TCY08 is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of TCY08 in SAP.
- Table description : Option profiles
- Module : CRM
- Parent Module : CRM
- Package : CY
- Software Component : BBPCRM
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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP TCY08 Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
DARPROF_ID | ID of a user-spec. profile in the table for option profiles | DARPROF_ID | DARPROF_ID |
HIEVER | Cumulate capacity requirements using work center hierarchy | HIEVER | KREUZ |
HIEAUF | Explode hierarchy | HIEAUF | KREUZ |
KUMUL | Indicator, whether cumulated display is desired | KUMULD | KREUZ |
MINBEL | Minimum load that will be displayed | MINBELA | BELAST |
MAXBEL | Maximum load that will be displayed | MAXBELA | BELAST |
RUECKDAT | Offset (in days) of dispatch date for backlog to curr. date | RDATUM_CNT | DAYCNT |
PEINHEIT | Unit in which the period duration is specified (day, week..) | DAPER | DAPER |
PDAUER | Duration of a period (units as specified in period type) | DAPED | CY_DAPED |
LIBART | Requirements category (scheduled or remaining) | CY_SBART | CY_SBART |
ZAPER | Type of date specification | CY_ZAPER | CY_ZAPER |
LIDAVCNT | Offset (in days) of start date for lists to current date | CY_DCNTV | DAYCNT |
LIDABCNT | Offset (in days) of end date for lists to current date | CY_DCNTB | DAYCNT |
LIEINH | Unit of of measure for displaying capacity requirements | CY_KEINH | MEINS |
DAVAP | Distribution according to key in work center or operation | DAVAP | XFELD |
HNAME | Name of hierarchy | CR_HNAME | CHAR10 |
VERTL1 | Distribution of capacity requirements (Planned/prod.order) | CR_VERTL | CR_VERTL |
VERTLN | Distr.cap.reqmts (plant maint.,process order, network) | CR_VERTLN | CR_VERTL |
POOLKAP | Indicator: Cumulated view of the rqmts of pooled capacity | CY_POOLKAP | KREUZ |
TT_FAUFT | Indicator: Branch to production order - change or display | CY_TTFAUFT | CY_TRANSTY |
TT_PAUFT | Indicator: Branch to planned order display or maintenance | CY_TTPAUFT | CY_TRANSTY |
TT_ARBPL | Switch: Branch to work center - change or display | CY_TTARBPL | CY_TRANSTY |
ANVER | Cumulate available capacity using work center hierarchy | CY_ANVER | CY_ANVER |
DATEFROM | Start date for output of capacity evaluations | CY_DATEF | CHAR10 |
DATETO | Finish date for output of capacity evaluations | CY_DATET | CHAR10 |
RDATE_TYPE | Type of date specification | CY_RDATETY | CY_ZAPER |
RDATE | Date of backlog dispatching | CY_RDATE | CHAR10 |
MRPP | PPC planning calendar | MRPPP | MRPPP |
UNITSOURCE | Origin of unit of measure for available cap. and cap.reqmts | CY_UNITSRC | KREUZ |
TCY08 related tables
Table | Note |
CRMC_LEAS_PPRO_R | Determine Option Values from Option Items: Schema |
CRMC_LEAS_PPRO_T | Determine Option Values from Option Items: Procedure |
CRMC_PR_FINOP1 | Financing Option: Option Type |
CRMC_PR_FINOP1_T | Financing Option: Option Type (Text Table) |
TCY08 | Option profiles |
TCY12 | Descriptions of option profiles (Table TCY08) |
AGS_BPCA_SELVAR | BPCA: Result Select Option Variants - Definition |
AGS_BPCA_SELVART | BPCA: Result Select Option Variants - Texts |
AGS_BPCA_SELVARX | BPCA: Result Select Option Variants - Options |
AT50 | Future/Option Groups |
ATO1 | Check Table for Option Categories |
CCOPTT | Client Copy Option Texts |
CNVCMIS_SPLIT_KB | SAP LT Store Inforamtion about Split Option for Mig.Tabs. |
CNV_10400_HEAD_S | Range area for storing the select option for characteristics |
COMM_IL_FINOPT | Financing/Financing Option Relationships |
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