TABW Table in SAP | Asset transaction types Table & Fields List

TABW is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of TABW in SAP.

  • Table description : Asset transaction types
  • Module : CRM
  • Parent Module : CRM
  • Package : AC
  • Software Component : BBPCRM
TABW table in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP TABW Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
BWASLAsset Transaction TypeBWASLBWASL
BWAGRPTransaction type groupBWAGRPBWAGRP
XVERGAIndicator: Original transaction in pastXVERGAXFELD
XAKTIVIndicator: Capitalize fixed assetXAKTIVXFELD
XDEAKTIndicator: Deactivate fixed assetXDEAKTXFELD
XABGMMInd: Post gain/loss from asset retirement automaticallyXABGMMXFELD
XERLOSInd: Asset retirement transaction type with revenueXERLOSXFELD
XAVERBIndicator: Asset transfer between affiliated companiesXAVERBXFELD
XABUCHIndicator: Transaction type cannot be used manuallyXABUCHXFELD
BWAKONConsolidation transaction typeAM_RMVCTRMVCT
XPRJKTIndicator: Account assignment to project desiredXPRJKTXFELD
ANSHKZDefault posting indicatorANSHKZSHKZV
BWASLGTrans. type offsetting entry for transferBWASLGBWASL
BLARTDefault document type for transaction typeBLGARTBLART
XABINVInd: Repay investment support during period of retentionXABINVXFELD
BWASLNTrans.type retirement/transfer curr-yr acquis. in same yearBWASLNBWASL
GITTGRSummariz. of trans. types for asset history sheetGITTGRGITTGR
XABGWGIndicator simulation of LVA ret. in asset hist sheetXABGWGXFELD
XABIMMInd. simulate ret. of intangible asset in asset hist sheetXABIMMXFELD
XUSBWAIndicator: Call up a user-exit for this transaction type?XUSBWAXFELD
XUMBHIIndicator: Transfer adopting dep. start dateXUMBHIXFELD
XIFRELIndicator: Post gain/loss to assetXIFRELXFELD
XCOPSPnot used (any longer)IM_XSPSPXFELD
XAVERBNPost with affiliated company indicator (net!)XAVERBNXFELD
XZUGBRIndicator: Post acquisition gross (with depreciation)XZUGBRUTTOXFELD
XUMJASet the changeover year in the assetXUMJAXFELD
RSN_CODEAsset Transaction CategoryCHAR1_REASON_CREASON_C

TABW related tables

FAAASSETIDAssignment Table - Asset Key to Asset GUID
IDSAU_TD_C_AGACAssignment of Asset Group to Asset Class
T087UAsset group number / asset group
T087VText table asset group number / asset group
TABVODetermine asset value date in Asset Accounting transactions
TZ17Asset group C11/76 Asset 6 (Annual stock overview)
VWPANANAsset master/asset master relationship
IDCN_GA_BWASLAsset Transaction Types (Golden Audit)
IDPT_A051Transaction Types for Asset Retirements
J_3RCLASSBWASLAsset transaction types classification
TABWAsset transaction types
TABWTAsset transaction types texts
TGLO_JP_IMPTTYJapan - Impairment Transaction Types and Asset Master Update
IDIN_ASSETTRNSAsset Transaction Table for India (Block Level)
T082AVIEWTRANSGAssignment of Transaction Group to Asset View
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