WAPPT Table in SAP | Appointments Table & Fields List

WAPPT is a SAP table coming under LE module and SAP_APPL component.View details, Fields & related tables of WAPPT in SAP.

  • Table description : Appointments
  • Module : LE-WM-GF
  • Parent Module : LE
  • Package : WAP0
  • Software Component : SAP_APPL
WAPPT table in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP WAPPT Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
VBTYPSD document categoryVBTYPVBTYP
BELNRAppointments: Document numberAPPBNAPPBN
LFNDRAppointments: Sequence numberAPPUNCHAR04
BLTYPAppointments: Internal document categoryAPPBTAPPBT
LGNUMWarehouse Number / Warehouse ComplexLGNUMLGNUM
LGTORDoor for Warehouse NumberLGTORLGTOR
DATABAppointments: From dateAPPDADATUM
DATBIAppointments: Date toAPPDBDATUM
UHRABAppointments: Time fromAPPUAAPPUA
UHRBIAppointments: Time toAPPUBAPPUB
FTEXTAppointments: Short textAPPFTAPPFT
LIFNRVendor to whom partner roles have been assignedPLIEFLIFNR
SPDNRNumber of forwarding agentTDLNRLIFNR
DATIAAppointments: From date (actual)APPDA_ISTDATUM
DATIBAppointments: To-date (actual)APPDB_ISTDATUM
UHRIAAppointments: Time from (actual)APPUA_ISTAPPUA
UHRIBAppointments: Time to (actual)APPUB_ISTAPPUB
EBELNPurchasing Document NumberEBELNEBELN
DATPAAppointments: Planned from-dateAPPDA_ORGDATUM
UHRPAAppointments: Time from (original)APPUA_ORGAPPUA
DATPBAppointments: Date to (original)APPDB_ORGDATUM
UHRPBAppointments: Time to (actual)APPUB_ORGAPPUB
APPAGAppointments: Deviation reasonAPPAGAPPAG

WAPPT related tables

SCGENAPPTgenerated appointments (regular or group appointments)
SCRULEDATEAppointments for periodic appointments
TWAP1Appointments: Appointments Profile
TWAP1TAppointments: Appointments Profile - Description
APPTYPEAVAILAvailability for Appointments in SCAPPTYPE
CRMC_APPT_ODCustomizing for Appointments in OData services
CRMC_ICPLAPPSIC Profile 'Planned Business Appointments'
CRMC_ICPLAPPS_TText table IC Profile 'Planned Business Appointments'
NAPPIS-H: Provisional appointments for visit planning
NTMNIS-H: Patient-Specific Appointments (Header Table for NAPP)
NTPGPIS-H: Day program items (possible appointments)
SCAPPTUser-Specific Appointments
SCAPPTSEGFolder for Individual Appointments
SCPROXYAppointments diary substitute
SCRULESPeriodic appointments: Rule
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