Raw material interfase Tcode in SAP

Here is a list of possible Raw material interfase related transaction codes in SAP. You will get more details about each transaction code by clicking on the tcode name.
Raw material interfase Transaction Codes List
  • MMR1
    Tcode for Create Raw Material &
    Program : SAPMMG01
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
    Tcode for Start Transactions
    Package : MEREQ_RMC
    Component : SAP_APPL
  • TEM10
    Tcode for Display and Maint. of Raw Exposures
    Component : EA-FINSERV
  • TEM11
    Tcode for Display Raw Exposures
    Component : EA-FINSERV
  • CKMS
    Tcode for Material Ledger Docs for Material
    Program : SAPRCKMS
    Package : CKML
    Component : BBPCRM
    Tcode for Maintain TMCNV for long material no.
    Program :
    Package : MGVERS
    Component : ECC-DIMP
  • VTFG
    Tcode for Field groups material versions
    Program :
    Package : MGVERS
    Component : ECC-DIMP
  • BD30
    Tcode for Distribute material object list
    Program : RBDSEBOM
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • BD33
    Tcode for Distribute material variants (ALE)
    Program : RBDSESTT
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CKM3
    Tcode for Material Price Analysis
    Program : SAPLCKM8
    Package : CKML
    Component : BBPCRM
    Tcode for Material Price Analysis
    Program : SAPLCKM8
    Package : CKML
    Component : BBPCRM
    Tcode for Display Material Ledger Data
    Program : SAPLCKM8
    Package : CKML
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CKMB
    Tcode for Display Material Ledger Document
    Program : SAPLCKMD
    Package : CKML
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CKMC
    Tcode for Consistency Check for a Material
    Program : SAPRCKMU
    Package : CKML
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CKMD
    Tcode for Transactions for a Material
    Program : SAPRCKMR
    Package : CKML
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CKML
    Tcode for Actual Costing/Material Ledger
    Program : MENUCKML
    Package : CKML
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS01
    Tcode for Create Material BOM
    Program : SAPMC29S
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS02
    Tcode for Change Material BOM
    Program : SAPMC29S
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS03
    Tcode for Display Material BOM
    Program : SAPMC29S
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS05
    Tcode for Change Material BOM Group
    Program : SAPMC29S
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS06
    Tcode for Display Material BOM Group
    Program : SAPMC29S
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS07
    Tcode for Allocate Material BOM to Plant
    Program : SAPLCSAL
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS08
    Tcode for Change Material BOM - Plant Alloc.
    Program : SAPLCSAL
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS21
    Tcode for Mass Material Change: Initial Screen
    Program : SAPMC29M
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS40
    Tcode for Create Link to Configurable Material
    Program : SAPLCSAL
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS41
    Tcode for Change Material Config. Allocation
    Program : SAPLCSAL
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS42
    Tcode for Display Material Config. Assignment
    Program : SAPLCSAL
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS80
    Tcode for Change Documents for Material BOM
    Program : SAPMC29B
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CS90
    Tcode for Material BOM Number Ranges
    Program : SAPMSNUM
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • CSMB
    Tcode for Start material BOM browser
    Program : SAPLCSSO
    Package : CS
    Component : BBPCRM
  • DPRL
    Tcode for Change Material When Profile Deleted
    Program : SAPMM03M
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • DPRV
    Tcode for Change Material When Profile Changed
    Program : SAPMM03M
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MM01
    Tcode for Create Material &
    Program : SAPMMG01
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MM02
    Tcode for Change Material &
    Program : SAPMMG01
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MM03
    Tcode for Display Material &
    Program : SAPMMG01
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MM04
    Tcode for Display Material Change Documents
    Program : SAPMM03A
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MM06
    Tcode for Flag Material for Deletion
    Program : SAPMM03G
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MM11
    Tcode for Schedule Creation of Material &
    Program : SAPMMG01
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MM12
    Tcode for Schedule Changing of Material &
    Program : SAPMMG01
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MM16
    Tcode for Schedule Material for Deletion
    Program : SAPMM03G
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MM19
    Tcode for Display Material & at Key Date
    Program : SAPMMG01
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MM41
    Tcode for Create Material &
    Program : SAPMMG02
    Package : MGW
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MM42
    Tcode for Change Material &
    Program : SAPMMG02
    Package : MGW
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MM43
    Tcode for Display Material &
    Program : SAPMMG02
    Package : MGW
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MMAM
    Tcode for Change Material Type
    Program : SAPMM03Z
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MMK1
    Tcode for Create Configurable Material &
    Program : SAPMMG01
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MMN1
    Tcode for Create Non-Stock Material &
    Program : SAPMMG01
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MMNR
    Tcode for Define Material Master Number Ranges
    Program : SAPMSNUM
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MMU1
    Tcode for Create Non-Valuated Material &
    Program : SAPMMG01
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MMZ1
    Tcode for Create Material, General (Old MM01)
    Program : SAPMM03M
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
  • MMZ2
    Tcode for Change Material (Old MM02)
    Program : SAPMM03M
    Package : MG
    Component : BBPCRM
Raw material interfase Tcode in SAP

Raw material interfase related terms

Raw material interfase Tcode in SAP
Material to material transaction code Tcode in SAP
Material to material transfer Tcode in SAP
Sap material master download material master Tcode in SAP
Value-only material Tcode in SAP
Material value Tcode in SAP
Material where used Tcode in SAP
Material sap Tcode in SAP
Material Tcode in SAP
Material ecc Tcode in SAP
Material bom Tcode in SAP
Where use material Tcode in SAP
Material where use Tcode in SAP
Material Tcode in SAP
Material master uom Tcode in SAP
Raw material interface Tcode in SAP
Create raw material Tcode in SAP
Material group Tcode in SAP
Raw material order Tcode in SAP
Invoice doc material Tcode in SAP


What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is transaction code in SAP?

Transaction code shortly known as tcode, is a shortcut code to access different functional areas in SAP. It avoid users from long menu path to reach a report. Instead of that users can type the corresponding transaction code and press enter, the corresponding SAP page will load. It’s a good practice to remember or note down the transaction codes that we need to use in our regular work.

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