Here is a list of possible Se54 generate table view related transaction codes in SAP. You will get more details about each transaction code by clicking on the tcode name.
Se54 generate table view Transaction Codes List
SE54 Tcode for Generate table view Program : SAPMSVIM Package : SVIM Component : SAP_BASIS
SE55 Tcode for Table view maintenance DDIC call Program : Package : SVIM Component : SAP_BASIS
SE56 Tcode for Table view display DDIC call Program : Package : SVIM Component : SAP_BASIS
SE57 Tcode for Delete external table view maint. Program : Package : SVIM Component : SAP_BASIS
WA08 Tcode for Generate Alloc. Table Follow-On Docs Program : RWWGENFB Package : WAUF Component : BBPCRM
FMHIE_GENERATION Tcode for Generate Generate Hierarchy Program : RFFMHIE_GENERATE Package : FMBMA_E Component : EA-PS
EE_CRM_CLASS_GENER Tcode for Generate class for set type Program : EE_CRM_CLASS_GENER Package : EE_CRM_CLASS_GENERATE Component : IS-UT
FAGL_SLL_655_T882G Tcode for Generate Non-Leading Ledger Program : FAGL_SLL_CONFIRM_GEN Package : FAGL_SWITCH_LEADING_LEDGER Component : SAP_FIN
WFMCVSTART Tcode for WFMC: Call View and View Cluster Program : WFMCVSTART Package : VN Component : BBPCRM
CACS_INFO_VIEW Tcode for Info on Cluster/View/View variants Program : CACS_INFORMATION_VIEW_ALV Package : CACSCG Component : EA-APPL
SE61_03 Tcode for Display SE61 Documents in Modal View Program : RPDOCUDISPLAYSE61 Package : DOCU_DISP_SE61 Component : SAP_APPL
SM30 Tcode for Call View Maintenance Program : SAPMSVMA Package : SVIM Component : SAP_BASIS
SM31 Tcode for Call View Maintenance Like SM30 Program : SAPMSVMA Package : SVIM Component : SAP_BASIS
SRMVIEWGEN Tcode for View Generator Program : SAPVGENSTART Package : SRM_VIEWGEN Component : SAP_BASIS
BW03MASTER Tcode for Generate summ.table trans. structure Program : RGUCBIW1 Package : GBAS Component : BBPCRM
CMSC_BRE_SCHGEN Tcode for Generate schema determination table Program : CMS_BRE_SCHGEN Package : CMS_BRE Component : BBPCRM
GCBW2 Tcode for Generate summ.table trans. structure Program : RGUCBIW1 Package : GBAS Component : BBPCRM
OWA1 Tcode for Configuration: Generate Foll.Docs AT Program : SAPMV76A Package : WAUF Component : BBPCRM
WA05 Tcode for Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate POs Program : SAPMW03A Package : WAUF Component : BBPCRM
WA06 Tcode for Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate Deliveries Program : SAPMW03A Package : WAUF Component : BBPCRM
WA07 Tcode for Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate Wrhse Orders Program : SAPMW03A Package : WAUF Component : BBPCRM
WA50 Tcode for Generate Allocation Rule Program : RWAUREGE Package : WAUF Component : BBPCRM
WA54 Tcode for Generate Alloc Rule / Test RIS-L Program : RWSARGEN Package : WAUF Component : BBPCRM
CNV_BACK_GENER Tcode for Generate program for table backup Program : CNV_00001_GEN_BACKUP Package : CNV_BASIS Component : DMIS
0FILACREATE_01 Tcode for Generate Table Entries Program : Package : FI_LA_GF Component : EA-APPL
REBFCR03 Tcode for Generate Table Buffer Classes Program : RFREBFCR00 Package : RE_BF_CR Component : EA-FIN
TBLT01 Tcode for Limit: Generate Table for Lim. Types Program : RFTBLT01 Package : FTLM Component : EA-FINSERV
WA10 Tcode for Generation for PO and OAPAC Program : RWRF_AT_GEN Package : WRF_AT_GENERATE Component : EA-RETAIL
RARCCOA1 Tcode for Generate CO-OM Table Analysis Program : RARCCOA1 Package : ARCH_IMG Component : SAP_APPL
TFWKEYGEN Tcode for Generate Table for Key Values Program : TFW_GEN_BO_KEYMAP_TABLE Package : STFW_HELPERS Component : SAP_BASIS
EWTF Tcode for Table Selection for RESTART/NO VIEW Program : SAPMEWTF Package : EWU Component : BBPCRM
NWCHIVT Tcode for Maint. View for Object Types Table Program : Package : NPVS Component : BBPCRM
OKC0 Tcode for View maint. TKCF Text read table Program : Package : KC Component : BBPCRM
S_AEC_66000076 Tcode for Change view custom. table text elem. Program : SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY Package : BBP_AT Component : BBPCRM
CNV_10940_VIEW Tcode for Maint. View for Table CNV_10940_str Program : Package : CNV_10940 Component : DMIS
CNV_10993_VIEW Tcode for Maint. View for Table CNV_10993_STAT Program : Package : CNV_10993 Component : DMIS
CACS_REPTYPE Tcode for CACS: Table/View -> Drilldown Program : CACS_ADD_NEW_TABLE Package : CACSRC Component : EA-APPL
HOSH Tcode for Maintenance View for Table ADMI_CRIT Program : SAPMEWAR Package : BEWU Component : SAP_ABA
SCMP Tcode for View/Table Comparison Program : SAPLSCT1 Package : SCCC Component : SAP_BASIS
OY18 Tcode for Table history Program : RSTBHIST Package : BCUC Component : BBPCRM
SUCU Tcode for Table authorizations: Customizing Program : Package : BCUC Component : BBPCRM
WA01 Tcode for Create Allocation Table Program : SAPML01A Package : WAUF Component : BBPCRM
WA02 Tcode for Change Allocation Table Program : SAPML01A Package : WAUF Component : BBPCRM
WA03 Tcode for Display Allocation Table Program : SAPML01A Package : WAUF Component : BBPCRM
WA09H Tcode for Allocation Table Emergency Deletion Program : RWSDEL2T Package : WAUF Component : BBPCRM
WA11 Tcode for Message Bundling, Allocation Table Program : RWSNASTV Package : WAUF Component : BBPCRM
GHOPPC Tcode for Cleanup Report Planning Table Program : GHO_PP_PTABLE_CLEANUP_REPORT Package : EA_GHO_PP_PT_GEN Component : EA-APPL
FNCOT_CHNG Tcode for Change Condition Table Program : SAPLFVD_FICO_DIALOG Package : FVVD_CONDITION_TABLE Component : EA-FINSERV
FNCOT_CREA Tcode for Create Condition Table Program : SAPLFVD_FICO_DIALOG Package : FVVD_CONDITION_TABLE Component : EA-FINSERV
FNCOT_DISP Tcode for Display Condition Table Program : SAPLFVD_FICO_DIALOG Package : FVVD_CONDITION_TABLE Component : EA-FINSERV
FNCOT_INL_CHNG Tcode for Change Condition Table Program : SAPLFVD_FICO_DIALOG Package : FVVD_CONDITION_TABLE Component : EA-FINSERV
SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is transaction code in SAP?
Transaction code shortly known as tcode, is a shortcut code to access different functional areas in SAP. It avoid users from long menu path to reach a report. Instead of that users can type the corresponding transaction code and press enter, the corresponding SAP page will load. It’s a good practice to remember or note down the transaction codes that we need to use in our regular work.