TCK21 Table in SAP | CO Object Functions Table & Fields List

TCK21 is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of TCK21 in SAP.

  • Table description : CO Object Functions
  • Module : CRM
  • Parent Module : CRM
  • Package : CK
  • Software Component : BBPCRM
TCK21 table in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP TCK21 Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
VRGGRPTransaction Group for Cost Element ItemizationCK_VRGGRPVRGGRP
VRGNGB_PRIBasis Function for CO Object, Primary Cost ElementCK_VRGNGBPJ_VORGANG
VRGNGB_SEKBasis Function for CO Object, Secondary Cost ElementCK_VRGNGBSJ_VORGANG
VRGNGB_ALTBasis Function for Cost Element ItemizationCK_VRGNGBJ_VORGANG
VRGNGZOverhead Function for Cost Element ItemizationCK_VRGNGZJ_VORGANG
VRGNGB_BKEBasis Function CO Object, Valuated Sales Order StockCK_VRGNGBKJ_VORGANG

TCK21 related tables

T7PIQAGR_FUNCOTYAppraiser Functions: Object Types of Functions
TBKKG52Assignment Functions Group -> Functions
UPF_GRP_PLNTPTypes of Planning Functions - Planning Functions
CRMC_OBJ_FUNCEvent Handler: Object Functions
LHM_METHODSRegistration:Object Types and Corresponding Functions
OIUT2_BO_APIObsolete: Business Object service functions
SMOG_FUREGFunctions to be called for the object
T77GMFOGeneric Role Manager: Object Type-Specific Functions
TCK21CO Object Functions
TS3RMAPPFUTime Stream: Mapping Generation Functions to Object Type
OBJSLObject: Object List - Logical Object
VIBDOBJRELObject Relationship A/U Object <-> A/U Object
VIBDOBJRELPARTObject Relationship A/U Object <-> A/U Object: Percent
/BEV3/CHWOObject Housing Object (Specialization of an Object)
ACI_TECS_IF003Assignment of BRF Functions to ECS Environments
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