PACKKP is a SAP table coming under LO module and SAP_APPL component.View details, Fields & related tables of PACKKP in SAP.
- Table description : Packing Object Header
- Module : LO-HU-MD
- Parent Module : LO
- Software Component : SAP_APPL

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP PACKKP Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
PACKNR | Unique internal packing object number | PL_PACKNR | SYSUUID_22 |
HDCOUNT | Internal Counter | PL_CIM_COUNT | CIM_COUNT |
POBJID | Identification number of packing object | PL_POBJID | PL_EXIDV |
PACKTYP | Type of packing object | PL_PACKTYP | VL_PACKTYP |
PARTID | External name for packing instruction | PL_PARTID | PL_EXIDV |
HEIGHT | Height | PL_HEIGHT | MENG13 |
WIDTH | Width | PL_WIDTH | MENG13 |
LENGTH | Length | PL_LENGTH | MENG13 |
IHEIGHT | Height of inside dimensions | PL_IHEIGHT | MENG13 |
IWIDTH | Width of inside measurements | PL_IWIDTH | MENG13 |
ILENGTH | Length of inside measurements | PL_ILENGTH | MENG13 |
UNITDIM | Unit of dimension for length/width/height | PL_UNITDIM | MEINS |
SIZEFIX | Measurements fix | PL_SIZEFIX | XFELD |
TOTLVOL | Total volume of handling unit | PL_TOTLVOL | MENG15 |
LOADVOL | Loading volume of goods to be packed | PL_LOADVOL | MENG15 |
ALLOVOL | Allowed loading volume for materials to be packed | PL_ALLOVOL | MENG15 |
TAREVOL | Tare volume of packaging materials | PL_TAREVOL | MENG15 |
UNITVOL | Volume unit | PL_UNITVOL | MEINS |
TOLEVOL | Excess volume tolerance limit during packing | VOLTO | PRZ21 |
INDCLOPA | Indicator: packaging closed | PL_CLOPA | XFELD |
TOTLWEI | Total weight of handling unit | PL_TOTLWEI | MENG15 |
LOADWEI | Loading weight of goods to be packed | PL_LOADWEI | MENG15 |
ALLOWEI | Allowed weight | PL_ALLOWEI | MENG15 |
TAREWEI | Tare weight of packaging materials | PL_TAREWEI | MENG15 |
UNITWEI | Unit of weight | PL_UNITWEI | MEINS |
TOLEWEI | Excess weight tolerance for shipping unit | GEWTO | PRZ21 |
MAXSTWE | Allowed load | PL_MAXSTWE | MENG15 |
STFAC | Stacking factor | PL_STFAC | INT2 |
CRDAT | Created on | PL_CRDAT | DATUM |
CRNAM | Person responsible, create | PL_CRNAM | USNAM |
CHDAT | Date of last change | PL_CHDAT | DATUM |
CHTIM | Time last change was made | AEZET | UZEIT |
CHNAM | Person responsible, change | PL_CHNAM | USNAM |
POBJST | Packing object status | PL_POBJST | PL_POBJST |
SHIPLABEL | Indicator: do not print external shipping label | PL_SHIPLABEL | XFELD |
MAPACO_ITEM | Item number of load carrier | PL_MAPACO_ITEM | SYSUUID_22 |
INDDEL | Deletion Indicator | PL_INDDEL | XFELD |
CHECKPROF | Packing status check profile | PL_CHECKPROF | CHAR2 |
VEGR1 | Handling Unit Group 1 (Freely Definable) | VEGR1 | VEGR1 |
VEGR2 | Handling Unit Group 2 (Freely Definable) | VEGR2 | VEGR2 |
VEGR3 | Handling Unit Group 3 (Freely Definable) | VEGR3 | VEGR3 |
VEGR4 | Handling Unit Group 4 (Freely Definable) | VEGR4 | VEGR4 |
VEGR5 | Handling Unit Group 5 (Freely Definable) | VEGR5 | VEGR5 |
.INCLU--AP | Append structure for VAS Template | ||
.INCLUDE | Additional fields to master data table PACKKP (VAS Template) | ||
LGNUM | Warehouse Number | LEINT_LGNUM | LGNUM |
STDTM | VAS Standard Duration | LXVAS_STDTM | NUM05 |
VTMRT | VAS Template Rating | LXVAS_VTMRT | NUMC5 |
DSPTX | Display Text items only | LXVAS_DSPTX | FLAG |
ACTSQ | VAS Template Sequence | LXVAS_ACTSQ | NUMC05 |
HDRWC | Use Header Template Work Center for all Resulting VAS Orders | LXVAS_HDRWC | XFELD |
BILLP | Customer Number 1 | LEINT_KUNNR | KUNNR |
SHIPP | Customer Number 1 | LEINT_KUNNR | KUNNR |
VENDR | Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | LEINT_LIFNR | LIFNR |
PURIR | Number of Purchasing Info Record | LEINT_INFNR | INFNR |
PIRTX | Short text for purchasing info record | LEINT_EINATX | TEXT40 |
AGRMT | Agreement (various conditions grouped together) | LEINT_KNUMA | KNUMA |
AGRTX | Description of agreement (e.g. sales deal, promotion) | LEINT_BOTEXT | TEXT40 |
SMTNR | Material Number | LEINT_MATNR | MATNR |
TMUOM | Time Unit of Measure | LEINT_TMUOM | LEINT_MEINS |
CHPPC | Charge per Piece | LXVAS_CHPPC | FLAG |
CHPTM | Charge per Time | LXVAS_CHPTM | FLAG |
CHPVP | Charge Per Complete VAS Package | LXVAS_CHPVP | FLAG |
CHPVT | Charge per VAS Template | LXVAS_CHPVT | FLAG |
RQSCF | Require Separate Confirmation for Each Subordinate Work Item | LXVAS_RQSCF | FLAG |
INTLV | VAS Template Instruction Control | LXVAS_INTLV | LXVAS_INTLV |
PACKKP related tables
Table | Note |
PACKKP | Packing Object Header |
PACKKPS | Texts for Packing Object Header (PACKPO) |
/VSO/P_RSLT_PLTH | Result of VSO: Packing Proposal (Header Data) |
KONDP | Conditions: Packing Object Data Section |
P000 | Conditions for Packing Object |
PACKPO | Packing Object Item |
TQHU2 | QM assignment of packing object for inspection lot origin |
CCUNTPACK | Packing Requirements |
CCUNTSPROV | Special Packing Provisions |
CHUPDPARA | Parameters in a Packing Transaction Profile |
CHUPDPARAT | Packing Transaction Customizing: Application Name |
DGTPK | DG: Packing Requirement |
HUPAST_T | Packing Station Profile |
JVTBRGLART | IS-M/SD: Postal Packing Rule Type |
JVTFRGLART | IS-M/SD: Determination of Postal Packing Rule |
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