TCY08 Table in SAP | Option profiles Table & Fields List

TCY08 is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of TCY08 in SAP.

  • Table description : Option profiles
  • Module : CRM
  • Parent Module : CRM
  • Package : CY
  • Software Component : BBPCRM
TCY08 table in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP TCY08 Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
DARPROF_IDID of a user-spec. profile in the table for option profilesDARPROF_IDDARPROF_ID
HIEVERCumulate capacity requirements using work center hierarchyHIEVERKREUZ
KUMULIndicator, whether cumulated display is desiredKUMULDKREUZ
MINBELMinimum load that will be displayedMINBELABELAST
MAXBELMaximum load that will be displayedMAXBELABELAST
RUECKDATOffset (in days) of dispatch date for backlog to curr. dateRDATUM_CNTDAYCNT
PEINHEITUnit in which the period duration is specified (day, week..)DAPERDAPER
PDAUERDuration of a period (units as specified in period type)DAPEDCY_DAPED
LIBARTRequirements category (scheduled or remaining)CY_SBARTCY_SBART
ZAPERType of date specificationCY_ZAPERCY_ZAPER
LIDAVCNTOffset (in days) of start date for lists to current dateCY_DCNTVDAYCNT
LIDABCNTOffset (in days) of end date for lists to current dateCY_DCNTBDAYCNT
LIEINHUnit of of measure for displaying capacity requirementsCY_KEINHMEINS
DAVAPDistribution according to key in work center or operationDAVAPXFELD
HNAMEName of hierarchyCR_HNAMECHAR10
VERTL1Distribution of capacity requirements (Planned/prod.order)CR_VERTLCR_VERTL
VERTLNDistr.cap.reqmts (plant maint.,process order, network)CR_VERTLNCR_VERTL
POOLKAPIndicator: Cumulated view of the rqmts of pooled capacityCY_POOLKAPKREUZ
TT_FAUFTIndicator: Branch to production order - change or displayCY_TTFAUFTCY_TRANSTY
TT_PAUFTIndicator: Branch to planned order display or maintenanceCY_TTPAUFTCY_TRANSTY
TT_ARBPLSwitch: Branch to work center - change or displayCY_TTARBPLCY_TRANSTY
ANVERCumulate available capacity using work center hierarchyCY_ANVERCY_ANVER
DATEFROMStart date for output of capacity evaluationsCY_DATEFCHAR10
DATETOFinish date for output of capacity evaluationsCY_DATETCHAR10
RDATE_TYPEType of date specificationCY_RDATETYCY_ZAPER
RDATEDate of backlog dispatchingCY_RDATECHAR10
MRPPPPC planning calendarMRPPPMRPPP
UNITSOURCEOrigin of unit of measure for available cap. and cap.reqmtsCY_UNITSRCKREUZ

TCY08 related tables

CRMC_LEAS_PPRO_RDetermine Option Values from Option Items: Schema
CRMC_LEAS_PPRO_TDetermine Option Values from Option Items: Procedure
CRMC_PR_FINOP1Financing Option: Option Type
CRMC_PR_FINOP1_TFinancing Option: Option Type (Text Table)
TCY08Option profiles
TCY12Descriptions of option profiles (Table TCY08)
AGS_BPCA_SELVARBPCA: Result Select Option Variants - Definition
AGS_BPCA_SELVARTBPCA: Result Select Option Variants - Texts
AGS_BPCA_SELVARXBPCA: Result Select Option Variants - Options
AT50Future/Option Groups
ATO1Check Table for Option Categories
CCOPTTClient Copy Option Texts
CNVCMIS_SPLIT_KBSAP LT Store Inforamtion about Split Option for Mig.Tabs.
CNV_10400_HEAD_SRange area for storing the select option for characteristics
COMM_IL_FINOPTFinancing/Financing Option Relationships
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