BC-ABA (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | ABAP Runtime Environment |
BC-ABA-LA (View full list of 58 Tcodes) | Syntax, Compiler, Runtime |
BC-ABA-LA-EPC (View full list of 12 Tcodes) | Extended Program Check (SLIN) |
BC-ABA-LA-OBS (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Object Services |
BC-ABA-SC (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | UI Services, Screen, Batch Input |
BC-ABA-TO (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Logical DB, Selection Screens, Selection Variants |
BC-ABA-TV (View full list of 10 Tcodes) | Transaction Variant and Table Control Settings |
BC-ABA-XML (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | ABAP XML Processing |
BC-BMT-BPM-LEI (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | Local Event Infrastructure |
BC-BMT-OM (View full list of 245 Tcodes) | Organizational Management |
BC-BMT-OM-GRF (View full list of 7 Tcodes) | Structural Graphics |
BC-BMT-OM-OM (View full list of 16 Tcodes) | Organizational Plan |
BC-BMT-WFM (View full list of 273 Tcodes) | SAP Business Workflow |
BC-BMT-WFM-RUN (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Runtime |
BC-BMT-WMD (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Workflow Modeler |
BC-BSP (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Business Server Pages |
BC-BW (View full list of 34 Tcodes) | BW Service API |
BC-BW-SRV (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | BW Generation Tool and Set Object |
BC-CCM-ADK (View full list of 21 Tcodes) | Archive Development Kit |
BC-CCM-ADK-AS (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Archive Information System |
BC-CCM-API-CSI-XMI (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | eXternal Management Interface Framework |
BC-CCM-BTC (View full list of 25 Tcodes) | Background Processing |
BC-CCM-CNF-GRP (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Workload Balancing and Group Management |
BC-CCM-CNF-PFL (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Maintain Profile |
BC-CCM-DAG (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Data Aging |
BC-CCM-FIL (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Platform-Independent File Names |
BC-CCM-MON (View full list of 38 Tcodes) | Monitoring |
BC-CCM-MON-ORA (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Oracle Database Monitors |
BC-CCM-MON-OS (View full list of 12 Tcodes) | Operating System Monitors |
BC-CCM-MON-SHM (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | IMS: Agents and related topics |
BC-CCM-MON-SLG (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | SAP System Log |
BC-CCM-MON-TUN (View full list of 15 Tcodes) | Performance Monitors (TCC) |
BC-CCM-PRN (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | Print and Output Management |
BC-CCM-SLD-ABA (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | System Landscape Directory ABAP Connectivity |
BC-CCM-TAN (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | Transaction TAANA for Table Analysis |
BC-CFG-RT (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Business Configuration Tools: Runtime |
BC-CI-WEBR (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | WebRFC, Web Reporting |
BC-CST (View full list of 18 Tcodes) | Client/Server Technology |
BC-CST-EQ (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Enqueue |
BC-CST-GW (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Gateway/CPIC |
BC-CST-IC (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Internet Communication Manager |
BC-CST-LL (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Low Level Layer |
BC-CST-MS (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Message Service |
BC-CTS (View full list of 12 Tcodes) | Change & Transport System |
BC-CTS-CCO (View full list of 9 Tcodes) | Client Copy |
BC-CTS-LAN (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Language Transport |
BC-CTS-ORG (View full list of 20 Tcodes) | Transport Organizer |
BC-CTS-TMS (View full list of 18 Tcodes) | Transport Management System |
BC-CTS-TMS-CTR (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Central CTS # Transport Management |
BC-CUS-TOL (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | Customizing Tools (Techniques) |
BC-CUS-TOL-ALO (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Table History |
BC-CUS-TOL-BCD (View full list of 7 Tcodes) | Business Configuration Sets |
BC-CUS-TOL-CST (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Cross-System Tools |
BC-CUS-TOL-HMT (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Hierarchy Storage |
BC-CUS-TOL-IMG (View full list of 104 Tcodes) | Implementation Guide |
BC-CUS-TOL-NAV (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Business Navigator |
BC-CUS-TOL-PAD (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Customizing Project Management (IMG) |
BC-CUS-TOL-TME (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | Table Maintenance Tool |
BC-DB (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Database Interface, Database Platforms |
BC-DB-DB2 (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | DB2 for z/OS |
BC-DB-DB4 (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | DB2 for AS/400 |
BC-DB-DB6 (View full list of 23 Tcodes) | DB2 Universal Database for UNIX / NT |
BC-DB-INF-CCM (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | CCMS / Database Monitors for Informix |
BC-DB-LCA (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | liveCache Applications |
BC-DB-LVC (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | liveCache |
BC-DB-MSS (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Microsoft SQL Server |
BC-DB-ORA-CCM (View full list of 19 Tcodes) | CCMS / Database Monitors for Oracle |
BC-DB-SDB (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | MaxDB |
BC-DOC-DTL (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | Documentation Tools |
BC-DOC-HLP (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | F1 Help |
BC-DOC-IWB (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | SAP Knowledge Warehouse |
BC-DOC-RIT (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Replacing standard texts with industry specific texts |
BC-DOC-TER (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Terminology/Glossary |
BC-DOC-TTL (View full list of 18 Tcodes) | Translation Tools |
BC-DWB (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | ABAP Workbench, Java IDE and Infrastructure |
BC-DWB-AIE (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Installation and Infrastructure for ABAP Tools in Eclipse |
BC-DWB-AIE-ACI (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | ABAP Connectivity and Integration Tools |
BC-DWB-AIE-REF (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Tools for Refactoring ABAP Artifacts |
BC-DWB-AIE-SRC (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | ABAP Source Code editors in ABAP in Eclipse |
BC-DWB-CEX (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Customer Enhancements |
BC-DWB-DIC-AC (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Activation Program, Conversion Program, DB Utility, MC, SPDD |
BC-DWB-DIC-ED (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Dictionary Maintenance |
BC-DWB-DIC-F4 (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | F4 Help |
BC-DWB-PRX (View full list of 7 Tcodes) | Proxy Generation |
BC-DWB-SEM (View full list of 27 Tcodes) | Session Manager |
BC-DWB-TOO (View full list of 35 Tcodes) | Workbench Tools: Editors, Painters, Modelers |
BC-DWB-TOO-ABA (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | ABAP Editor |
BC-DWB-TOO-ATF (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | ABAP Test Frameworks ( ATC, CheckMan, Code Inspector) |
BC-DWB-TOO-BOB (View full list of 9 Tcodes) | Business Object Builder |
BC-DWB-TOO-CLA (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Class Builder |
BC-DWB-TOO-COV (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Coverage Analyzer |
BC-DWB-TOO-DMO (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Data Modeler |
BC-DWB-TOO-ENH (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Enhancement Tools |
BC-DWB-TOO-FUB (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Function Builder |
BC-DWB-TOO-LDB (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Logical Database Builder |
BC-DWB-TOO-MEN (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Menu Painter |
BC-DWB-TOO-PAK (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | Package Tools |
BC-DWB-TOO-RTA (View full list of 10 Tcodes) | Runtime Analysis |
BC-DWB-TOO-SCR (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Screen Painter |
BC-DWB-TOO-SFW (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Switch Framework Tools |
BC-DWB-TOO-UT (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | ABAP Unit |
BC-DWB-TOO-WAB (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Web Application Builder |
BC-DWB-UTL (View full list of 21 Tcodes) | Workbench Utilities |
BC-DWB-UTL-BRC (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Class Browser |
BC-DWB-UTL-BRR (View full list of 9 Tcodes) | Repository Browser |
BC-DWB-UTL-CLS (View full list of 11 Tcodes) | Classification Toolset |
BC-DWB-WS-ABA (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Web Service Tools - ABAP |
BC-ECM-ABA (View full list of 9 Tcodes) | ECM ABAP Stack |
BC-ECM-ABA-COR (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | ECM Core Infrastructure |
BC-EIM-ESH (View full list of 51 Tcodes) | NetWeaver Enterprise Search |
BC-EIM-IQM-IC (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | Information Consistency |
BC-EIM-ODP (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Operational Data Provisioning (ODP) in Search&Analytics |
BC-ESI (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Enterprise Service Infrastructure |
BC-ESI-ESF (View full list of 9 Tcodes) | Enterprise Service Framework Layer |
BC-ESI-ESF-GW (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Gateway Integration for CDS and BOPF via SADL |
BC-ESI-SAM (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Status and Action Management |
BC-ESI-SEW (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Service Extension Workbench |
BC-ESI-SIW (View full list of 7 Tcodes) | Service Implementation Workbench |
BC-ESI-WS-ABA-CFG (View full list of 25 Tcodes) | WebServices ABAP Configuration |
BC-ESI-WS-ABA-MON (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | WebServices ABAP Monitoring |
BC-ESI-WS-ABA-RT (View full list of 16 Tcodes) | WebServices ABAP Runtime |
BC-FES-BUS (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Netweaver Business Client |
BC-FES-CTL (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | SAP GUI for Windows Controls |
BC-FES-CTL-F4 (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Use BC-FES-CTL (SAP Note 835896) |
BC-FES-GRA (View full list of 54 Tcodes) | Graphic |
BC-FES-GUI (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Graphical User Interface |
BC-FES-ITS (View full list of 38 Tcodes) | SAP Internet Transaction Server |
BC-GP (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Guided Procedure |
BC-HLP-ABA (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | Help Infrastructure for ABAP |
BC-I18 (View full list of 10 Tcodes) | Internationalization (I18N) |
BC-I18-UNI (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | I18N Unicode |
BC-ILM-ACA (View full list of 19 Tcodes) | Archiving Connector ABAP |
BC-ILM-CDE (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Context Data Extractor |
BC-ILM-CHK (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Checksums |
BC-ILM-DST (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Data Destruction |
BC-ILM-IRM (View full list of 7 Tcodes) | Information Retention Manager |
BC-ILM-IRM-RT (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | IRM Run Time |
BC-ILM-LCM (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Legal Case Management for ILM |
BC-ILM-RW (View full list of 85 Tcodes) | Retention Warehouse |
BC-ILM-SRS (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Storage and Retention Service |
BC-ILM-WP (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | ILM Workplace |
BC-INS-TC-RT (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Runtime for ABAP based automated TC |
BC-MID-AC (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | ABAP Channels |
BC-MID-ALE (View full list of 326 Tcodes) | ALE Integration Technology |
BC-MID-ALE-UTI (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Tools |
BC-MID-API (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | BAPI Tools (for BAPIs see Note 813411) |
BC-MID-ICF (View full list of 21 Tcodes) | Internet Communication Framework |
BC-MID-RFC (View full list of 22 Tcodes) | RFC |
BC-MID-RFC-BG (View full list of 17 Tcodes) | Background RFC (bgRFC) |
BC-MUS (View full list of 11 Tcodes) | Musing Tools |
BC-MUS-FPB (View full list of 18 Tcodes) | Personalization Framework |
BC-MUS-KFM (View full list of 10 Tcodes) | Key Figure Monitor |
BC-MUS-LP (View full list of 19 Tcodes) | Launchpad |
BC-MUS-POW (View full list of 26 Tcodes) | Personal Object Worklist |
BC-PER-DR (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Personas Data Repository |
BC-RRR-SAA (View full list of 9 Tcodes) | System Administration Assistant |
BC-SEC (View full list of 39 Tcodes) | Security |
BC-SEC-AIS (View full list of 97 Tcodes) | System Audit Information System |
BC-SEC-AUT (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Authorization Management |
BC-SEC-AUT-PFC (View full list of 88 Tcodes) | ABAP Authorization and Role Management |
BC-SEC-DIR (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Directory |
BC-SEC-LGN (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Authentication and SSO |
BC-SEC-LGN-SML (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | SAML 2.0 |
BC-SEC-RAL (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Read Access Logging |
BC-SEC-SNC (View full list of 28 Tcodes) | Secure Network Communications |
BC-SEC-SSF (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Secure Store and Forward |
BC-SEC-USR (View full list of 11 Tcodes) | User Administration |
BC-SEC-USR-ADM (View full list of 128 Tcodes) | User and Authorization Management |
BC-SEC-USR-IS (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | User Information System |
BC-SEC-VIR (View full list of 10 Tcodes) | Anti-Virus Protection |
BC-SRV (View full list of 53 Tcodes) | Basis Services / Communication Interfaces |
BC-SRV-ADR (View full list of 78 Tcodes) | Address Management/Business Address |
BC-SRV-ALV (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | SAP List Viewer |
BC-SRV-ARL (View full list of 92 Tcodes) | ArchiveLink |
BC-SRV-ASF-AT (View full list of 10 Tcodes) | Audit trail enhancements (ILM) |
BC-SRV-ASF-CAL (View full list of 14 Tcodes) | Holiday Calendar, Factory Calendar, Appointment Calendar |
BC-SRV-ASF-CHD (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Change Documents |
BC-SRV-ASF-FYV (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Service functions for fiscal year versions |
BC-SRV-ASF-UOM (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Units of Measurement |
BC-SRV-BAL (View full list of 7 Tcodes) | Basis Application Log |
BC-SRV-BDS (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Business Document Service |
BC-SRV-BR (View full list of 14 Tcodes) | BRFplus - ABAP-Based Business Rules |
BC-SRV-BRF (View full list of 56 Tcodes) | Business Rule Framework |
BC-SRV-BSF (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Business Service Functions |
BC-SRV-BSF-CUR (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Currency Conversion/Expiring Currency |
BC-SRV-CM (View full list of 45 Tcodes) | Case Management |
BC-SRV-COM (View full list of 130 Tcodes) | Communication Services: Mail, Fax, SMS, Telephony |
BC-SRV-COM-FTP (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | File Transfer Using FTP |
BC-SRV-CSL (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Cross System Lock |
BC-SRV-DMC (View full list of 10 Tcodes) | Data Conversion |
BC-SRV-DX-DXW (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Data Transfer Workbench |
BC-SRV-DX-LSM (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Legacy System Migration Workbench |
BC-SRV-FP (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Forms Processing |
BC-SRV-FSI (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | Fast Search Infrastructure |
BC-SRV-GBT-ALM (View full list of 11 Tcodes) | Alert Framework |
BC-SRV-GBT-CAL (View full list of 18 Tcodes) | Appointment Calendar |
BC-SRV-GBT-DRB (View full list of 18 Tcodes) | Document Relationship Browser |
BC-SRV-GBT-GOS (View full list of 9 Tcodes) | Generic Object Services |
BC-SRV-GBT-OBL (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | General Object Relations |
BC-SRV-GBT-PPF (View full list of 12 Tcodes) | Post Processing Framework |
BC-SRV-GEO (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | Geographical Functions |
BC-SRV-KPR-CMS (View full list of 23 Tcodes) | Content Management Service |
BC-SRV-KPR-DMF (View full list of 9 Tcodes) | Document Management Framework |
BC-SRV-KPR-DMS (View full list of 23 Tcodes) | Document Management Services |
BC-SRV-KPR-RET (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | Text Retrieval and Information Extraction |
BC-SRV-LIM (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | License Measurement |
BC-SRV-NBC (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | NetWeaver Business Content |
BC-SRV-NUM (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | Number Range Management |
BC-SRV-NWD (View full list of 12 Tcodes) | NetWeaver Demonstration |
BC-SRV-NWD-XBR (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | HANA Reference Applications |
BC-SRV-OTR (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Online Text Repository |
BC-SRV-PCO (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Plant Connectivity (Pco): ABAP part |
BC-SRV-PMI (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | Process Monitoring Infrastructure |
BC-SRV-PS (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Productivity Services |
BC-SRV-QUE (View full list of 17 Tcodes) | SAP Query |
BC-SRV-REP (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Report Tree |
BC-SRV-RM (View full list of 92 Tcodes) | SAP Records Management |
BC-SRV-SCR (View full list of 11 Tcodes) | SAPscript |
BC-SRV-SEN (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | ABAP Search Engine for ERP Solution Database |
BC-SRV-SSF (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Smart Forms |
BC-SRV-STW (View full list of 37 Tcodes) | Social Media ABAP Integration Library |
BC-SRV-TFW (View full list of 14 Tcodes) | Tagging Framework |
BC-SRV-TIM-TR (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Date Rules |
BC-SRV-TIM-TS (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | Time streams |
BC-SRV-TIM-TZ (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Time Zones |
BC-SRV-UKM (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Standardized Key Mapping |
BC-TRX-API (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | TREX ABAP + JAVA API |
BC-TRX-SES (View full list of 7 Tcodes) | TREX Search Engine Service |
BC-TWB-ORG (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | Test Organizer |
BC-TWB-TST-CAT (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | CATT Computer Aided Test Tool |
BC-TWB-TST-ECA (View full list of 11 Tcodes) | eCATT Extended Computer Aided Test Tool |
BC-TWB-TST-P-GPA (View full list of 7 Tcodes) | Global Performance Analysis (Transaction ST30) |
BC-TWB-TST-P-PA (View full list of 7 Tcodes) | Performance Analysis (Transaction ST05) |
BC-TWB-TST-TCK (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | ATC extensions for Technical Check |
BC-UPG (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | Upgrade - General |
BC-UPG-NA (View full list of 8 Tcodes) | SAP Note Assistant |
BC-UPG-OCS (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Online Correction Support (Support Package and Add-On Tools) |
BC-UPG-TLS (View full list of 13 Tcodes) | Upgrade Tools |
BC-UPG-TLS-TLA (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Upgrade Tools for ABAP |
BC-VMC (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Virtual Machine Container |
BC-WD (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Web Dynpro |
BC-WD-ABA (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Web Dynpro ABAP |
BC-WD-ABA-PB (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | WD ABAP Page Builder |
BC-WD-ABA-RUN (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Web Dynpro ABAP Runtime |
BC-WD-ACF (View full list of 4 Tcodes) | Bitte Unterkomponenten verwenden (Hinweis 1665488) |
BC-WD-CMP-ALV-ABA (View full list of 5 Tcodes) | Web Dynpro ALV for ABAP |
BC-WD-CMP-ATS (View full list of 1 Tcodes) | ABAP Table/Tree Services |
BC-WD-CMP-FPM (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Floorplan Manager Web Dynpro ABAP |
BC-XI (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Exchange Infrastructure |
BC-XI-IBC (View full list of 6 Tcodes) | Integration Builder - Configuration |
BC-XI-IBD (View full list of 2 Tcodes) | Integration Builder - Design |
BC-XI-IS (View full list of 3 Tcodes) | Integration Server |
BC-XI-IS-BPE (View full list of 23 Tcodes) | Business Process Engine |
BC-XI-IS-IEN (View full list of 35 Tcodes) | Integration Engine |
BC-XI-IS-WKB (View full list of 12 Tcodes) | Runtime Workbench/Monitoring |