After the process of inbound function module and outbound function module the state of status will be recorded in the status record of IDOC.We can view the status by using transaction codes WE02, WE05 and WE07.Here is the list of main IDOC stats codes for Outbound and Inbound IDOC.
Outbound IDOC status codes with status description.
- 01: IDoc generated
- 02: Error passing data to port (It’s an error status)
- 03: Data passed to port OK
- 04: Error within control information of EDI subsystem
- 05: Error in translation
- 06: Translation successful.
- 07: Error on syntax check (It’s an error status)
- 08: Syntax check successful
- 09: Error on interchange handling (It’s an error status)
- 10: Interchange handling successful
- 11: Error on dispatch (It’s an error status)
- 12: IDOC Dispatch successful
- 13: Retransmission successful
- 14: Interchange Acknowledgement positive
- 15: Interchange Acknowledgement negative (It’s an error status)
- 16: Functional Acknowledgement positive
- 17: Functional Acknowledgement negative (It’s a warning error status)
- 18: Triggering EDI subsystem successful
- 19: Data transfer for test successful
- 20: Error on triggering EDI subsystem (It’s an error status)
- 21: Error on passing data for test (It’s an error status)
- 22: Dispatch successful, acknowledgement still due
- 23: Error on retransmission (It’s an error status)
- 24: Control information of EDI subsystem successful
- 25: Processing despite syntax error (It’s a warning error)
- 26: Error during syntax check of IDoc (It’s an error status)
- 27: Error in ALE dispatch level (It’s an error status)
- 29: Error in ALE service (It’s an error status)
- 30: IDoc is ready for dispatch in ALE service
- 31: IDOC is marked for deletion.
- 32: IDoc was edited
- 33: Original of an IDoc which was edited
- 34: Error in control record of IDoc (It’s an error status)
- 35: IDoc reloaded from archive
- 36: Timeout error on Electronic signature not performed (It’s an error status)
- 37: IDoc added incorrectly (It’s an error status)
- 38: IDoc archived
- 39: Arrival of IDOC in target system confirmed
- 40: Application document not created in target system (It’s an error status)
- 41: Application document created in target system
Inbound IDOC status codes with status description.
- 42: IDoc was created by test transaction
- 50: IDoc added
- 51: Application document not posted (It’s an error status)
- 52: Application document partially posted (It’s an error status)
- 53: Application document posted successfully.
- 54: Error during formal application check (It’s an error status)
- 55: Formal application check successful
- 56: IDoc with errors added (It’s an error status)
- 57: Test IDoc: Error during application check (It’s an error status)
- 60: Syntax error on IDOC (It’s an error status)
- 61: Processing despite syntax error (It’s a warning error status)
- 62: IDoc passed to application
- 63: Error passing IDoc to application (It’s an error status)
- 64: IDoc ready to be transferred to application
- 65: Error in ALE service (It’s an error status)
- 66: IDoc is waiting for predecessor IDoc in serialization process
- 68: IDOC is marked for deletion.
- 69: IDoc was edited
- 70: Original of an IDoc which was edited
- 71: IDoc reloaded from archive
- 73: IDoc archived
- 74: IDoc was created by test transaction
Using the standard report RC1_IDOC_SET_STATUS we can change the status of an IDOC if we require for that. We can reprocess IDoc if we are getting errors.
Also Read : IDoc Structure -> Steps to create a basic type Idoc