O3UX5_OK_TAX_RT is a SAP tcode coming under IS-OIL module and IS-OIL component. View some details about O3UX5_OK_TAX_RT tcode in SAP.
- O3UX5_OK_TAX_RT tcode used for : Tax 2.0 - OKGP Tax Rate Maintenance in SAP
- Module : IS-OIL-PRA-REP-TAX (Tax Reporting)
- Parent Module : IS-OIL (Industry Solution Oil)
- Package : OIU_X5 (Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax)

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is transaction code in SAP?Transaction code shortly known as tcode, is a shortcut code to access different functional areas in SAP. It avoid users from long menu path to reach a report. Instead of that users can type the corresponding transaction code and press enter, the corresponding SAP page will load. It’s a good practice to remember or note down the transaction codes that we need to use in our regular work.
O3UX5_OK_TAX_RT related transaction codes
Tcode | Note |
O3UX5_OK_TAX_RT | Tax 2.0 - OKGP Tax Rate Maintenance |
O3UX6_WY_CTAX_RT | Tax 2.0 - WYC Tax Rate Maintenance |
O3UX6_WY_STAX_RT | Tax 2.0 - WYS Tax Rate Maintenance |
REITORCALC | Option Rate Determin.: All Objects |
REITORCALCDAILY | Option Rate Determin.: All Objects |
REITORCALCSCS | Option Rate Determination for SCS |
REITORSHOW | Option Rate Determ: Display Results |
REITZA | Maintain Option Rate Methods |
CRM_FS_FRA | Floating Rate Adjustment |
TJ05 | Automatic Interest Rate Adjustment |
TJ05_REV | Reverse Automatic Int. Rate Adjust. |
O3UX1_TAXREP_MSTR | Tax reporting master maintenance |
O3UX5_OK_BATXID | Oklahoma BA Tax ID Maintenance |
/BEV2/EDCO | Shrinkage Rate Rel. to Tax Warehouse |
/SAPPCE/DPC_TAX01_C | Cred. DP Chains - Tax Rate Change |