SAP Remuneration Statement – How to create and Display steps

SAP Remuneration Statement refers to the payslip for the employee and it contains the all the payments and deductions data in a clear format. In this tutorial you will get the step by step procedures for how to create a Remuneration Statement and how to display a Remuneration Statement.

Create a Remuneration Statement

  1. Take the menu path Human Resources → Payroll → Europe → Germany → Payroll →Remuneration Statement (This path will be different according to your region, here it refers Germany). Or enter the transaction code PC00_M01_CEDT directly.
  2. Now we need to enter the values for the following fields. (Here sample data is shown)
    1. Payroll area:  D2
    2. Current period:  Select
    3. Personnel number:  1051
  3. Choose EXECUTE button or press F8 key
  4. Take the menu List → Print.
  5. Now we need to enter the values for the following fields (You can watch sample data here).
    1. Printer:  The name of your printer
    2. Number of copies:  1
    3. Number of pages – Print all:  Select
    4. Spool options – Print immediately: Select
  6. Choose CONTINUE
  7. Choose BACK button or press F3 key until we get the overview tree.

Display Remuneration Statement

  1. Take the menu path Human Resources → Payroll → Europe → Germany → Payroll → Start Payroll (This path will be different according to your region, here it refers Germany).Or enter the transaction code PC00_M01_CALC directly.
  2. We need to enter the values for the following fields.
    1. Payroll period – Payroll area: D2
    2. Payroll period – Current period:  Select
    3. Selection – Personnel number: 1051
    4. Selection – Payroll area: D2
  3. In the Remuneration Statement Parameters section, select F4 help for Display Variant
  4. Remuneration Statement field.
  5. In the dialog box choose SAP&CALC and press COPY button.
  6. Choose CONTINUE button and then EXECUTE button.
  7. Now the remuneration statement is displayed on the screen. Press BACK button or F3 key until we get the overview tree.
Also Read : SAP HR Module Tutorial -> HR Forms Editor -> HR Tcodes

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