T520N Table in SAP | Salary Statement in the Purpose: Formatting Options Table & Fields List

T520N is a SAP table coming under PY module and SAP_HRRXX component.View details, Fields & related tables of T520N in SAP.

  • Table description : Salary Statement in the Purpose: Formatting Options
  • Module : PY-XX
  • Parent Module : PY
  • Package : PCAL
  • Software Component : SAP_HRRXX
T520N table in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP T520N Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
FRMATPreliminary Program DME: Salary Statement Format in PurposePAY_DME_RSFORMATCHAR2
.INCLUDESalary Statement in the Purpose: Attribute of a Format    
APPLPreliminary Program DME: Subapplication for PurposePAY_DME_RSAPPLP_APPL
ROWNMPreliminary Program DME: Max. Line Number for Sal. StatementPAY_DME_RSROWNMNUMC2
COLNMPreliminary Program DME: Column Number for Salary StatementPAY_DME_RSCOLNMNUMC1
COLLNPreliminary Program DME: Column Length in Salary StatementPAY_DME_RSCOLLNNUMC2
TXPOSPreliminary Program DME: Start Position for WT DescriptionPAY_DME_RSTXPOSNUMC2
AMPOSPreliminary Program DME: Start Position for Wage Type ValuePAY_DME_RSAMPOSNUMC2
AMLENPreliminary Program DME: Length of Wage Type AmountPAY_DME_RSAMLENNUMC2
VZPOSPreliminary Program DME: Start Position for Plus/Minus SignPAY_DME_RSVZPOSNUMC2

T520N related tables

T520NSalary Statement in the Purpose: Formatting Options
T5W7HSalary packaging: Categories of salary components
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AGSRBE_CS_SQL_SCheckStep SQL statement. Field select options.
CEFORMCRPT: History of formatting changes to elements
CGPL_CODING_MASKCGPL Project Planning: External Number Formatting
CGPL_CODING_MSKTNumber Formatting Description
CGPL_CODING_SECTNumber Formatting Sections
CRMC_MKT_PERSB2BCRM Marketing: Personalized Address Formatting in B2B
HRFPM_BU_HIERVARFormatting Variants
JBSSTSICControl Table for Formatting Collateral
J_3RFREP_REGEXPRReporting Object Attribute Formatting Patterns
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