CKMLPR Table in SAP | Material Ledger: Prices Table & Fields List

CKMLPR is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of CKMLPR in SAP.

  • Table description : Material Ledger: Prices
  • Module : CRM
  • Parent Module : CRM
  • Package : CKML
  • Software Component : BBPCRM
CKMLPR table in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP CKMLPR Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
KALNRCost Estimate Number for Cost Est. w/o Qty StructureCK_KALNRCK_KALNR
CURTPCurrency type and valuation viewCURTPCURTP
ZPRSDATDate from which a future valuation price is to be validCK_ZPRSDATSYDATS
.INCLUDEAnchor for future, current and previous periods    
KALKZIndicator: standard cost estimate for future periodKAXKZXFELD
PPRDZPeriod of future cost estimateCK_PPRDZPOPER
PDATZFuture fiscal yearCK_PDATZGJAHR
BWVA1Valuation variant for the future standard cost estimateCK_BWVA1CK_BWVAR
VERS1Costing version of the future standard cost estimateCK_TVERS1CK_VERSION
ZPLPRFuture planned priceDZPLPRWERT11
FPLPXFixed Portion of Future Planned PriceCK_ZPLPXWERT11V
ZBWSTValn strategy for future planned price, restr. use stockCK_ZBWSTCK_BWST
KALKLIndicator: standard cost estimate for current periodKALKLXFELD
PPRDLPeriod of the current cost estimateCK_PPRDLPOPER
PDATLFiscal year for current cost estimateCK_PDATLGJAHR
BWVA2Valuation variant for the current standard cost estimateCK_BWVA2CK_BWVAR
VERS2Costing version of the current standard cost estimateCK_TVERS2CK_VERSION
LPLPRCurrent Planned PriceCK_LPLPRWERT11
LPLPXFixed Portion of Current Planned PriceCK_LPLPXWERT11V
LBWSTVal. strat. for current plan price, sales order/proj. stockCK_LBWSTCK_BWST
KALKVIndicator: standard cost estimate for previous periodKALKVXFELD
PPRDVPeriod of the previous cost estimateCK_PPRDVPOPER
PDATVFiscal year of previous cost estimateCK_PDATVGJAHR
BWVA3Valuation variant for past standard cost estimateCK_BWVA3CK_BWVAR
VERS3Costing version of the previous standard cost estimateCK_TVERS3CK_VERSION
VPLPRPrevious planned priceVPLPRWERT11
VPLPXFixed Portion of Previous Planned PriceCK_VPLPXWERT11V
CBWSTValn. strategy for prev. planned price, restricted use stockCK_VBWSTCK_BWST
SET_BY_MARKINGThis Currency Type Was Updated to the Material LedgerCK_SET_BY_MARKGXFELD
EIBDATJYear in Which the Ending Inventory Price Is ValidCK_EIBDATJGJAHR
EIPOPERPeriod for Which the Ending Inventory Price Is ValidCK_EIPOPERPOPER
EIPRICEPrice for Ending Inventory ValuationCK_EIPRICEWERT11

CKMLPR related tables

CKMLPRMaterial Ledger: Prices
CKMLPRKEKOMaterial Ledger: Cost Component Split (Header) for Prices
CKMLPRKEPHMaterial Ledger: Cost Component Split (Elements) for Prices
MLCRPMaterial Ledger Document: Price Changes (Currencies, Prices)
A046Material Group Prices
A047Material Group Prices (Plant-Specific)
A118"Empties" Prices (Material-Dependent)
FRMLC_COSTS_MMAVRMS-FRM: Material Prices for Use in Costs Dialog
FRMLC_COSTS_MMPRRMS-FRM: Material Prices Selectable in Costs Dialog
FRMLC_COSTS_MMTXRMS-FRM: Descriptions of Material Prices
CNV_20200_RLDNRCompany code - ledger (for new general ledger)
FAGL_DOCNR_LDDocument Types for General Ledger View in a Ledger
FAGL_DSOURCE_RLDNew General Ledger Accounting: Assign Ledger to DataSource
FAGL_LEDGER_INFONew General Ledger: Configuration Information (Ledger)
TACC_TRGT_LDGRAssgmt of Accounting Principle to Target Ledger or Ledger Gp
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