DB2DB02IXDYN Table in SAP | Tx DB02: Dynamics of the size of indexes Table & Fields List

DB2DB02IXDYN is a SAP table coming under BC module and SAP_BASIS component.View details, Fields & related tables of DB2DB02IXDYN in SAP.

  • Table description : Tx DB02: Dynamics of the size of indexes
  • Module : BC-DB-DB2
  • Parent Module : BC
  • Package : STU2
  • Software Component : SAP_BASIS
DB2DB02IXDYN table in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP DB2DB02IXDYN Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
IXNAMEName of a DB2 for OS/390 indexDB2IDXNAMECHAR18
PART_EXTENSIONExtension or Partition (non-partitioned TS) numberDB2PARTEXT  
IXSPACEName of the indexspace that contains the indexDB2IXSPACECHAR8
PARTITIONSNumber of partitions of a tablespace or indexDB2NUMPARTDB2SINT
EXTENTSNumber of extentsDB2NUMEXTI  
EXTENTS_LASTTx DB02: Absolute difference in comparison to previous runDB2CHGTBSLFLTP
EXTENTS_PERCTx DB02: Difference (percent) in comparison to previous runDB2CHGTBSP  
EXTENTS_FIRSTTx DB02: Absolute difference in comparison to first runDB2CHGTBSFFLTP
D_EXTENTSNumber of extents: change per dayDB2CHGEXDI  
W_EXTENTSNumber of extents: change per weekDB2CHGEXWI  
M_EXTENTSNumber of extents: change per monthDB2CHGEXMI  
ALLOCSIZETotal size of an index (allocated storage in KB)DB2IXSIZDEC11
ALLOCSIZ_LASTTx DB02: Absolute difference in comparison to previous runDB2CHGTBSLFLTP
ALLOCSIZ_PERCTx DB02: Difference (percent) in comparison to previous runDB2CHGTBSP  
ALLOCSIZ_FIRSTTx DB02: Absolute difference in comparison to first runDB2CHGTBSFFLTP
D_ALLOCSIZAllocated storage in KB: change per dayDB2CHGSIZDDEC11
W_ALLOCSIZAllocated storage in KB: change per weekDB2CHGSIZWDEC11
M_ALLOCSIZAllocated storage in KB: change per monthDB2CHGSIZMDEC11
FREESIZEFree size of an index in KB (allocated minus used storage)DB2IXFREEDEC11
FREESIZE_LASTTx DB02: Absolute difference in comparison to previous runDB2CHGTBSLFLTP
FREESIZE_PERCTx DB02: Difference (percent) in comparison to previous runDB2CHGTBSP  
FREESIZE_FIRSTTx DB02: Absolute difference in comparison to first runDB2CHGTBSFFLTP
D_FREESIZFree storage (allocated minus used) in KB: change per dayDB2CHGFREDDEC11
W_FREESIZFree storage (allocated minus used) in KB: change per weekDB2CHGFREWDEC11
M_FREESIZFree storage (allocated minus used) in KB: change per monthDB2CHGFREMDEC11
TOTALENTRIES_LASTx DB02: Absolute difference in comparison to previous runDB2CHGTBSLFLTP
TOTALENTRIES_PERTx DB02: Difference (percent) in comparison to previous runDB2CHGTBSP  
TOTALENTRIES_FIRTx DB02: Absolute difference in comparison to first runDB2CHGTBSFFLTP
D_TOTALENTRIESNumber of Rows: changes per dayDB2CHGROWDFLTP
W_TOTALENTRIESNumber of Rows: changes per weekDB2CHGROWWFLTP
M_TOTALENTRIESNumber of Rows: changes per monthDB2CHGROWMFLTP

DB2DB02IXDYN related tables

DB2DB02IXDYNTx DB02: Dynamics of the size of indexes
DB2DB02TBDYNTx DB02: Dynamics of the size of tables
DB2DB02TSDYNTx DB02: Dynamics of the size of tablespaces
DB2DB02EXTENTSTx DB02: Data for DB02's Extent Monitor
DB2DB02SUMMARYTx DB02: Summary information on first screenincl. size histo
AMDSEffective size of tables and indexes in the database
BBPD_TREX_INDEXBBP TREX Indexes: Assign Business Object -> TREX Indexes
STRX_LPIXSAssignment of Physical Indexes to Logical Indexes
DB02_COLL_LOGOracle monitoring: DB02 collector log
DB02_COLL_PLANOracle monitoring: List of coll. functions for DB02
DB2DB02CONTROLControl table for information in DB02
DB2DB02IXSIZETx DB02: List of indexspace datasets
DB2DB02IX_SUMTx DB02: Summary of Index info. Partitions are summed up
DB2DB02MISSOBJTx DB02: Missing objects
DB2DB02TBSIZETransaction DB02: List of tables and tablespace (Details)
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