TF600 Table in SAP | Consolidation of Investments Methods Table & Fields List

TF600 is a SAP table coming under EC module and SAP_FIN component.View details, Fields & related tables of TF600 in SAP.

  • Table description : Consolidation of Investments Methods
  • Module : EC-CS
  • Parent Module : EC
  • Package : FC06_UC
  • Software Component : SAP_FIN
TF600 table in SAP

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Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP TF600 Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
COITPAccounting technique for the consolidation of investmentsFC_COITPFC_COITP
USGAAPCalculate acquisitions with direct shares/group sharesFC_USGAAPFC_USGAAP
NGPROCTreatment of negative goodwillFC_NGPROCFC_GWPROC
GWLCFLGCarry Goodwill in Local CurrencyFC_GWLCFLGX
GWIEFLGPost Goodwill at Investee UnitFC_GWIEFLGX
HIREXCException for fair value adjustmentsFC_HIREXCX
GWNEXCException Goodwill Extraordinary AmortizationFC_GWNEXCX
GWAEXCException Goodwill Ordinary AmortizationFC_GWAEXCX
GWDEXCException for direct elimination of goodwillFC_GWDEXCX
GWREXCException for periodic reduction of goodwillFC_GWREXCX
NGNEXCException Negative Goodwill Extraordinary AmortizationFC_NGNEXCX
NGAEXCException Negative Goodwill Ordinary AmortizationFC_NGAEXCX
NGDEXCException for direct elimination of negative goodwillFC_NGDEXCX
NGREXCException for periodic reduction of negative goodwillFC_NGREXCX
NEQEXCException for Negative Stockholders' EquityFC_NEQEXCX
.INCLUDEC/I: Optional Global oder Method-dependent Settings    
NINVFLGEnable negative investmentsFC_NINVFLGX
NMINFLGNo calculation of minority interestFC_NMINFLGX
HRREVProcedure for eliminating hidden reserves/contingencies(FVA)FC_HRREVFC_HRREV
HRSHAScope of elimination of hidden reserves/contingenciesFC_HRSHAFC_HRSHA
HRSITYPSubitem category for hidden reserves (fair value adjustment)FC_HRSITYPFC_SITYP
HRAQDSISubitem for transferring hidden reserves (fair value adj.)FC_HRAQDSIFC_SITEM
HRDPCSISubitem for amortization of hidden reserves (fair value adj)FC_HRDPCSIFC_SITEM
HRDPDSISubitem for writeups of hidden reserves (fair value adj.)FC_HRDPDSIFC_SITEM
NHSITYPSubitem category for hidden contingencies (fair value adj.)FC_NHSITYPFC_SITYP
NHAQCSISubitem for transferring hidden contingencies (fair val.adj)FC_NHAQCSIFC_SITEM
NHDPDSISubitem for changes to hidden contingencies - debitFC_NHDPDSIFC_SITEM
NHDPCSISubitem for changes to hidden contingencies - creditFC_NHDPCSIFC_SITEM
GWAYRLife of goodwill amortization in yearsFC_GWAYRNUMC2
GWAPELife of goodwill amortization in monthsFC_GWAPENUMC3
GWABGStart date for the amortization of new goodwillFC_GWABGFC_DGWBG
GWARFLGAmortize new goodwill over remaining lifeFC_GWARFLGX
GWALFLGThreshold value for the amortization of goodwillFC_GWALFLGX
GWALVALThreshold value for the amortization of goodwillFC_GWALVALWERTV9
GWALCURGroup currency for threshold for goodwill amortizationFC_GWALCURWAERS
GWRYRLife of the periodic reduction of goodwill - yearsFC_GWRYRNUMC2
GWRPELife of periodic reduction of goodwill - monthsFC_GWRPENUMC3
GWRBGBeginning date of the periodic reduction of new goodwillFC_GWRBGFC_DGWBG
GWRRFLGReduce the new goodwill over its remaining lifeFC_GWRRFLGX
GWRLFLGThreshold value for the periodic reduction of goodwillFC_GWRLFLGX
GWRLVALThreshold value for the periodic reduction of goodwillFC_GWRLVALWERTV9
GWRLCURGroup currency for threshold for periodic reduction of GWFC_GWRLCURWAERS
NGAYRLife of amortization of negative goodwill in yearsFC_NGAYRNUMC2
NGAPELife of amortization of negative goodwill in monthsFC_NGAPENUMC3
NGABGBeginning date of amortization of new negative goodwillFC_NGABGFC_DGWBG
NGARFLGAmortization of new negative goodwill over remain. lifeFC_NGARFLGX
NGALFLGThreshold for amortization of negative goodwillFC_NGALFLGX
NGALVALThreshold for amortization of negative goodwillFC_NGALVALWERTV9
NGALCURGroup currency f. threshold of neg. goodwill amortizationFC_NGALCURWAERS
NGRYRLife of periodic reduction of negative goodwill - yearsFC_NGRYRNUMC2
NGRPELife of periodic reduction of negative goodwill - monthsFC_NGRPENUMC3
NGRBGBeginning date of the reduction of new negative goodwillFC_NGRBGFC_DGWBG
NGRRFLGReduce new negative goodwill over its remaining lifeFC_NGRRFLGX
NGRLFLGThreshold for periodic reduction of negative goodwillFC_NGRLFLGX
NGRLVALThreshold for periodic reduction of negative goodwillFC_NGRLVALWERTV9
NGRLCURGroup currency of threshold for periodic reduction of neg.GWFC_NGRLCURWAERS

TF600 related tables

T869TConsolidation of investments methods
TF600Consolidation of Investments Methods
TF610Tasks for the Consolidation of Investments
TF695Selected Items for Consolidation of Investments
UCF600CConsolidation of Investments
UCF610CConsolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF610TConsolidation of Investments: Activities
UCMI210Selected Items: Consolidation of Investments
TF189AInactive Consolidation Units per Consolidation Group
T087LText table for reasons for environmental investments
T851Changes in Investments
TF620Changes in Investments
VZSKOKOCondition header for stock, subscrip.rights, investments
T869Consolidation methods
T884MCurrency translation methods used in Consolidation
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