CUVTAB_ST Table in SAP | Variant table status Table & Fields List

CUVTAB_ST is a SAP table coming under CA module and SAP_ABA component.View details, Fields & related tables of CUVTAB_ST in SAP.

  • Table description : Variant table status
  • Module : CA-GTF-DEP
  • Parent Module : CA
  • Package : CUMT
  • Software Component : SAP_ABA
CUVTAB_ST table in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP CUVTAB_ST Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
VTSTAVariant table statusVTSTAVTSTA
VTFREE_KNOWStatus of Variant Table is "Released for Dependencies"VTFREE_KNOWXFELD
VTFREE_CONTStatus Ind. Variant Table Released for Maintaining ContentsVTFREE_CONTXFELD
VTPREPStatus of Variant Table is "In Preparation"VTPREPXFELD
VTLOCKStatus ind. variant table lockedVTLOCKXFELD
VTARCHStatus Indicator That Variant Table is Marked for DeletionVTARCHXFELD
DLOCK_STRUIndicator: distribution lockDLOCKXFELD
AUPRF_STRUProfile Name for ALE Change AuthorizationAUPRFCHAR10
DLOCK_CONTIndicator: distribution lockDLOCKXFELD
AUPRF_CONTProfile Name for ALE Change AuthorizationAUPRFCHAR10

CUVTAB_ST related tables

T77HRFPM_DC_VARIHRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Detailed Variant)
DF53SActive variant on variant node
JJTBEVRGRPIS-M/AM: BU Variant Type: Issue Variant Types Grouping
SHDTVSVTransaction variant - Screen variant assignment
SHDTVSVCITransaction variant - Screen variant assignment
SHDTVSVCIUTransaction variant - Screen variant assignment
SHDTVSVUTransaction variant - Screen variant assignment
USMD600XData Transfer / Variant - Variant Stored in XML
CNVMBTRESETVAR_MMaster table for creation of activity status reset variant
CUVTAB_STVariant table status
CUVTAB_STTStatus description for variant table
TCMS_BDT_FSTAT_TField Status Variant (Text Table)
SAMSDVVALStatus Values of the Status Variables in Status Model
TIS02Real estate status control: Set status and subsequent status
CNV_10940_CONVSTVariant conversion status
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