T5C3H Table in SAP | HR-CH: Control of End of Year Bonus (13th Wage) Table & Fields List

T5C3H is a SAP table coming under PY module and SAP_HRCCH component.View details, Fields & related tables of T5C3H in SAP.

  • Table description : HR-CH: Control of End of Year Bonus (13th Wage)
  • Module : PY-CH
  • Parent Module : PY
  • Package : PC02
  • Software Component : SAP_HRCCH
T5C3H table in SAP

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What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP T5C3H Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
PARM1First parameterPARM1PARMS
PERSKGrouping for year-end bonusP02_GRP13LOP02_GRP13LO
ABARTEmployee subgroup grouping for personnel calculation ruleABRARABRAR
PER01Payment instalments to payroll periodP02_PERXFELD
PER02Payment instalments to payroll periodP02_PERXFELD
PER03Payment instalments to payroll periodP02_PERXFELD
PER04Payment instalments to payroll periodP02_PERXFELD
PER05Payment instalments to payroll periodP02_PERXFELD
PER06Payment instalments to payroll periodP02_PERXFELD
PER07Payment instalments to payroll periodP02_PERXFELD
PER08Payment instalments to payroll periodP02_PERXFELD
PER09Payment instalments to payroll periodP02_PERXFELD
PER10Payment instalments to payroll periodP02_PERXFELD
PER11Payment instalments to payroll periodP02_PERXFELD
PER12Payment instalments to payroll periodP02_PERXFELD
KZLOHNBase Creation for Year End BonusP02_KZLOHNP02_KZLOHN
KZANTAUSProrated payment when leaving/retiringP02_ANTAUSXFELD
ANZAUSObsolete- Do Not Use !P02_ANZAUSNUM02
LOHN13Wage type for payment of year-end bonusP02_13LOHNLGART
LOHNKORR13Wage type for correction year-end bonusP02_13LOKORRLGART
LOHNRUECKWage type for year-end bonus reservesP02_13LORUECKLGART
LOHNDIFFExpected wage for year-end bonusP02_ERWLOHNLGART
LOHNKUMcumulated basis year-end bonusP02_13LOBASISLGART
TMKUMcumulated partial period factors for year-end bonusP02_13LOTMFAKLGART
KZRUECKIndicator for Writing Off ReserveP02_KZRUECKXFELD
LOHNAUScumulated payment year-end bonusP02_13LOKUMAUSLGART

T5C3H related tables

T5C3HHR-CH: Control of End of Year Bonus (13th Wage)
T5DBPData for Year-End Bonus (Construction Industry)
T5P2MHR-PT: Social Security - Wage Types for 13th/14th Month
T5K6I Year-end amendment wage-type selection
T5C2ESpecial Table 13th Monthly Wages
BBY_USEDBonus Buy: Stores/Bonus Buys/Deletion Indicator
T5D96Basic Amounts: Bonus for Foreign Service Bonus
PAYAC02Fiscal Year/Fiscal Year ID Assignment
T7RU51AV_PRelation between Year and WType for income for this year
FMBLREGLOGSafe the Runs of the Year-End Balancing Report
FMFGROYEReimbursable Orders : Year-End closing
FMFG_BL_YRCLCustomizing Budgetary Ledger Year End closing
T5G54End Of Year Processing Stamp
T5J37HR Indicator Year End Adjustment JPN
T5J38HR Year End Adjustment Indicator Text JPN
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