TVEN9 Table in SAP | Basistabelle Stufe 4 für Stored Procedure - Matchcode - Test Table & Fields List

TVEN9 is a SAP table coming under BC module and SAP_BASIS component.View details, Fields & related tables of TVEN9 in SAP.

  • Table description : Basistabelle Stufe 4 für Stored Procedure - Matchcode - Test
  • Module : BC
  • Parent Module : BC
  • Package : SVER
  • Software Component : SAP_BASIS
TVEN9 table in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP TVEN9 Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
K1C41. Schlüsselfeld zum Test von stored proceduresVERI_K1MCVERI_K1MC
K2C4_22. Schlüsselfeld zum Test von stored proceduresVERI_K2MC2VERI_K2MC2
K3C4_33. Schlüsselfeld zum Test von stored proceduresVERI_K3MC3VERI_K3MC3
K4C4_24. Schlüsselfeld zum Test von stored proceduresVERI_K4MC2VERI_K4MC2
K5C4Data element CHAR 04 for machine verificationVERI_C04VERI_C04
F1C8Data element CHAR 08 for machine verificationVERI_C08VERI_C08
F2N4Data element NUMC 04 for machine verificationVERI_N04VERI_N04
F3F8Data element FLTP for automatic verificationVERI_FLTPVERI_FLTP

TVEN9 related tables

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TVEN8Basistabelle Stufe 3 für Stored Procedure - Matchcode - Test
TVEN9Basistabelle Stufe 4 für Stored Procedure - Matchcode - Test
TVENT1Texttabelle Stufe 1 für Stored Procedure - Matchcode - Test
TVENT2Texttabelle Stufe 2 für Stored Procedure - Matchcode - Test
TVENT3Texttabelle Stufe 2 für Stored Procedure - Matchcode - Test
TVENT4Texttabelle Stufe 3 für Stored Procedure - Matchcode - Test
TVENT5Texttabelle Stufe 3 für Stored Procedure - Matchcode - Test
TVEN1Wurzeltabelle für Stored Procedure - Matchcode - Test
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