Executing a Payroll run – Step by Step processes

Here are the step by step processes for executing a Payroll run in SAP HR.

  1. Take the menu Human Resources -> Payroll -> Europe -> Germany -> Payroll -> Release Payroll or enter the transaction code PC00_M99_PA03_RELEA. (The menu path will be different according to your region, here it’s for Germany)
  2. Above Payroll area enter D2 in the dialog box and choose YES
  3. Take the menu Select Start Payroll or enter the transaction code PC00_M01_CALC
  4. Fill the following fields with data. Here a sample data is shown.
    • Payroll period – Payroll area: D2
    • Selection – Personnel number:  1051
    • Selection – Payroll area:  D2
  5. Choose CONTINUE button and then choose EXECUTE button (Or press F8).
  6. Now in the status line a message with “Payroll is running” will appear and a “display log tree screen” will also appear.
  7. In the log check the following fields for evaluating your payroll runs.
    • Selected personnel numbers
    • Successful
    • Number of periods
    • Rejected
    • Total number of messages and error messages
  8. Choose BACK button (Or press F3) and Choose YES button on the dialog box.
Also Read : SAP HR Module Tutorial -> Check Payroll Results

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