BOM in SAP (Bill of Material)

BOM in SAP stands for Bill of Material. For making a product or assembling, there needs several components (part of product). A well structured list of these components is known as BOM. The list will contain object number of each components and its unit of measure with quantity.

Technical types of BOM  |  BOM structure  |  tables and tcodes

Here is a list BOM that we can create.

In a product designing department, on designing phase the result will come up with product drawings and the parts required for that. This list is BOM.

The BOM data acts as a basis for several activities in Production Planning (PP).See the below list for some examples.

Technical types of BOM

Variant BOMs:  A variant BOM consist of several BOMs for describing similar products which have a lot of common parts. (Multiple products with similar parts)

Multiple BOMs:  A multiple BOM consists of several BOMs for describing about different configurations for a single product. (Variations of a single product with different parts)

BOM structure

BOM Header: maintaining the data refers to the entire object. Header contains the data for identifying that BOM. It consists of the data like material, plant, revision label, technical type etc.

BOM Item: It specifies about each of the component parts of a product. It consists of item number, component, component description, quantity, unit of measure, item id and item category etc.

Sub Items: Partial quantities of a BOM item may be installed at different points. Sub-items are used to describe the different installation points of these partial quantities. Sub-items have no operational function in the BOM.


Sample BOM tables


Sample BOM tcodes

Also Read : PP Transaction Codes -> PP Tables

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