CKML1 Table in SAP | Material Ledger Period Totals Records (Release 3.xx) Table & Fields List

CKML1 is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of CKML1 in SAP.

  • Table description : Material Ledger Period Totals Records (Release 3.xx)
  • Module : CRM
  • Parent Module : CRM
  • Package : CKML
  • Software Component : BBPCRM
CKML1 table in SAP

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What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP CKML1 Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
KALNRCost Estimate Number for Cost Est. w/o Qty StructureCK_KALNRCK_KALNR
STPRS_1Standard priceCK_STPRS_1WERT11
STPRS_2Standard priceCK_STPRS_2WERT11
STPRS_3Standard priceCK_STPRS_3WERT11
PVPRS_1Periodic unit priceCK_PVPRS_1WERT11
PVPRS_2Periodic unit priceCK_PVPRS_2WERT11
PVPRS_3Periodic unit priceCK_PVPRS_3WERT11
LBKUMTotal valuated stockCK_LBKUMMENGV8
SALK3_1Value of total valuated stockCK_SALK3_1WERTV8
SALK3_2Value of total valuated stockCK_SALK3_2WERTV8
SALK3_3Value of total valuated stockCK_SALK3_3WERTV8
SALKV_1Value based on the periodic unit price (only with pr.ctrl S)CK_SALKV_1WERTV8
SALKV_2Value based on the periodic unit price (only with pr.ctrl S)CK_SALKV_2WERTV8
SALKV_3Value based on the periodic unit price (only with pr.ctrl S)CK_SALKV_3WERTV8
KZ_ABGERMaterial price will no longer be determined in this periodXABGERXABGER
.INCLU-OClosing fields for material ledger    
WEKUMOTotal valuated qty of goods received in the periodCK_WEKUMMENGV8
WEWRT_1OTotal value of goods receipts for periodCK_WEWRT_1WERTV8
WEWRT_2OTotal value of goods receipts for periodCK_WEWRT_2WERTV8
WEWRT_3OTotal value of goods receipts for periodCK_WEWRT_3WERTV8
REKUMOTotal valuted invoice receipt quantity for the periodCK_REKUMMENGV8
REWRT_1OTotal invoice receipt value of periodCK_REWRT_1WERTV8
REWRT_2OTotal invoice receipt value of periodCK_REWRT_2WERTV8
REWRT_3OTotal invoice receipt value of periodCK_REWRT_3WERTV8
LVREKUMOSubcontracting: total valuated invoice receipt quantityCK_LVREKUMMENGV8
LVREW_1OSubcontracting: total invoice receipt valueCK_LVREW_1WERTV8
LVREW_2OSubcontracting: total invoice receipt valueCK_LVREW_2WERTV8
LVREW_3OSubcontracting: total invoice receipt valueCK_LVREW_3WERTV8
ZUKUMOTotal quantity of goods received in periodCK_ZUKUMMENGV8
ZUABW_1OReceipts: Single-level price differencesCK_ZUABW_1WERTV8
ZUABW_2OVariance to ML priceCK_ZUABW_2WERTV8
ZUABW_3OVariance to ML priceCK_ZUABW_3WERTV8
LVABW_1OSubcontrac.: var. from planned value of mat. to be providedCK_LVABW_1WERTV8
LVABW_2OSubcontrac.: var. from planned value of mat. to be providedCK_LVABW_2WERTV8
LVABW_3OSubcontrac.: var. from planned value of mat. to be providedCK_LVABW_3WERTV8
LVWEKUMOSubcontracting: total valuated quantity of goods receivedCK_LVWEKUMMENGV8
LVWEW_1OSubcontracting: value of goods receivedCK_LVWEW_1WERTV8
LVWEW_2OSubcontracting: value of goods receivedCK_LVWEW_2WERTV8
LVWEW_3OSubcontracting: value of goods receivedCK_LVWEW_3WERTV8
ZUOME_1OAmount to be debited to material ledger priceCK_ZUOME_1WERTV8
ZUOME_2OAmount to be debited to material ledger priceCK_ZUOME_2WERTV8
ZUOME_3OAmount to be debited to material ledger priceCK_ZUOME_3WERTV8
ZUUMB_1ORevaluation AmountCK_ZUUMB_1WERTV8
ZUUMB_2ORevaluation amount for material ledger priceCK_ZUUMB_2WERTV8
ZUUMB_3ORevaluation amount for material ledger priceCK_ZUUMB_3WERTV8
LVPVP_1Subcontracting: periodic unit price (PUP)CK_LVPVP_1WERT11
LVPVP_2Subcontracting: periodic unit price (PUP)CK_LVPVP_2WERT11
LVPVP_3Subcontracting: periodic unit price (PUP)CK_LVPVP_3WERT11
.INCLU-AClosing fields for material ledger    
WEKUMATotal valuated qty of goods received in the periodCK_WEKUMMENGV8
WEWRT_1ATotal value of goods receipts for periodCK_WEWRT_1WERTV8
WEWRT_2ATotal value of goods receipts for periodCK_WEWRT_2WERTV8
WEWRT_3ATotal value of goods receipts for periodCK_WEWRT_3WERTV8
REKUMATotal valuted invoice receipt quantity for the periodCK_REKUMMENGV8
REWRT_1ATotal invoice receipt value of periodCK_REWRT_1WERTV8
REWRT_2ATotal invoice receipt value of periodCK_REWRT_2WERTV8
REWRT_3ATotal invoice receipt value of periodCK_REWRT_3WERTV8
LVREKUMASubcontracting: total valuated invoice receipt quantityCK_LVREKUMMENGV8
LVREW_1ASubcontracting: total invoice receipt valueCK_LVREW_1WERTV8
LVREW_2ASubcontracting: total invoice receipt valueCK_LVREW_2WERTV8
LVREW_3ASubcontracting: total invoice receipt valueCK_LVREW_3WERTV8
ZUKUMATotal quantity of goods received in periodCK_ZUKUMMENGV8
ZUABW_1AReceipts: Single-level price differencesCK_ZUABW_1WERTV8
ZUABW_2AVariance to ML priceCK_ZUABW_2WERTV8
ZUABW_3AVariance to ML priceCK_ZUABW_3WERTV8
LVABW_1ASubcontrac.: var. from planned value of mat. to be providedCK_LVABW_1WERTV8
LVABW_2ASubcontrac.: var. from planned value of mat. to be providedCK_LVABW_2WERTV8
LVABW_3ASubcontrac.: var. from planned value of mat. to be providedCK_LVABW_3WERTV8
LVWEKUMASubcontracting: total valuated quantity of goods receivedCK_LVWEKUMMENGV8
LVWEW_1ASubcontracting: value of goods receivedCK_LVWEW_1WERTV8
LVWEW_2ASubcontracting: value of goods receivedCK_LVWEW_2WERTV8
LVWEW_3ASubcontracting: value of goods receivedCK_LVWEW_3WERTV8
ZUOME_1AAmount to be debited to material ledger priceCK_ZUOME_1WERTV8
ZUOME_2AAmount to be debited to material ledger priceCK_ZUOME_2WERTV8
ZUOME_3AAmount to be debited to material ledger priceCK_ZUOME_3WERTV8
ZUUMB_1ARevaluation AmountCK_ZUUMB_1WERTV8
ZUUMB_2ARevaluation amount for material ledger priceCK_ZUUMB_2WERTV8
ZUUMB_3ARevaluation amount for material ledger priceCK_ZUUMB_3WERTV8
ZUOMP_1OTheoretical subsequent debit/credit price per price unitCK_ZUOMP_1WERT11
ZUOMP_2OTheoretical subsequent debit/credit price per price unitCK_ZUOMP_2WERT11
ZUOMP_3OTheoretical subsequent debit/credit price per price unitCK_ZUOMP_3WERT11
ZUOMP_1ATheoretical subsequent debit/credit price per price unitCK_ZUOMP_1WERT11
ZUOMP_2ATheoretical subsequent debit/credit price per price unitCK_ZUOMP_2WERT11
ZUOMP_3ATheoretical subsequent debit/credit price per price unitCK_ZUOMP_3WERT11
ZUOMMOCumulated quantity of subs. debit/credit in periodCK_ZUOMMMENGV8
ZUOMMACumulated quantity of subs. debit/credit in periodCK_ZUOMMMENGV8
PEINH_2Price unit for material ledgerCK_PEINH_2PACK3
PEINH_3Price unit for material ledgerCK_PEINH_3PACK3
UMKUMOQuantity posted to previous periodCK_UMKUMMENGV8
UMKUMAQuantity posted to previous periodCK_UMKUMMENGV8
WEKUMVATotal valuated GR quantity (carried forward)CK_WEKUMVMENGV8
WEWRT_1VATotal value of goods receipts (carried for.)CK_WEWV_1WERTV8
WEWRT_2VATotal value of goods receipts (carried for.)CK_WEWV_2WERTV8
WEWRT_3VATotal value of goods receipts (carried for.)CK_WEWV_3WERTV8
REKUMVATotal valuted invoice receipt quantity (carried for.)CK_REKUMVMENGV8
REWRT_1VATotal invoice receipt value (carried for.)CK_REWV_1WERTV8
REWRT_2VATotal invoice receipt value (carried for.)CK_REWV_2WERTV8
REWRT_3VATotal invoice receipt value (carried for.)CK_REWV_3WERTV8
LVWEKUMVASubcontracting: total valuated GR quantity (carried for.)CK_LWEKVMENGV8
LVWEW_1VASubcontracting: value of goods received (carried for.)CK_LWEWV_1WERTV8
LVWEW_2VASubcontracting: value of goods received (carried for.)CK_LWEWV_2WERTV8
LVWEW_3VASubcontracting: value of goods received (carried for.)CK_LWEWV_3WERTV8
LVREKUMVASubcontracting: Total Valuated IR Quantity (Carryforward)CK_LREKVMENGV8
LVREW_1VASubcontracting: Total Invoice Receipt Value (Carryforward)CK_LREWV_1WERTV8
LVREW_2VASubcontracting: Total Invoice Receipt Value (Carryforward)CK_LREWV_2WERTV8
LVREW_3VASubcontracting: Total Invoice Receipt Value (Carryforward)CK_LREWV_3WERTV8
ZPLPR_1Future planned priceDZPLPRWERT11
ZPLPR_2Future planned priceDZPLPRWERT11
ZPLPR_3Future planned priceDZPLPRWERT11
XKONCHKSwitch off consistency checkCK_XKONCHKCK_XKONCHK
XINITIndicator: affected by initializationCK_XINITCK_XINIT

CKML1 related tables

CKML1Material Ledger Period Totals Records (Release 3.xx)
CKMLCRMaterial Ledger: Period Totals Records Values
CKMLPPMaterial Ledger Period Totals Records Quantity
CKMLCRWIPMaterial Ledger: WIP Period Records (Values)
CKMLPPWIPMaterial-Ledger: Period Records WIP (Quantities)
COFITTotals Records for Reconciliation Ledger
FDSB2CMF Totals Records for G/L Accounts (As of Release 604)
FDSR2CMF Totals Records for Planning Groups (As of Release 604)
S023SFIS: Totals Records for Material
CKML2Material Ledger Header Record (Release 3.xx)
CKMLVMaterial Ledger Control Records
BKKC02General Ledger: Posting Totals for FI
FAGLFLEXTGeneral Ledger: Totals
FAGLFLEXT_BAKGeneral Ledger: Totals
JVGLFLEXTGeneral Ledger: Totals
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