/SAPHT/DRMCONEXT is a SAP table coming under IS module and ECC-DIMP component.View details, Fields & related tables of /SAPHT/DRMCONEXT in SAP.
- Table description : DRM Ship and debit agreement extracts
- Module : IS-HT-DRM
- Parent Module : IS
- Package : /SAPHT/DRM02
- Software Component : ECC-DIMP

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP /SAPHT/DRMCONEXT Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
LS_SD_AGR | Logical system of ship & debit agreement | /SAPHT/DRM_LS_SDAGR | LOGSYS |
SD_AGR_NO | Ship-and-debit agreement number | /SAPHT/DRM_SDAGRNO | BELNR |
SD_AGR_ITM | Ship-and-debit agreement item number | /SAPHT/DRM_SDAGRITM | POSNR |
SOLD_TO_PARTY | Customer Number | KUNNR | KUNNR |
MSBOOKPARTNO | Manufacturer book part number | /SAPHT/DRM_MSBOOKPARTNO | MATNR |
MATERIAL | Material Number | MATNR | MATNR |
SD_AGR_TYP | Ship-and-debit agreement type | /SAPHT/DRM_SDAGRTYP | /SAPHT/DRM_SDAGRTYP |
AGR_STATUS | DRM Ship and Debit agreement status | /SAPHT/DRM_AGRSTATUS | /SAPHT/DRM_AGRSTATUS |
AGR_CAL_TYP | Ship-and-debit claim amount calculation type | /SAPHT/DRM_SDAGR_CAL | /SAPHT/DRM_SDAGR_CAL |
BRANCH_FLAG | Single-Character Flag | CHAR1 | CHAR1 |
COND_RATE | Price protectable price condition rate | /SAPHT/DRM_COND_RATE | WERTV6 |
COND_CURR | Price protectable price currency | /SAPHT/DRM_COND_CURR | WAERS |
COND_NUMER | Numerator for converting price protectable price | /SAPHT/DRM_COND_NUMERATOR | UMBSZ |
COND_DENOM | Denominator for conversion to base unit | /SAPHT/DRM_COND_DENOM | UMBSN |
COND_UOM | Pricing unit of measure | /SAPHT/DRM_PRIC_UOM | MEINS |
COND_PRIC_UNIT | Pricing unit for price protectable price | /SAPHT/DRM_PRCUNIT | KPEIN |
RESALECURR | Resale price currency | /SAPHT/DRM_RESCURR | WAERS |
RESALENUMER | Numerator for converting resale price | /SAPHT/DRM_RESNUMER | UMBSZ |
RESALEDENOM | Denominator for conversion to base unit | /SAPHT/DRM_RESDENOM | UMBSN |
RESALEUOM | Pricing unit of measure | /SAPHT/DRM_RESUOM | MEINS |
RESALE_PRCUNIT | Pricing Unit for Resale price | /SAPHT/DRM_RES_PRCUNIT | KPEIN |
SD_AGR_RATE | Ship-and-debit agreement rate | /SAPHT/DRM_SDAGRRATE | WERTV6 |
SD_AGR_CURR | Ship-and-debit agreement rate currency | /SAPHT/DRM_SDAGRCURR | WAERS |
PRIC_UNIT | Ship-and-debit agreement pricing unit | /SAPHT/DRM_AGR_PRC_UNIT | KPEIN |
AGR_CON_NUM | Numerator for coversion to base unit | /SAPHT/DRM_AGR_COND_NUMER | UMBSZ |
AGR_CON_DEN | Denominator for conversion to base unit of material | /SAPHT/DRM_AGR_COND_DENOM | UMBSN |
SD_AGR_UOM | Unit of measure for SD Agreement | /SAPHT/DRM_SDAGRCUOM | MEINS |
TOT_AGR_QTY | Cumulative order quantity in sales units | KWMENG | MENG15 |
CALLED_OFF_QTY | Cumulative order quantity in sales units | KWMENG | MENG15 |
QTY_UNIT | Base Unit of Measure | MEINS | MEINS |
AGR_VALID_FR | Valid-from date (outline agreements, product proposals) | GUEBG | DATUM |
AGR_VALID_TO | Valid-to date (outline agreements, product proposals) | GUEEN | DATUM |
BOOKING_TO | Booking Date - To | /SAPHT/DRM_BOOK_TO | DATS |
SHIPPING_FR | Shipping Date - From | /SAPHT/DRM_SHIP_FROM | DATS |
SHIPPING_TO | Shipping Date - To | /SAPHT/DRM_SHIP_TO | DATS |
BILLING_FR | Billing Date - From | /SAPHT/DRM_BILL_FROM | DATS |
BILLING_TO | Billing Date - To | /SAPHT/DRM_BILL_TO | DATS |
EXERCISE_TO | Exercise Date - From | /SAPHT/DRM_EXER_TO | DATS |
DESIGN_REG_NO | Design registration number | /SAPHT/DRM_DESIGN_REG_NO | CHAR30 |
STSMA | Status Profile | J_STSMA | J_STSMA |
ESTAT | User Status | J_ESTAT | J_ESTAT |
.INCLUDE | DRM Structure for tracking Created By/Changed By... | ||
CREATED_BY | Name of Person who Created the Object | ERNAM | USNAM |
CREATED_TM | Time created | C_TIME | UZEIT |
LASTCHGDBY | Last Changed By | UPNAM | USNAM |
LASTCHGDDT | Last Changed On | AEDAT | DATUM |
CHANGED_TM | Last changed at | AS4TIME | AS4TIME |
/SAPHT/DRMCONEXT related tables
Table | Note |
/SAPHT/DRMCONEXT | DRM Ship and debit agreement extracts |
/SAPHT/DRMSDDL | Ship and Debit Due List |
VDSEPA_AUTODEB_O | Records for new auto debit (SEPA direct debit) |
A435 | Sales org./Distr. chl/Customer/Material/DRM Agr No/DRM Itm |
/SAPHT/DRMAGRWL | DRM - worklist table for agreement negotiation |
/SAPHT/DRMWLCOMP | DRM Agreement Negotiation Competitor Info Table. |
/SAPHT/DRMWLDATE | DRM- Agreement Negotiation dates info |
/SAPHT/DRMWLPRIC | DRM-Agreement negotiation prices info table. |
/SAPHT/DRMWLQTY | DRM - Agreement negotiation Quantity Table |
A276 | Agreement Data and status with agreement search |
CMS_CAG_TRMCST | Termination and Cost details for Agreement/Agreement BP |
OIUX8_NM_DC_MEMO | Tax 2.0 - New Mexico Debit and Credit Memo |
TDBLT | Text table for TDBL (debit and income types) |
A436 | Agreement data in combination with Agreement search |
/BEV3/CHRGVBVB | Agreement / Agreement Rule |
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