S052 Table in SAP | Means of transportation Table & Fields List

S052 is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of S052 in SAP.

  • Table description : Means of transportation
  • Module : CRM
  • Parent Module : CRM
  • Package : MCS
  • Software Component : BBPCRM
S052 table in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP S052 Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
SSOURStatistic(s) originSSOURSSOUR
VRSIOVersion number in the information structureVRSIOVRSIO
SPMONPeriod to analyze - monthSPMONMCPERIOD
SPTAGPeriod to analyze - current dateSPTAGDATUM
SPWOCPeriod to analyze - weekSPWOCMCPERIOD
SPBUPPeriod to analyze - posting periodSPBUPMCPERIOD
TPLSTTransportation planning pointTPLSTTPLST
VHILM_VELIS: Highest shipping element in transportVHILM_VETMATNR
VWDATPointer to administrative dataVWDATVWDAT
STAGEWWeight unit for statistics updateSTAGEWMEINS
STAVOLVolume unit for statistics updateSTAVOLMEINS
STADISDistance unit for statistics updateSTADISMEINS
ANZHVTIS: Number of main shipping units in the shipmentMC_ANZHVMCZAEHLER
ANZTPLFTIS: Number of deliveries in the shipmentMC_ANZTPLFMCZAEHLER
BRGEW_VELIS: Gross weight of all main shipping units in shipmentBRGEW_VETMENG15
NTGEW_VELIS: Net weight of all main shipping units in shipmentNTGEW_VETMENG15
TARAG_VELIS: Tare weight of all main shipping units in shipmentTARAG_VETMENG15
MAGEW_VELIS: Max. freight weight of all main shipping units in shpmtMAGEW_VETMENG15
BRVOL_VELIS: Gross volume of all main shipping units in shipmentBRVOL_VETMENG15
NTVOL_VELIS: Net volume of all main shipping units in shipmentNTVOL_VETMENG15
TAVOL_VELIS: Tare volume of all main shipping units in shipmentTAVOL_VETMENG15
MAVOL_VELIS: Max. freight volume of all main shipping units in shpmtMAVOL_VETMENG15
PRGEW_TOTTotal weight utilization as a percentagePRGEW_TOTDEC_10
PRVOL_TOTUtilization percentage: volumePRVOL_TOTDEC_10
BRGEWKTIS: Sum of the delivery gross weights in shipmentMC_TPBRGEWMENGV15_3
VOLUMKTIS: sum of the delivery volumes in a shipmentMC_TPVOLUMMENGV15_3
NTGEWKTIS: sum of the delivery net weights in the shipmentMC_TPNTGEWMENGV15_3
DISTZKTIS: Sum of distances in the shipmentMC_TPDISTZMENGV15_3
DURLPTIS: planned shipment loading timeMC_TPDURLDPTDURAMIN
DURLATIS: actual shipment loading timeMC_TPDURLDATDURAMIN
LATELTIS: Amount of time the planned loading time was exceededMC_TPDURLDUTDURAMIN
DURTPTIS: planned shipment durationMC_TPDURTPPTDURAMIN
DURTATIS: actual shipment durationMC_TPDURTPATDURAMIN
LATETTIS: Amount of time the planned shipment time was exceededMC_TPDURTPUTDURAMIN
TPAVGLDAAverage actual loading time for a shipmentMC_TPAVGLDATDURAMIN
TPAVGLDPAverage planned loading time for a shipmentMC_TPAVGLDPTDURAMIN
TPAVGLDUAverage time the planned shipment loading time was exceededMC_TPAVGLDUTDURAMIN
TPAVGTPAAverage actual shipment durationMC_TPAVGTPATDURAMIN
TPAVGTPPAverage planned shipment durationMC_TPAVGTPPTDURAMIN
TPAVGTPUAverage time the planned shipment time was exceededMC_TPAVGTPUTDURAMIN
AUSLG_VEUtilization percentage: WeightPRGEW_CAPDDEC3
AUSLV_VEUtilization percentage: volumePRVOL_CAPDDEC3

S052 related tables

S052Means of transportation
BBP_SUS_TRATYSUS: Means-of-Transport Types
BBP_SUS_TRATY_TSUS: Means-of-Transport Types
BKKA5Means of Payt Mgmt: Stack Mgmt - Available Checks
BKKA6Means of Payt Mgmt: Stack Mgmt - Issued/Blocked Checks
CRMC_M1O_TRATYSUS: Means-of-Transport Types
CRMC_M1O_TRATY_TSUS: Means-of-Transport Types
IUUC_TAB_ALLOWEDAllow tables for handling --> empty means no restrictions
J_1APAYMNDetermine AFIP Payment Means
T5F99M1Means of Transport
T5F99M12Mobility Groups and Means of Transport for Reporting
T5F99M1TMeans of Transport Texts
T612ATFT/Customs: Elect. Procedure: Duty Type - Means of Transport
T612BFT/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Type of means of transport
T612BTFT/Customs: Elect. Procedure: Type of Means of Transport - D
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