Here is a list of possible Lsmw for vendor master creation related transaction codes in SAP. You will get more details about each transaction code by clicking on the tcode name.
Lsmwforvendormastercreation Transaction Codes List
LSMW Tcode for Legacy System Migration Workbench Program : /SAPDMC/SAPMLSMW Package : SBMIF Component : SAP_BASIS
/SAPDMC/LSMW Tcode for LSM Workbench: Initial Screen Program : /SAPDMC/SAPMLSMW Package : /SAPDMC/LSMW Component : SAP_BASIS
CNVTDMS_13_EXCTB Tcode for Shell Creation Excluded Tables Program : Package : CNV_TDMS_13_SHELL_P Component : DMIS_CNT
CNVTDMS_13_SIZE Tcode for Shell Creation Size Methods Program : Package : CNV_TDMS_13_SHELL_P Component : DMIS_CNT
CNVTDMS_13_TEMPL Tcode for Shell Creation Table size Templates Program : Package : CNV_TDMS_13_SHELL_P Component : DMIS_CNT
CNV_MBT_SHELL_EXCTB Tcode for Shell Creation Excluded Tables Program : Package : CNV_MBT_SHELL Component : DMIS
CNV_MBT_SHELL_SIZE Tcode for Shell Creation Size Methods Program : Package : CNV_MBT_SHELL Component : DMIS
CNV_MBT_SHELL_TEMPL Tcode for Shell Creation Table size Templates Program : Package : CNV_MBT_SHELL Component : DMIS
WLFCOL Tcode for Collective Document Creation Program : RWCB0001 Package : WCB_AG_A2A Component : EA-GLTRADE
WLFCOLD Tcode for Collective Document Creation Program : RWCB0002 Package : WCB_AG_A2A Component : EA-GLTRADE
EL01 Tcode for Execute Order Creation Program : SAPLEL01 Package : EE16 Component : IS-UT
EL06 Tcode for Execute Mass Order Creation Program : RELAUFT0 Package : EE16 Component : IS-UT
EL09 Tcode for Execute Order Creation Program : SAPLFKKAKTIV2 Package : EE16 Component : IS-UT
EL37 Tcode for Reverse Meter Reading Order Creation Program : RELEABL6 Package : EE16 Component : IS-UT
EL37_WO_MRUNIT Tcode for Reverse MRRs w/o Order Creation Program : RELEABL6_1 Package : EE16 Component : IS-UT
MKH3 Tcode for Activate vendormaster (online) Program : RMCHACTK Package : WLIF Component : BBPCRM
SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is transaction code in SAP?
Transaction code shortly known as tcode, is a shortcut code to access different functional areas in SAP. It avoid users from long menu path to reach a report. Instead of that users can type the corresponding transaction code and press enter, the corresponding SAP page will load. It’s a good practice to remember or note down the transaction codes that we need to use in our regular work.