PSOFST_FL Table in SAP | Fields for Field Selection String for Requests Table & Fields List

PSOFST_FL is a SAP table coming under PSM module and EA-PS component.View details, Fields & related tables of PSOFST_FL in SAP.

  • Table description : Fields for Field Selection String for Requests
  • Module : PSM-FM-PO
  • Parent Module : PSM
  • Package : FMFI
  • Software Component : EA-PS
PSOFST_FL table in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP PSOFST_FL Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
FELDNPermitted field names for the field selection contrl. reqstsPSOFELDNPSO_FIELDNAME
DTELData element (semantic domain) of fieldDATAELEMROLLNAME
FSTATURESIndicator for field status in funds reservationFSTATURESFSTATURES
NOTDEBIPSOTYPPossible entries of the field status according to req. typePSOFSTATEPSOFSTATE
SACHPSOTYPPossible entries of the field status according to req. typePSOFSTATEPSOFSTATE
PSOTY06Possible entries of the field status according to req. typePSOFSTATEPSOFSTATE
PSOTY07Possible entries of the field status according to req. typePSOFSTATEPSOFSTATE
PSOTY08Possible entries of the field status according to req. typePSOFSTATEPSOFSTATE
PSOGROUPField grouping for the field statusPSOGROUPCHAR1
PSOXACTIndicator: Field is offered for selection in CustomizingPSOXACTXFELD

PSOFST_FL related tables

PSOFSTField Selection String and Fields for Requests
PSOFST_FEField Selection String and Fields for Requests
PSOFST_FLFields for Field Selection String for Requests
PSOFST_FETXTexts for Field Selection String for Requests
FMMDSTFField Selection String and Fields
TREFFields for Field Selection String in Funds Reservations
E071K_STRKey Entries with String Fields of Requests/Tasks
FM01_STAssign Field Selection String -> FM Area
FMMDSTField selection string
FMMDSTTText for Field Selection String
PSOBLAFSTAssigning Field Selection String -> Document Type
TREFSTField Selection String for Funds Reservations
TREFSTTTexts for Field Selection String for Funds Reservations
TZK03Alloc.of VZZKOPO fields to field string items(MODIFY SCREEN)
TMODVField Selection: Assign Fields to Field Groups
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