PY-GB-PS is a SAP sub-module coming under PY module and SAP_HRCUS component.Total 144 PY-GB-PS tables are stored in our database.View these tables by sub modules wise coming under SAP PY-GB-PS.
- Module description :
- Parent Module : PY
Here is some free PDF files that you can download free for your reference.
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- P08P1CLD : CLASS Interface Clear-down Parameter File
- P08P1CNT : CLASS Interface Control Table (OBSOLETE from 46C)
- P08P_CLSC : CLASS Interface Control Table (46C onwards)
- P08P_USSC : USS Interface Control Table (Contributions & Salary Changes)
- PA0572 : HR Master Record: Infotype 0572
- PA0614 : HR Master Record: Infotype 0614
- PA0615 : HR Master Record: Infotype 0615
- PA0616 : HR Master Record: Infotype 0616
- PA0617 : HR Master Record: Infotype 0617
- PA0618 : HR Master Record: Infotype 0618
- PA0624 : HR Master Record: Infotype 0624
- PA0648 : HR Master Record: Infotype 0648
- PA3215 : HR Master Record: Infotype 3215
- PA3216 : HR Master Record: Infotype 3216
- PA3217 : HR Master Record: Infotype 3217
- PAPBSGB_HESA_C : HESA Archive table for NISR Contract table
- PAPBSGB_HESA_GR : HESA Archive table for NISR Grade table
- PAPBSGB_HESA_P : HESA: Archive table for NISR Person table
- PAPBSGB_SWF_CONT : SWF: Contract Details
- PAPBSGB_SWF_CUR2 : SWF: Curriculum
- PAPBSGB_SWF_CURR : SWF: Curriculum
- PAPBSGB_SWF_EP : SWF: Educational Psychologists
- PAPBSGB_SWF_INFO : SWF: Staff Information
- PAPBSGB_SWF_PAY : SWF: Additional Payments
- PAPBSGB_SWF_QUAL : SWF: Qualifications
- PAPBSGB_SWF_QUL2 : SWF: Qualifications
- PAPBSGB_SWF_STAF : SWF: Staff Details
- PAPBSGB_TPS_ARCH : TPS Archive table for TPS Annual return records of type 1
- T5GPBS1 : CLASS CPX Pension Scheme Cross Reference
- T5GPBS20 : Absence Evaluation: Check Window End Definition
- T5GPBS20T : Absence Evaluation: Texts for Check Window End Definition
- T5GPBS21 : Absence Evaluation: Check Window Start Definition
- T5GPBS21T : Absence Evaluation: Texts for Check Window Start Definition
- T5GPBS22 : Absence Evaluation: Non-Qualifying Day Rule Definition
- T5GPBS22T : Absence Evaluation: Texts for Qualifying Day Rule Definition
- T5GPBS23 : Absence Evaluation: Cover Package Rule Definition
- T5GPBS23T : Absence Evaluation: Cover Package Rule Definition
- T5GPBS24 : Absence Evaluation: Time Unit Factors
- T5GPBS24T : Absence Evaluation: Texts for Time Unit Factor Definition
- T5GPBS25 : Absence Evaluation: Part Day Evaluation Classes
- T5GPBS26 : Absence Evaluation: Payment Day Rule Definition
- T5GPBS26T : Absence Evaluation: Texts for Qualifying Payment Days
- T5GPBS27 : Absence Evaluation: Valuation Rule Grouping Definition
- T5GPBS28 : Absence Evaluation: Time Unit Grouping
- T5GPBS29 : Absence Evaluation: Scheme Switches
- T5GPBS30 : Absence Evaluation: Limit Rule
- T5GPBS30T : Absence Evaluation: Texts for Limit Rules
- T5GPBS31 : Absence Evaluation Cross Reference (T554S Extension)
- T5GPBS32 : Absence Evaluation: Linking Absence Grouping
- T5GPBS41 : Vehicle classes for car mileage
- T5GPBS42 : Declare vehicle types for private and business miles
- T5GPBS43 : Lump sum payment for car mileage
- T5GPBSB_REASON : Bar pointing: Reson for overriding bar point
- T5GPBSB_REASONT : Bar pointing: Text for reason for changes
- T5GPBSC_BAS : Hospital
- T5GPBSC_BAST : Hospital text
- T5GPBSC_CGR : Honorary NHS Status
- T5GPBSC_CTY : HESA: Contract types
- T5GPBSC_HON : Honorary NHS Status
- T5GPBSC_HONT : Honorary NHS Status text
- T5GPBSC_NHS : HESA: Assignment of NHS Contract Grade to Honorary Status
- T5GPBSC_RBD : HESA: Regulatory body (clinical)
- T5GPBSC_REG : Registration type
- T5GPBSC_REGT : Registration type text
- T5GPBSC_RTB : HESA: Assignment of Regulatory body to Registration type
- T5GPBSC_SPE : Clinical Specialty
- T5GPBSC_SPET : Clinical Specialty text
- T5GPBSC_TRU : Health Trust
- T5GPBSC_TRUT : Health Trust text
- T5GPBSH13 : HESA: Occupational categories for HE jobs
- T5GPBSH_ACD : HESA: Codes for Academic disciplines
- T5GPBSH_ACDT : HESA: Codes for Academic disciplines text table
- T5GPBSH_CCT : HESA: Cost centre (HEFCE)
- T5GPBSH_CCT2 : HESA: Cost centre (HEFCE)
- T5GPBSH_CCT3 : HESA: Cost centre (HEFCE)
- T5GPBSH_CCTT : HESA: Cost centre (HEFCE)
- T5GPBSH_CHA : Mapping of Challenge group to disability
- T5GPBSH_COD : not used
- T5GPBSH_CODT : not used
- T5GPBSH_CTY : HESA: Contract types
- T5GPBSH_CTYT : HESA: Contract types (text)
- T5GPBSH_DES : HESA: Destination on leaving - obsolete
- T5GPBSH_DES2 : HESA: Destination on leaving
- T5GPBSH_DEST : HESA: Destination on leaving (text) - obsolete
- T5GPBSH_DIS : Academic disciplines
- T5GPBSH_DIS2 : Academic disciplines
- T5GPBSH_DIST : Academic disciplines text table
- T5GPBSH_ETC : HESA: Ethnicity codes
- T5GPBSH_ETCT : HESA: Ethnicity code text
- T5GPBSH_ETH : HESA: Mapping of ethnicitiy code
- T5GPBSH_ETH2 : HESA: Mapping of ethnicitiy code
- T5GPBSH_GRA : HESA: Grade structure
- T5GPBSH_GRAT : HESA: Grade structure (text)
- T5GPBSH_IS : HESA: Institution Identifier
- T5GPBSH_NA : HESA: Mapping of Nationality to HESA Code
- T5GPBSH_OCC : HESA: Occupational categories
- T5GPBSH_OCCT : HESA: Occupational categories (text)
- T5GPBSH_PRV : HESA: Employment in previous year - obsolete
- T5GPBSH_PRV2 : HESA: Previous Employment
- T5GPBSH_PRVT : HESA: Employment in previous year (text) - obsolete
- T5GPBSH_PSB : HESA: Principal source of basic salary
- T5GPBSH_PSBT : HESA: Principal source of basic salary (text) - obsolete
- T5GPBSH_QUD : HESA: Highest academic qualification held - obsolete
- T5GPBSH_QUD2 : HESA: Highest academic qualification held
- T5GPBSH_QUDT : HESA: Highest academic qualification held (text) - obsolete
- T5GPBSH_RAE : HESA: Acitve in 1996 Research Assessment Exercise
- T5GPBSH_RAE2 : HESA: Active in 2001 and 2008 Research Assessment Exercise
- T5GPBSH_RAET : HESA: Acitve in 1996 Research Assessment Exercise
- T5GPBSH_SSB : HESA: Secondary source of basic salary
- T5GPBSH_SSBT : HESA: Secondary source of basic salary (text) - obsolete
- T5GPBSH_UOA : HESA: Unit of Assessment
- T5GPBSQ_ACQ : Academic qualification - obsolete
- T5GPBSQ_ACQ2 : Academic qualification
- T5GPBSQ_ACQT : Academic qualification text table
- T5GPBSQ_PRO : Professional Body
- T5GPBSQ_STA : Membership Status
- T5GPBSS_ABS : SWF: Absences
- T5GPBSS_ADD : SWF: Additional Payments
- T5GPBSS_DIS : SWF: Disablity
- T5GPBSS_ETH : SWF: Ethnicity
- T5GPBSS_PSC : SWF: Pay Scale
- T5GPBST_CONTROL : TPS Control records
- T5GPBST_EXC : TPS Absence evaluation rules relevant as days excluded
- T5GPBST_LEA : TPS: LEA numbers and names
- T5GPBST_PEN : TPS Primary and Additional pension schemes
- T5GPBST_SER : TPS Recordable service
- T5GPBST_SSCALE : TPS Salary Scale Codes
- T5GPBST_SSCALET : TPS Salary Scale Code Description
- T5GPBS_ALL : ALL Constants & Texts (as required)
- T5GPBS_ALLT : ALL Text Table
- T5GPBS_CARALLOW : HRGPBS: Car Allowance for essential car users
- T5GPBS_MEREPORTS : Multiple employment: Reports that are can be set for ME
- T5GPBS_ME_TA : ME Tax Districts/References Trading in Association
- T5GPBS_SEL : ME: Selection in reporting (Primary/all)
- T5GPBS_TRANS : GB-ME: Transfer of w'types between 2ndary and 1st contract
- T5GPBS_USS : Absence Evaluation: Scheme Switches
- T5GPBS_VEHCLASS : Derive vehicle class from car manufacturer and model
- T5GPBS_VEHTYPE : Derive vehicle types from car information
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