority for Preregistration/Waiting List Management | WLPRI | WLPRI |
AUFDS | IS-H: Latest Admission Date | AUFDT_LAST | RI_DATUM |
ORGFA | IS-H: OU with Departmental Responsibility for Case | NZUWFA | ORGID |
ORGPF | Organizational Unit Assigned to Case | NZUWPF | ORGID |
ZIMMR | IS-H: Building ID of Room | ISH_ZIMMID | BAUID |
BETT | IS-H: Building ID of Bed Location | BETTID | BAUID |
PLANR | IS-H: Planned Indicator for Room Assignment | ISH_PLANR | ISH_PLAN |
DAUER | IS-H: Estimated Length of Stay or Treatment | ISH_DAUER | NUMC5 |
EXTKH | IS-H: Identification of an External Hospital | EXTKH | RI_KUNNR |
ORGAU | IS-H: Org. ID of Admitting Facility | ORGAU | ORGID |
EZUST | Disposition of Patient at Time of Discharge | EZUST | ENTZU |
TODUR | IS-H: Cause of Death | TODUR | TODUR |
ARBUN | IS-H: Work Incapacity To-Date | ARBUN | RI_DATUM |
ABWGN | IS-H: Indicator Whether Absence is Approved ('X') | ISH_ABWGN | XFELD |
ERDAT | IS-H: Date when Record Created | RI_ERDAT | RI_DATUM |
ERUSR | IS-H: Name of Employee who Created Record | RI_ERNAM | USNAM |
UPDAT | IS-H: Date of Last Change | RI_UPDAT | RI_DATUM |
UPUSR | IS-H: Name of Person who Last Changed Data | RI_UPNAM | USNAM |
STORN | IS-H: Cancellation Indicator | RI_STORN | XFELD |
STUSR | IS-H: Name of User who Canceled Data Record | STORN_USER | USNAM |
STDAT | Date of Cancellation | STORN_DAT | RI_DATUM |
UNFRN | IS-H: Number of the Emergency Service for Accident | ISH_RETTNR | ISH_RETTNR |
BEKAT | Treatment Category | BEKAT | BEHKATEG |
NFGREF | Reference to Subsequent Movement | N1NFGREF | LFDBEW |
VGNREF | Reference to Prior Movement | N1VGNREF | LFDBEW |
AUFRF | Number of Calls | N1AUFRF | N1N002 |
MEDTX | Medical Text | N1MEDTX | N1C050 |
MELTX | Long Text Indicator | N1MELTX | N1C001 |
BWPRIO | Prioritization for Request/Movement (Internal) | N1APRI_D | N1APRI |
STOID | IS-H: Reason for Canceling Movement | N1BSTOID | N1STOID |
DSPTY | IS-H: Scheduling Type for Visit Scheduling | ISH_DSPT | ISH_DSPTC8 |
VISTY | IS-H: Code of Visit Category for Visit Scheduling | ISH_BT | ISH_BT |
BWGR1 | Movement Reason - 1st and 2nd Positions | ISH_BWGR1 | ISH_BGRUND |
BWGR2 | Movement Reason - 3rd and 4th Positions | ISH_BWGR2 | ISH_BGRUND |
TPART | Transport Type | N1TPAE | N1TPAE |
UNFVS | IS-H: Third-Party Responsibility | N1FVS | XFELD |
INSEV | IS-H: Event which created the movement | ISH_BEW_EV | ISH_BEW_EV |
OPART | IS-H: Type of Surgery | ISH_OPART | ISH_OPART |
CLASS | IS-H: Patient Class | ISH_PAYCL | ISH_PAYCL |
RFSRC | IS-H: Referral, Postdischarge Treatment Type | ISH_REFSRC | ISH_REFSRC |
FACHR | IS-H: Physician Specialty | FACHRTY5 | ISH_FACHR |
UNFRT | IS-H: Emergency Services | ISH_RESCTY | ISH_RESCTY |
UNFAV | IS-H: Mode of Arrival | ISH_ARRIVE | ISH_ARRIVE |
WLTYP | IS-H: Waiting List | ISH_WLTYPE | CHAR6 |
WLRDT | IS-H: Date when Movement Removed From Waiting List | ISH_WLRDAT | DATUM |
WLRRN | IS-H: Reason for Removal from Waiting List | ISH_WLRRSN | CHAR3 |
WLSTA | IS-H: Preregistration/Waiting List Status | ISH_WLSTATUS | CHAR2 |
WLHSP | IS-H: Waiting List Postdischarge Hospital | ISH_WLHOSP | RI_KUNNR |
WLADT | IS-H: Date when Patient Added to Waiting List | ISH_WLADAT | DATUM |
BCODE | IS-H: Treatment Program | ISH_BCODE | ISH_BCODE |
ERTIM | IS-H: Time Record Created | RI_ERTIM | UHRZT |
NWATARBU | IS-H AT: Arbeitsunfall / Berufskrankheit | NWATARBU | NWATARBU |
NWATNOTF | IS-H AT: Medizinischer Notfall | NWATNOTF | XFELD |
NWATMUTT | IS-H AT: Leistung aus dem Versicherungsfall der Mutterschaft | NWATMUTT | NWATMUTT |
NWATSPENDE | IS-H AT: Art des Betreuungsscheines | NWATUESCH | NWATUESCH |
NWATMETHOD | IS-H AT: Behandlungsmethode außerhalb des KH nicht vorhanden | NWATMETHOD | XFELD |
NWATSUCHT | IS-H AT: Suchtgiftmissbrauch | NWATSUCHT | XFELD |
NWATRAUF | IS-H AT: Verdacht auf Raufhandel | NWATRAUF | XFELD |
NWATRZB | IS-H AT: Rezeptgebührenbefreiung wegen anzeigepfl. Krankheit | NWATRZB_AK | XFELD |
NWATVPNR | IS-H AT: Vertragspartnernummer | NWATVPNR | RI_KUNNR |
BEXNR | IS-H: External Movement Identification | ISH_EXTNR_BEW | ISH_EXTNR_BEW |
WPLID | Identification of the Work Environment | NWPLACEID | CHAR40 |
FACHS | IS-H: Occupancy Characteristic | ISH_PLANCHARAC | ISH_PLANCHARAC |
WPLTY | Type of the Work Environment | NWPLACETYPE | NWPLACETYPE |
APCNID | IS-H: Identification of an Appointment Template | N1APCNID | SYSUUID_C |
.INCLUDE | IS-H: Bewegungen zum Fall (Zusatzfelder für Österreich) | ||
NWATSSW | Schwangerschaftswoche | NWATSSW | NWATSSW |
NWATZUGVA | IS-H AT: Vertragspartnernummer | NWATVPNR | RI_KUNNR |
NWATEREFCD | e-Ãœberweisungscode | ISH_AT_EREFCD | ISH_AT_EREFCD |
NWATEREFNO | Nummer für den e-Überweisungscode | ISH_AT_EREFNO | ISH_AT_EREFNO |
NBEW related tables
Table | Note |
NBEW | IS-H: Movements for Case |
CRMC_CMG_DOCTEMP | Case Man.:Assgnmnt of Doc.Template Profiles to Case Types |
CRMC_EMMA_CCAT | Clarification Case Case Category Customizing |
CRMC_EMMA_CCATT | Clarification Case Case Category Customizing text table |
CRMD_EVT_NTATTR | Case Noteattributtes for Actiontyp 'Add Case Note' |
FDT_EXPR_1200 | FDT: Expression - Case (case attribute) |
FDT_EXPR_1200A | FDT: Expression - Case (case attribute) |
FDT_EXPR_1200S | FDT: Expression - Case (case attribute) |
FDT_EXPR_1200T | FDT: Expression - Case (case attribute) |
FOPCCASETYPES | Used Case Type and Case Categories |
GRPCCASETYPES | Used Case Type and Case Categories |
NFFZ | IS-H: Assignment of a case to another case |
SCMGCASETYPE | Case: Case Type |
SCMGCASETYPET | Case: Text Table for Case Type |
SCMG_T_CASE | Case: Entity Table for Case |
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