SAP HR Transaction Codes

Here is some list of important transaction codes used in SAP Human Resource (HR) Module. We can use the report RPDTRA00 to display the complete SAP HR transaction codes. (Run this report using SE38 transaction code).

PA20: To display HR master data (For full master data)

PA30: To maintain HR master data (For full master data)

PRMD: To maintain HR master data. (It’s for a compact mini-master data)

PRMS: To display HR master data. (It’s for a compact mini-master data)


PS03: To get HR info type overview

PS04: Maintenance of info types.


PA40: Personnel events

PA41: Change Employee hiring data.

PA40: fast data entry for events.


PA51 and PA53: To display time data

PA61 and PA63: To maintain time data.


PA70 and PA71: Fast data entry

PT01 and PT02 and PT03: To create, change and display work schedule correspondingly.


PC00: This transaction code used to run payroll

PE04: To create functions and operations.

PRCA: payroll calendar

PRCT: Display current settings of payroll

PO03: To maintain jobs


PE51: This transaction code is used for HR form editor


PA97 and PA98: Used for salary administration.

PAR2: To display employee list.


PP01 and PP02 and PP03: To maintain plan data.


PQ01 – Events for Work Center

PQ02 – Events for Training Program

PQ03 – Events for Job

PQ04 – Events for Business Event Type

PQ06 – Local Events

PQ07 – Resource Events

PQ08 – Events for External Person

PQ09 – Events for Business Event Group

PQ10 – Events for Organizational Unit

PQ11 – Events for Qualification

PQ12 – Resource Type Events

PQ13 – Events for Position

PQ14 – Events for Task

PQ15 – Events for Company


PSOC: Job reporting

PSOS: Position reporting

PSOT: task reporting

PSOG – Org Mgmt General Reporting

PSOO – Organizational Unit Reporting


PB10 and PB20 and PB30: Entry, display and maintain application master data respectively.

PB80: To evaluate vacancies.

PBA0: To evaluate advertisements

PBA2: To display list of applications.

PBA3 – Applicant vacancy assignment list

PBA4 – Receipt of application


Here we have added only a few HR transaction codes which are commonly used. Try to use the report RPDTRA00 for getting the complete list of HR transaction codes.

Also Read : SAP HR Module Tutorial

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