RS3RDFLDT Table in SAP | Text table for variable fields of the 3rd party source sys. Table & Fields List

RS3RDFLDT is a SAP table coming under BW module and SAP_BW component.View details, Fields & related tables of RS3RDFLDT in SAP.

  • Table description : Text table for variable fields of the 3rd party source sys.
  • Module : BW-WHM-DST
  • Parent Module : BW
  • Package : RSSM
  • Software Component : SAP_BW
RS3RDFLDT table in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP RS3RDFLDT Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain

RS3RDFLDT related tables

RS3RDFLDTText table for variable fields of the 3rd party source sys.
RS3RDFLDVariable fields of the 3rd party source system
RS3RDFLDNEWTText Table for Var. Fields of Third Party Source Sys.- New
RS3DRELTText Table for Permitted 3rd Party Source System Releases
RS3DRELPossible 3rd Party Source System Types and Releases
RSLOGSYSCOMPAssigned 3rd Party Source System Releases
RS3RDFLDNEWVariable Fields of Third Party Source System - New
RSTCPDONESelection table for 3rd party; Scheduler
AGS_SMT_3TT_BFO3rd party business functions
AGS_SMT_3TT_RPO3rd party repository objects
AGS_SMT_3TT_SWO3rd party software components
CRMC_MKTPL_EXAGEUsage for 3rd Party Tool
CRMD_MKTPL_GD3PTMarketing Element to be processed for 3rd party
DFKKTHPTransfer Records for Billing on Behalf of 3rd Party
ICL_PRIVILEGESpecial Rights (Benefit/3rd Party Rights) in Benefit Split
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