SAP SV-ASA module Tables | ASAP (AcceleratedSAP)   Tables & Fields

SV-ASA is a SAP sub-module coming under SV module and ST component.Total 110 SV-ASA tables are stored in our database.View these tables by sub modules wise coming under SAP SV-ASA.You can also refer SAP SV-ASA transaction codes from this link

  • Module description : ASAP (AcceleratedSAP)  
  • Parent Module : SV
ASAP (AcceleratedSAP)   tables in SAP

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  • IALINKS : Assignment IA Link - LOIO
  • IALINKST : Texts for URL assignments
  • IALINKTRAN : Links with Transactions
  • IALINKURLS : Links with Web Addresses
  • IATNODE01 : Node Table for Implementation Assistant
  • IATNODE01R : General Structure Storage References
  • IATNODE01T : Node Names for Implementation Assistant
  • MERGEUSERS : Templates: Silly users
  • SAPHASFILT : Solution Architect/IA: Assign Filter to Phase
  • SASACONT1 : ASAP: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)
  • SASAPBCSET : BC Sets in Q&Adb
  • SASAPCUDOC : ASAP Tools: Customer Documents
  • SASAPCUURL : ASAP Tools: Customer-Specific URLs
  • SASAPDOM : Dominant/Subordinate Flag for Processes
  • SASAPIAKW : IA: Assignment Table: Subject for Roadmap/KW Technical Name
  • SASAPIALP : User Parameters for ASAP Transactions
  • SASAPIAPD : Implementation Assistant: Project Duration
  • SASAPIAPP : Implementation Assistant: Project Precursors
  • SATRELEASE : Release for Attribute Archive
  • SATTEXIT : Exit Modules for the General Attribute Store
  • SATTUSE : Attribute Types Included in Object Types
  • SBRANCHEEX : Attribute Repository for Ref. Objects: Invalid Ind. Values
  • SBRANCHEIN : Attribute Store for Reference Objects: Valid Industry Values
  • SCOUNTRYEX : Attribute Rep. for Reference Objects: Invalid Country Values
  • SCOUNTRYIN : Attribute Store for Reference Objects: Valid Country Values
  • SFLAVOR : IA: Roadmap Flavor
  • SFLAVOREX : Attribute Repository: Invalid Flavor Values
  • SFLAVORIN : Attribute Repository: Valid Flavor Values
  • SFLAVORT : IA: Texttable for flavor of roadmap
  • SIAROLE : IA: Role for Roadmap
  • SIAROLEEX : Attribute Repository for Ref. Objects: Invalid Role Values
  • SIAROLEIN : Attribute Rep. for Reference Objects: Valid Role Values
  • SIAROLET : IA: Texttable for role of roadmap
  • SIAROLEWP : IA: Role for Roadmap
  • SIAROLR : ASAP Role for SAP Review Program
  • SIAROLRT : IA: Text Table for Roadmap Role
  • SPERSFCAT : Personalization Table for ALV Tree Field Catalog
  • SPERSFLTR : Personalization Table for Filter Values in Review Program
  • SPERSQADB : Personalization Table for Review Question Filter Values
  • SPERSSORT : Personalization Table for ALV Tree Sort Order Tables
  • SQABRANCH : Industry sector values table
  • SQABRANCHT : Industry sector table table
  • SQACITF : CI template project to filter assignment
  • SQACITOT : CI template object type assignment
  • SQACYCLE : Cycles in Q&Adb
  • SQADB01 : Questions
  • SQADB01A : Assignment of R/3 Question ID to ASAP ID
  • SQADB01CAT : Assignment of Categories to Questions
  • SQADB01CON : Validity of Questions: +/- sign
  • SQADB01COV : Validity of Questions: Single values
  • SQADB01DOC : Documents for Review Questions
  • SQADB01REV : Additional Attributes for SAP Review Program Questions
  • SQADB01S : Glossary Search Terms for Questions
  • SQADB01T : Question short text
  • SQADB02CH : Decision selections
  • SQADB02CHT : Selection short text
  • SQADB03CH : Decision Question Answers
  • SQADB04 : Reply
  • SQADB04CH : Decision question answers
  • SQADB04PRO : Project - Answer set assignment
  • SQADBCAT : Question Categories
  • SQADBCATT : Category Short Texts
  • SQADBCON : Question Contexts
  • SQADBCONT : Context Short Texts
  • SQAKONF : Question Repository Configuration Groups
  • SQAKONFC : Configuration Group Contents
  • SQAKONFG : Configuration Subgroups
  • SQAKONFT : Configuration Group Texts
  • SRELEASEEX : Attrib. Repository for Ref. Objects: Invalid Release Values
  • SRELEASEIN : Attribute Repository for Ref. Objects: Valid Release Values
  • SREVDOC : Document Classes for SAP Review Program
  • SREVDOCT : Text Table for Document Classes for the SAP Review Program
  • SREVSUBC : Focus Elements (Subcategories) for SAP Review Program
  • SREVSUBCT : Text Table for SAP Review Program Focus Elements
  • SREVTOP : Topic (Category) for SAP Review Program
  • SREVTOPT : Text Table for SAP Review Program Topic (Category)
  • SROADMAP : IA: Roadmap With Type and Flavor
  • SROADMAPEX : Attribute Rep. for Reference Objects: Valid Role Values
  • SROADMAPIN : Attribute Rep. for Reference Objects: Valid Role Values
  • SROADMAPT : IA: Texttable for roadmap from typ and flavor
  • SROADROLE : IA: Valid Roles for Roadmap
  • SROADSUBJ : IA: Valid Roles for Roadmap
  • SROADTYP : IA: Roadmap Types
  • SROADTYPT : IA: Texttable for roadmaptyp
  • SSUBJECT : IA: Subject Areas for Roadmap
  • SSUBJECTEX : Attribute Rep. for Ref. Objects: Invalid Subj. Areas Values
  • SSUBJECTIN : Attribute Rep. for Ref. Objects: Valid Subject Area Values
  • SSUBJECTT : IA: Texttable for subject of roadmap
  • STPCYCLE : Assignment of Test Plan to Cycle
  • TCUSTEMP : Customizing templates entity table
  • TCUSTEMPC : Template country assignment
  • TCUSTEMPT : Template text
  • TNODEREV : Structure Item Table for Review Structures
  • TNODEREVR : References for Review Structures
  • TNODEREVT : Structure Item Descriptions for Review Structures
  • TOBJECTT : Objects assigned to a template
  • TTREEBRAEX : Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Invalid Industry
  • TTREEBRAIN : Attribute Repository for Sturcture Nodes: Valid Industry
  • TTREECOUEX : Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Invalid Countries
  • TTREECOUIN : Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Valid Countries
  • TTREEFLAEX : Attribute Repository for Hierarchy Nodes: Invalid Flavors
  • TTREEFLAIN : Attribute Repository for Hierarchy Nodes: Valid Flavors
  • TTREERELEX : Attribute Repository for Hierarchy Nodes: Invalid Release
  • TTREERELIN : Attribute Repository for Hierarchy Nodes: Valid Release
  • TTREEROAEX : Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Invalid Roadmap
  • TTREEROAIN : Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Valid Roadmap
  • TTREEROLEX : Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Invalid Role
  • TTREEROLIN : Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Valid Role
  • TTREESUBEX : Attribute Rep. for Structure Nodes: Invalid Subject Area
  • TTREESUBIN : Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Valid Subject Area

SV-ASA Related modules & tables

Module NameDescription
SV-ASA-ADD (View full list of 18 Tables)ASAP Tools and Contents  
SV-ASA-QAD (View full list of 17 Tables)
SV-FDB-INT (View full list of 2 Tables)
SV-SMG (View full list of 232 Tables)Solution Manager  
SV-SMG-ADM (View full list of 19 Tables)
SV-SMG-ADM-DTM (View full list of 29 Tables)Downtime/Work Mode Management  
SV-SMG-ADM-TSK (View full list of 1 Tables)
SV-SMG-ASU (View full list of 45 Tables)Application-Specific Upgrade  
SV-SMG-AUT (View full list of 1 Tables)SAP Solution Manager Authorization  
SV-SMG-BPR (View full list of 17 Tables)Business Process Repository  
SV-SMG-CCM-CDM (View full list of 80 Tables)Custom Development Management Cockpit  
SV-SMG-CM (View full list of 261 Tables)Change Request Management  
SV-SMG-DIA (View full list of 204 Tables)Solution Manager Diagnostics  
SV-SMG-DIA-APP-EM (View full list of 10 Tables)
SV-SMG-DIA-APP-OSD (View full list of 1 Tables)
SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-LSC (View full list of 7 Tables)
SV-SMG-DVM (View full list of 12 Tables)
SV-SMG-IMP (View full list of 346 Tables)Solution Manager Implementation  
SV-SMG-IMP-DIS (View full list of 39 Tables)Customizing Distribution  
SV-SMG-INS (View full list of 98 Tables)Solution Manager Installation, Configuration and Upgrade  
SV-SMG-LDB (View full list of 55 Tables)Landscape Management  
SV-SMG-LV (View full list of 14 Tables)Landscape Verification for Solution Manager  
SV-SMG-MAI (View full list of 10 Tables)Maintenance Optimizer  
SV-SMG-MON (View full list of 23 Tables)Monitoring & Alerting  
SV-SMG-MON-ALR-CFG (View full list of 44 Tables)
SV-SMG-MON-ALR-CLC (View full list of 14 Tables)
SV-SMG-MON-ALR-CNS (View full list of 7 Tables)
SV-SMG-MON-ALR-DIR (View full list of 59 Tables)Alert/Metric Directory  
SV-SMG-MON-BPM (View full list of 59 Tables)Business Process Monitoring  
SV-SMG-MON-IPO-CON (View full list of 2 Tables)
SV-SMG-MON-IPO-PI (View full list of 2 Tables)
SV-SMG-MON-JBI-BI (View full list of 2 Tables)
SV-SMG-MON-SFM (View full list of 1 Tables)
SV-SMG-MON-SYS (View full list of 1 Tables)
SV-SMG-OP (View full list of 280 Tables)Solution Directory  
SV-SMG-PSM (View full list of 125 Tables)Process Scheduling Management  
SV-SMG-SDA (View full list of 87 Tables)
SV-SMG-SDD (View full list of 417 Tables)Service Data Download  
SV-SMG-SDG (View full list of 17 Tables)
SV-SMG-SER (View full list of 33 Tables)SAP Support Services  
SV-SMG-SER-ESR (View full list of 19 Tables)Enterprise Support Report  
SV-SMG-SUP (View full list of 58 Tables)Service Desk/Incident Managment  
SV-SMG-SVC (View full list of 23 Tables)Solution Manager Service Connection Management  
SV-SMG-SVD (View full list of 5 Tables)
SV-SMG-SVD-SWB (View full list of 161 Tables)Service Session Workbench  
SV-SMG-SYS (View full list of 152 Tables)Solution Manager System Landscape  
SV-SMG-TWB (View full list of 69 Tables)Test Management  
SV-SMG-TWB-BCA (View full list of 62 Tables)Business Process Change Analyzer  
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