T5DW8 Table in SAP | Bonus/Deduction Rules Table & Fields List

T5DW8 is a SAP table coming under PA module and SAP_HRCDE component.View details, Fields & related tables of T5DW8 in SAP.

  • Table description : Bonus/Deduction Rules
  • Module : PA-PF-DE
  • Parent Module : PA
  • Package : P01A
  • Software Component : SAP_HRCDE
T5DW8 table in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP T5DW8 Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
AZRGLRules for Deduction/BonusP01C_AZRGLP01C_AZRGL
MAAZRSpecial Rule for Deduction/Bonus RulesP01C_MAAZRCHAR10
TYPVICalculation Method for Deduction CalculationP01C_TYPVIP01C_AZTYP
FUBVIFunction for Determination of DeductionP01C_FUBVIP01C_NUMID
FP1VIFunction Module ParametersP01C_FPARMCHAR02
PRZVIDeduction Percentage Rate for Early Utilization of ResourcesP01C_PRZVIPRZNT
EINVITime Unit for Deduction/BonusP01C_EINAZP01C_AZEIN
RNDVIRounding Rule for Deduction/Bonus PeriodP01C_RDAZPP01C_RDAZP
RTGVINumber of Days for Rounding DownP01C_RDTGENUM03
MIPVIMinimum Percentage Deduction for Early Resource UtilizationP01C_MIPVIPRZNT
MAPVIMaximum Percentage Deduction for Early Utlization of ResourcP01C_MAPVIPRZNT
MIBVIMinimum Deduction for Early Util. of Employer ResourcesP01C_MIBVIP01C_BETRG
MABVIMaximum Deduction for Early Utilization of ER's ResourcesP01C_MABVIP01C_BETRG
TYPSICalculation Method for Bonus CalculationP01C_TYPSIP01C_ZZTYP
FUBSIFunction for Determination of BonusP01C_FUBSIP01C_NUMID
FP1SIFunction Module ParametersP01C_FPARMCHAR02
PRZSIBonus Percentage Rate for Late Utilization of ResourcesP01C_PRZSIPRZNT
EINSITime Unit for Deduction/BonusP01C_EINAZP01C_AZEIN
RNDSIRounding Rule for Deduction/Bonus PeriodP01C_RDAZPP01C_RDAZP
RTGSINumber of Days for Rounding DownP01C_RDTGENUM03
MIPSIMinimum Percentage Bonus for Late Util. of Employer Resourc.P01C_MIPSIPRZNT
MAPSIMaximum Percentage Bonus for Late Utilization of ER Resourc.P01C_MAPSIPRZNT
MIBSIMinimum Bonus Amount for Late Utilization of ResourcesP01C_MIBSIP01C_BETRG
MABSIMaximum Bonus Amount for Subsequent UtilizationP01C_MABSIP01C_BETRG

T5DW8 related tables

T5DW8Bonus/Deduction Rules
T5DW8TTexts for Bonus/Deduction Rules
BBY_USEDBonus Buy: Stores/Bonus Buys/Deletion Indicator
T5D96Basic Amounts: Bonus for Foreign Service Bonus
PA0199Tax deduction CP38 / Additional amt / Bonus - Malaysia
T554XRules for Attendance/Absence Counting and Leave Deduction
T556RRules for Deduction Sequence for Absence Quotas
T556STexts for Deduction Sequence Rules for Absence Quotas
T7AR68Guaranteed net amounts - Groups of deduction rules
A210IS-M: Commission/Bonus for Media Sales Agent Contract
A211IS-M: Commission/Bonus - Purchasing Organization CKey fr MA
A461IS-M/SD: Employee Bonus for Sales Promotion
A463IS-M/SD: SC Commission Settlement - Bonus for Up-Front Comm.
A474IS-M/SD: Deliverer Settlement - Sunday Bonus
A476IS-M/SD: Deliverer Settlement - Public Holiday Bonus
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