Bukrs Table in SAP
Here is a list of possible Bukrs related tables in SAP. You will get more details about each SAP table by clicking on the table name.
- CNV_20200_TABAS
Table for Stores the last runs of corresponding BUKRS per package ID
Table Type : TRANSP
Package : CNV_20200
Table for Line-item index for FI-SL BUKRS
Table Type : CLUSTER
Package : GBAS
Module : CRM - J_3RF_TP_CC_PROP
Table for Company category and liquidation code for bukrs
Table Type : TRANSP
Package : J3RF
Module : FI-LOC
Table for ISSR: Zuordnung feste Ledger zu Bukrs
Table Type : TRANSP
Package : VVSRFISL
Table for ISSR: Zuordnung MW-Variante zu Bukrs und MW-Bew.bereich
Table Type : TRANSP
Package : VVSRFISL
Table for Implement Operating Concern: Old Assignment BUKRS KOKRS
Table Type : TRANSP
Package : KE_DB
Table for Implement Operating Concern: Old Assignment VKORG BUKRS
Table Type : TRANSP
Package : KE_DB
Module : CO-PA - TKZX3
Table for Credit objects for overhead cost elements per BUKRS/GSBER
Table Type : TRANSP
Package : KSA
Module : CO-OM-CCA - TKZX9
Table for Credit objects for tgt=act. cost elements per BUKRS/GSBER
Table Type : TRANSP
Package : KSA
Table for SD: Function Activation on BUKRS Level
Table Type : TRANSP
Package : VF0C
Module : CRM - BUKRS
Table Data element for Company Code - CNVTDMS_05_BUKRS
Table Data element for BUKRS for TDMS - ISSR_ACRE
Table Data element for ISSR: Nummernkreis-Unterobjekt (BUKRS+COUNTRY_VAR) - OIUVL_VNAME_GRP
Table Data element for Combined BUKRS, VNAME, DOI_NO into this field - VIGWKDERIVED
Table Data element for Konditionen Fläche von Bukrs/WE/Geb geerbt
Bukrs related terms
Bukrs Table in SAPBukrs customer Table in SAPBukrs tax code mwskz Table in SAP
What is SAP ?
SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?
Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.