J_1BNFTXCOND Table in SAP | Tax Condition Interface for Notas Fiscais Table & Fields List

J_1BNFTXCOND is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of J_1BNFTXCOND in SAP.

  • Table description : Tax Condition Interface for Notas Fiscais
  • Module : CRM-LOC-BR
  • Parent Module : CRM
  • Package : J1BA
  • Software Component : BBPCRM

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP J_1BNFTXCOND Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
KVEWEUsage of the Condition TableKVEWEKVEWE
KALSMSales and Distribution: Pricing Procedure in PricingKALSMASDKALSM
RATETax Rate Condition (Nota Fiscal)CNFRATEKSCHL
RATE_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
VALUETax Amount Condition (Nota Fiscal)CNFVALUEKSCHL
VALUE_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
TOTBASTotal Base Condition (Nota Fiscal)CNFTOTBASKSCHL
TOTBAS_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
BASETax Base Condition (Nota Fiscal)CNFBASEKSCHL
BASE_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
EXCBASExcluded Base Condition (Nota Fiscal)CNFEXCBASKSCHL
EXCBAS_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
OTHBASOther Base Condition (Nota Fiscal)CNFOTHBASKSCHL
OTHBAS_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
QRATEQuantity-Dependent Tax Rate Condition (Nota Fiscal)CNFQRATEKSCHL
QRATE_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
WHTCOLLCODECondition for Official Withholding Tax Collection CodeCNFWHTCCDEKSCHL
WHTCOLLCODE_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
BASERED1Base Reduction Rate (Nota Fiscal)CNFBASERED1KSCHL
BASERED1_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
BASERED2State Subtrib Base Reduction Rate (Nota Fiscal)CNFBASERED2KSCHL
BASERED2_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
RATE4DECTax Rate Condition (Nota Fiscal) with 4 Decimal PlacesJ_1BCNFRATE4DECKSCHL
RATE4DEC_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
QRATE4DECQty-Dependent Tax Rate (Pauta) Condition w/ 4 Decimal PlacesJ_1BCNFQRATE4DECKSCHL
QRATE4DEC_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
SRATECondition for sub. trib. surcharge rateJ_1BCNFSRATEKSCHL
SRATE_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP
QBASECondition Type for Pauta BaseJ_1BCNF_QBASEKSCHL
QBASE_MAPMap Fields of Calculation Procedure to Nota FiscalJ_1BKOMVMAPJ_1BKOMVMAP

J_1BNFTXCOND related tables

J_1BNFTXCONDTax Condition Interface for Notas Fiscais
J_1BNFLWCONDTax Law Conditions Interface for Notas Fiscais
J_1BIV04Goods Receipts Passed to Notas Fiscais via Inv. Verification
VDPNSAssign prima notas to super prima nota
TZK02Condition group, condition group - condition type allocation
J_1B_PO_TAX_MAPMapping from pricing condition to tax condition
T5UTHTax Number <-> BSI Tax Interface
T5UTH_OTax Number <-> BSI Tax Interface
TAXMSDTax Interface Manager Status Diagram "Tax Per document"
TTXYExternal tax interface: tax information
SRMCOMPIFIDComponent Interface ID - Component Interface
T5UF2HR-US: ADP Interface, used fields per Interface
TWISPC_INT_ALLOCInterface Parameters for "Allocation Table" Interface Cat.
TWISPC_INT_LISTGInterface Parameter for Interface Type "Listing"
/EACC/TBTA1003Assignment of Interface ID to Interface IDs
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