J_1STJ1S1 Table in SAP | IS-M/SD CH/S: Basic Postal Code and Assigned Areas Table & Fields List

J_1STJ1S1 is a SAP table coming under IS module and IS-M component.View details, Fields & related tables of J_1STJ1S1 in SAP.

  • Table description : IS-M/SD CH/S: Basic Postal Code and Assigned Areas
  • Module : IS-M
  • Parent Module : IS
  • Package : J1SC
  • Software Component : IS-M
J_1STJ1S1 table in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP J_1STJ1S1 Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
CHPLZ_KIS-M: CH: 4-Digit Basic Postal Code CHJ_1SGPLZJ_1SGPLZ
ORTSABKIS-M: CH: City Abbreviation 27-CharacterJ_1SORTABKJ_1SC27
CHPLZ_VIS-M: CH: 6-Digit Postal Code From...J_1SPLZCHVNUM06
CHPLZ_BIS-M: CH: 6-Digit Postal Code To...J_1SPLZCHBNUM06

J_1STJ1S1 related tables

J_1STJ1S1IS-M/SD CH/S: Basic Postal Code and Assigned Areas
/MRSS/C_ZIPA_DTPostal Code Areas: Postal Code Assignment
TJI25IS-M/SD: Assgmt of Postal Codes to Postal Code Eval.Areas
T5V01Table of postal codes (postal code/city)
TJI23IS-M/SD: Postal Code Evaluation Areas
TJI24IS-M/SD: Postal Code Evaluation Areas, Texts
/MRSS/D_RES_ZIPAPostal Code Areas of Resource
A496Postal Charges for Postal Dist.Items (Publication Frequency)
A497Postal Charges (Postal Package Type)
A498Postal Charges (Postal Package Type, Type Variant)
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TDREMIT_ZIPAssignment of Remittance Code to Postal Code
IWP_WP_AREAAreas Assigned to Audit Packages
JHTVVBERIS-M/AM: Contract/Assigned Sales Areas
N2BKGZIS-H*MED: Nursing basic catalog - classif. areas assignment
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