TCA01 Table in SAP | Task list types Table & Fields List

TCA01 is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of TCA01 in SAP.

  • Table description : Task list types
  • Module : CRM
  • Parent Module : CRM
  • Package : CP
  • Software Component : BBPCRM
TCA01 table in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP TCA01 Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
PLNAWApplication of the task listPLNAWPLNAW
MATKZIndicator: material allocationMATKZFLAG
BLDTYScreen sequence type for table: T185 ControlBLDTYBLDTY
OBJECTName of number range objectNROBJNROBJ
NKNRINumber range number for internal number assignmentNKNRICHAR2
NKNRENumber range number for external number assignmentNKNRECHAR2
FLG_OPRSOPIndicator: same handling of operations and sub-operationsFLG_OPRSOPFLAG
FLG_SEQIndicator: parallel / alternative sequencesFLG_SEQFLAG
FLG_AOBIndicator: relationshipsFLG_AOBFLAG
FLG_UOBJIndicator: sub-objects used when processing dialog tablesFLG_UOBJFLAG
FLG_EQUIIndicator: allocation of equipment possibleIEQKZFLAG
FLG_IFLIndicator: allocation of functional location possibleIFLKZFLAG
FLG_INSTIndicator: plant maintenance data activeFLG_INSTFLAG
SCREENTYSCREEN TYPE: for order-order category (see domain)SCREENTYCHAR4
FLG_REFIndicator: task list can be referencedFLG_REFXFELD
FLG_PHASIndicator: CAP/sub-operations activeFLG_PHASFLAG
FLG_FEATIndicator: Recipe/proc. instructions activeFLG_FEATFLAG
FLG_DOCIndicator: creation of change documents activeFLG_DOCFLAG
FLG_PHYSIndicator: Delete physicallyPLG_PHYSXFELD
FLG_MSTIndicator: MilestoneFLG_MSTXFELD
FLG_CHKInd: Consistency check prior to postingFLG_CHKXFELD
PID_MATTake get/set parameter into account for material fieldPID_MATFLAG
PID_PLNTake get/set parameter into account for task list fieldPID_PLNFLAG
FLG_STUELIInd: Bill of material can be allocatedFLG_STUELIFLAG
PID_AUNTake get/set parameter for SD document number into accountPID_AUNFLAG
FLG_GPOSIndicator: Items in graphicsFLG_GPOSCHAR1
FLG_MKALIndicator: Production versionFLG_MKALCHAR1
FLG_ERF_OPIndicator: Operation screen seq. active using tca60/62FLG_ERF_OPFLAG
OPR_PANELIdentifies current screen displayOPR_PANELPANEL
FLG_CHK_REIndicator: Inspection scope reduced on screensFLG_CHK_REFLAG
FLG_ARBEIIndicator: Default value work is relevantFLG_ARBEIFLAG
FLG_KALCIndicator: material quantity calculationFLG_KALCFLAG
FLG_CHRULEIndicator: change rule can be activatedFLG_CHRULEFLAG
FLG_LK_CHKIndicator: Authorization check for deletion activeFLG_LOEKZ_CHKFLAG
FLG_MATCOMCheck material type against componentsFLG_MATCOMFLAG

TCA01 related tables

TCA04Task list types permitted for creating task lists by copying
FCC_INST_PARAMSParameter Values of a Remote Task in Task List
TCA10Task lists: Messages depending on the task list type
TFC_INST_PARAMSParameter Values of a Remote Task in Task List
/TMWFLOW/TKLEXTPExtension of Export and Import Task in Task List
/TMWFLOW/TLVARCTask List Variants in Task Plan
/TMWFLOW/TLVARTTexts for Task List Versions in Task Plan
T409Relationships between task list types and material types
DSWP_TM_DESCRTask Management: Description of Task
DSWP_TM_RELATIONTask relations in Task Management
DSWP_TM_TASKTask Table for Task Management
ETP_TEXTHEADEREasy Task Planning: Texts for Task
ETP_TEXTLINESEasy Task Planning: Text Rows for the Task
POC_D_PRE_BATask Log Previous Task
RMXTC_M03TMS-TLS: Monitor Customizing - Assgt of Task to Task Group
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