We can analyze our Smart Forms using trace to watch how its works and any termination caused by errors. To administer the trace the transaction code SFTRACE (In old versions SMARTFORM_TRACE) is used. If the trace is activates trace details will be stored in database for each output of the smart form. And remember the trace will be automatically deactivated after a day. There are many settings and trace level for activating a trace.
Important settings for Trace
Trace level: (Have explained in the next paragraph)
Logical page: Only a specific page output will trace
Window: Only a specific window on page output will trace
Trace level: It specifies how much in details the trace should store. The basic trace level is 5 with general information only and maximum level is 80 with all the information. Here is the list of each trace level used.
Trace level 5: Trace only warning and error.
Trace level 15: Trace level 5 + document information.
Trace level 30: Trace level 15 + with the name of processed pages.
Trace level 40: Trace level 30 + with the name the windows also.
Trace level 45: Trace level 40 + specifications as to when table output areas are processed.
Trace level 47: Trace level 45 + outputs on line types and cells processed in tables
Trace level 50: Trace level 47 + attribute values of processed output nodes like technical name of the included text module.
Trace level 60: Trace level 50 + name and values of fields in text outputs.
Trace level 80: Trace level 60 + Contains the scanner outputs also
Steps to activate the Smart Form Trace
- Step 1: Enter the transaction SFTRACE
- Step 2: Choose Activate button.
- Step 3: Select the trace level and other settings.
- Step 4: Press Enter
By choosing Display Trace menu in a database frame we can view and analyze the trace stored in table. It always a good practice to use trace for newly created Smart Forms.
Also Read : ABAP Tutorial Home page -> Smartforms Tutorial -> Sapscript to Smartforms Migration