SAP LSMW Tutorial with Steps to create

The full form of LSMW is Legacy System Migration Workbench. As the name specifies it’s a tool in SAP for migrating the legacy data to SAP system.LSMW is the transaction code used to start.

Commonly used importing technology in LSMW are

In this tutorial we describes about the steps involved in creating an LSMW project for migrating the legacy data.

In LSMW we are doing the things in a step by step procedure and the next step screen will be automatically displayed after very step. Here are the steps involved in LSMW.

Here is the screen shot of LSMW initial screen

Step 1: Maintaining Object Attributes

Here we are specifying about the project, subproject, object and importing technology (like batch input, IDOC etc.)

Step 2: Maintaining the source structures

Here we define the structure of source.

Step 3: Maintaining Source Fields

After the creation of structure in step 2, in this step we are going to define each field in that structure.

Step 4: Maintaining Structure Relationship

Here we specify the relationship between the SAP structures and the source structures created in step 2.

Step 5: Maintaining Field mapping and Conversion Rules

The mapping between SAP structure fields and source structure fields, and conversion rule is specifying in this step. Instead of manual mapping, auto field mapping option is also available.

Step 6: Maintaining Fixed Values, Conversions and User-Defined Routines

Specifying the conversion rules for processing data. Here we specify the fixed values etc.

The normal available rules are

  1. Initial
  2. Constant
  3. Transfer (MOVE)
  4. Fixed Value (Reusable)
  5. Translation (reusable)
  6. Prefix
  7. Suffix
  8. Concatenation
  9. Left trim
  10. ABAP coding
  11. User-defined routine

Step 7: Specifying files

In this step we will specify the files used for the migration.

Step 8: Assigning files

Here we assign the specified files to the corresponding source structure.

Step 9: Importing Data

In this step press execute to read the data from source.

Step 10: Displaying Imported Data

In this step choose continue to display the data that has been read.

Step 11: Converting Data

In this step choose execute to transfer the read to the file of converted data.

Step 12: Display Converted Data

In this step choose execute to display the converted data.

Depending on the importing technology specifies in step 1. The next steps may have.

Step 13: Create batch input session

Step 14: Run batch Input Session.


Step 13: Starting IDOC generation

Step 14: Starting IDOC processing

Step 15: Create an IDOC overview

Step 16: Start IDOC post processing

You will get more details about batch Input Session and IDOC in our other tutorials.

Also Read : ABAP Tutorial Home page -> SAP BDC -> ABAP Transaction codes -> SAP ALE Tutorial

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