FI-AA (View full list of 103 Tcodes) | Asset Accounting |
FI-AA-AA (View full list of 39 Tcodes) | Basic Functions |
FI-AA-AA-TR-TP (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | Transfer Postings |
FI-AA-IS (View full list of 184 Tcodes) | Information System |
FI-AA-SVA-HI (View full list of 7 Tcodes) | Handling of Inflation |
FI-AA-SVA-NT (View full list of 7 Tcodes) | Net Worth Tax |
FI-AF-DPC (View full list of 50 Tcodes) | Down Payment Chains |
FI-AP-AP (View full list of 33 Tcodes) | Basic Functions |
FI-AP-AP-PT (View full list of 60 Tcodes) | Payment Transactions |
FI-AR (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Accounts Receivable |
FI-AR-AR (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | Basic Functions |
FI-AR-AR-DP (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Down Payments |
FI-AR-AR-PT (View full list of 20 Tcodes) | Payment Transactions |
FI-AR-CR (View full list of 12 Tcodes) | Credit Management |
FI-AR-IS (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Information System |
FI-BL (View full list of 22 Tcodes) | Bank Accounting |
FI-BL-BM-CM (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | Check Management |
FI-BL-MD (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Master Data |
FI-BL-MD-BK (View full list of 9 Tcodes) | Bank Master Data |
FI-BL-PT (View full list of 31 Tcodes) | Payment Transactions |
FI-BL-PT-AP (View full list of 23 Tcodes) | Automatic Payments |
FI-BL-PT-BS (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | Bank Statement |
FI-BL-PT-BS-EL (View full list of 20 Tcodes) | Electronic Bank Statement |
FI-CA (View full list of 1481 Tcodes) | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
FI-CA-BF (View full list of 23 Tcodes) | Basic Functions |
FI-CA-BF-BP (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Business Partner |
FI-CA-BF-CA (View full list of 28 Tcodes) | Contract Accounts |
FI-CA-BT (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Business transactions |
FI-CA-BT-CC (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Customer Contact |
FI-CA-BT-IC (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Account Balance Interest Calculation |
FI-CA-BT-PY (View full list of 11 Tcodes) | Payments |
FI-CA-BT-SE (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Security Deposits |
FI-CA-IN-CR (View full list of 10 Tcodes) | SAP Credit Management |
FI-CA-INV (View full list of 35 Tcodes) | Invoicing to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
FI-CAX (View full list of 23 Tcodes) | Generic Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
FI-FM (View full list of 65 Tcodes) | Funds Management |
FI-FM-IS (View full list of 79 Tcodes) | Information System |
FI-FM-PO (View full list of 98 Tcodes) | Postings |
FI-GL (View full list of 640 Tcodes) | General Ledger Accounting |
FI-GL-CU-MCA (View full list of 83 Tcodes) | Multi Currency Accounting |
FI-GL-FL (View full list of 26 Tcodes) | Flexible Structures |
FI-GL-GL (View full list of 17 Tcodes) | Basic Functions |
FI-GL-GL-AAC (View full list of 56 Tcodes) | Manual Accruals |
FI-GL-GL-ACE (View full list of 78 Tcodes) | Accrual Engine |
FI-GL-GL-ADB (View full list of 17 Tcodes) | Average Daily Balance |
FI-GL-GL-AP (View full list of 21 Tcodes) | G/L Account Posting |
FI-GL-GL-CAE (View full list of 73 Tcodes) | CRM Accruals |
FI-GL-GL-CL (View full list of 24 Tcodes) | Closing Operations |
FI-GL-GL-CUR (View full list of 7 Tcodes) | Erweiterte Währungskonvertierung |
FI-GL-GL-PL (View full list of 20 Tcodes) | Planning |
FI-GL-GL-SOA (View full list of 71 Tcodes) | Provisions for Awards |
FI-GL-IS (View full list of 543 Tcodes) | Information System |
FI-GL-REO (View full list of 32 Tcodes) | General Ledger Reorganization |
FI-LA (View full list of 378 Tcodes) | Lease Accounting |
FI-LC-LC (View full list of 17 Tcodes) | Basic Functions |
FI-LOC (View full list of 1339 Tcodes) | Localization |
FI-RL (View full list of 25 Tcodes) | Retail Ledger |
FI-SL-IS (View full list of 61 Tcodes) | Information System |
FI-SL-SL (View full list of 18 Tcodes) | Basic Functions |
FI-SL-SL-MD-SE (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Sets |
FI-SL-VSR (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Validation, Substitution and Rules |
FI-TV (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Travel Management |