SAP Journal entry tables, tcodes & PDF training guides

Journal entry related Fiori Apps

Display G/L Account Line Items (ID : F0706)
You can use this app to check general ledger (G/L) account line items. You can switch between the general ledger view and the journal entry view. In both views you can use filter criteria to choose whether the app should display open and cleared items for open-item-managed accounts, or all of the items for an account. You can select the line items based on a key date or after the clearing date in connection with a key date. In the entry view, you can also choose whether the app displays normal items, noted items (items to remind you of outstanding payments), or parked items (incomplete and not yet posted journal entries) only, or all items.

Journal Entry Analyzer (sFIN) (ID : F0952)
With the Journal Entry Analyzer app, you can list all the document line items posted in your G/L accounts in the selected period. In the line item display, you can include different details from the relevant document.

Journal Entry History (ID : F0954)
With the Journal Entry History app, you can track changes to journal entries already posted in the system. You can view these changes according to certain criteria, such as ledger or posting date, as well as filter and sort the results or export them to Excel.

Manage Recurring Journal Entries (ID : F1598)
With the transactional app Manage Recurring Journal Entries, you can create, edit, display or delete Recurring Journal Entries. You can also trigger due postings, and review recurring journal entry posting statuses and planned postings.

Journal Entry (sFIN) (ID : F1628)
This fact sheet displays contextual information about the Journal Entry. You can navigate to its related business objects and you can access related transactions in operational systems.

Display G/L Account Line Items (ID : F0706)
With this app you can check general ledger (G/L) account line items. You can switch between the general ledger view and the journal entry view. In both views you can display open and cleared items for open-item-managed accounts, or all of the items for an account. You can select the line items based on a key date or after the clearing date in connection with a key date. In theentry view, you can also choose whether the app displays normal items, noted items (items to remind you of outstanding payments), or parked items (incomplete and not yet posted journal entries) only, or all items.If you need to continue processing and analyzing the results list of G/L account line items, you can export it to Excel.This app is available for the business role G/L accountant.

Manage Journal Entries (ID : F0717)
You use this app to analyze your journal entries and create reversals in order to make adjustments. Filtering and selection criteria enable you to quickly find journal entries, for example based on the journal entry type or the user. The information provided includes the G/L accounts posted, other account assignment objects, and any sales or purchase taxes. You can create new journal entries based on other journal entries. Display variants allow you to add or remove fields. You can enter notes or add attachments to explain the posting. Information is shown on any related documents such as purchase orders or invoices. Amounts can be displayed in different currencies, for example local currency or transaction currency.

Journal Entry Analyzer (S/4HANA) (ID : F0956A)
With this app you can analyze journal entries posted in a selected period. You can view journal entries by company code, fiscal year/period, ledger, and G/L accounts. The results are sorted by company code, G/L account, and journal entry number, so that you can see the journal entries posted to each G/L account. You can also drill down in each journal entry to see additional details.

Account Determination (ID : F1273)
In SAP S/4HANA, financial accounting (FI) journal entries are triggered by business transactions not only in financial areas, but also in other areas, for example, sales and distribution (SD), and material management (MM). To enable business transactions to trigger FI journal entry posting automatically, you can use this app to configure the system and identify the target accounts for automatic posting. This app provides you with all the settings that are needed for assigning accounts in the following areas:Material Management (MM)You can make configurations for transactions in inventory management and invoice verification so FI journal entries posted automatically.Sales and Distribution (SD)You can define how to post FI documents to G/L accounts from SD, by configuring account determination for transactions in revenue, reconciliation, cash, and payment cards.Financial Accounting (FI)You can define G/L accounts to which you want the system to post exchange rate differences and retained earnings automatically. You can also reclassify the balance of A/P and A/R accounts according to their maturity and assign G/L accounts to bank accounts.

Manage Recurring Journal Entries (ID : F1598)
You can use this app to create, display, edit, and delete recurring journal entries. It also lets you trigger due postings, and to review the posting status and planned postings for recurring journal entries. A recurring journal entry is a business transaction that is repeated regularly, for example, the deferral of costs or revenues for an invoice where the same amount is posted over a period of 12 months. It consists of a template journal entry and a recurrence rule attached to it. A recurring journal entry by itself is not a journal entry; rather, you trigger the posting of journal entries from it. In other words, a recurring journal entry is comparable to a standing order at a bank. You can copy an existing journal entry to use as a template to create other recurring journal entries to which you want to apply the same rules. To make your work more efficient, you can personalize the layout of the table, predefine recurring queries, and save your settings as variants. You can perform the following tasks if you have the business role G/L Accountant: Create, display, edit, and delete recurring journal entries Create and modify recurrence rules for journal entries to be posted Find recurring journal entries using a range of search criteria Trigger postings of journal entries when due Review the posting status and planned postings of recurring journal entries Copy a recurring journal entry to use as a template for other recurring journal entries Personalize the layout of data in the table Export data to a spreadsheet Share recurring journal entry data and other information by email

Journal Entry (S/4HANA) (ID : F1728)
This object page displays contextual information about the Journal Entry business object. You can navigate to its related business objects and to related transactional apps.

Journal Entry Analyzer (Accessible) (ID : F0956)
With this app, you can analyze journal entries posted in a selected period. You can view journal entries by company code, fiscal year/period, ledger, and G/L accounts. The results are sorted by company code, G/L account, and journal entry number, so that you can see the journal entries posted to each G/L account. You can specify a key date to select and display time-dependent master data. You can also drill down in each journal entry to see additional details. This app is available for the role G/L Accountant. Note This app contains in-app help for key fields and concepts. To display the help while working in the app, press F1 or choose the question mark displayed in the app header.

Journal Entry Analyzer (S/4HANA) (ID : F0956A)
With this app you can analyze journal entries posted in a selected period. You can view journal entries by company code, fiscal year/period, ledger, and G/L accounts. The results are sorted by company code, G/L account, and journal entry number, so that you can see the journal entries posted to each G/L account. You can also drill down in each journal entry to see additional details.

Manage Recurring Journal Entries (ID : F1598)
This app allows G/L Accountants to create, edit, display or delete Recurring Journal Entries. It also allows users to trigger due postings, to review the posting status and planned postings of the Recurring Journal Entries, and to copy an existing journal entry to use as a template for creating other recurring journal entries that follow the same recurrence rules.

Manage Tax Invoices – South Korea (ID : F2397)
With this app, you can display a list of journal entries grouped by customer, generate tax invoices for the journal entry, print out the tax invoices, and export them to MS Excel in the legal format. It provides a single platform to manage your tax invoices: journal entry review, invoicing, and invoice printing and reversion.

Revenue Recognition (Event-Based) – Sales Orders (ID : F2441)
With this app, costs and revenues associated with sales orders are recognized immediately as they occur. Cost postings are matched to revenues and reported as expenses, while revenues are posted to an income statement account. Recognition and adjustment postings are generated simultaneously with the transactions. The app is fully integrated with G/L. Recognition data is stored in the same location as cost and revenue data, eliminating the need for periodic batch jobs. Costs and revenues always match, reported profit and margins are always up to date. Income statements or cost-of-sales reports can be produced at any time. To enable enhanced cost management reporting, additional reporting attributes such as Customer or Customer Group are derived for every revenue recognition journal entry and for income statement / P&L items.With release 1708 in addition to the standard sell from stock process a simple make to order scenario is also supported

Verify General Journal Entries (ID : F2547)
As a requester (for example, an accountant), with the Verify General Journal Entries – For Requester app, you can create, display and edit a journal entry, and then submit it for verification. You can also track the entry status in the worklist and decide whether to edit a rejected journal entry and resubmit it for verification.As a processor who is assigned to verify general journal entries in the Inbox and Outbox apps, you can view journal entries that are assigned to you and waiting for approval. You can choose to approve, reject or suspend a journal entry and then, the system then, changes the status accordingly in the requester’s worklist. If you want to see the Verify General Journal Entries inbox and outbox apps on the Fiori Launchpad, your key user must configure the workflow for verification and define responsibilities to determine who is authorized to process the submitted journal entries. For more information on workflow configuration and defining authorization, see Prerequisites for Enabling Workflows.

Upload General Journal Entries (ID : F2548)
With this app, you can post journal entries by uploading a templated file that contains entry header and item information. Postings can be made in all relevant ledgers for the accounts for which you are responsible. If not all the journal entries in a file are uploaded successfully, you must correct errors, copy the batch ID of the initial upload to the file, and then repeat upload. You can navigate from the Post General Journal Entries app to the Upload General Journal Entries app by clicking the Upload New Entry button.

Display Group Journal Entries (ID : F2573)
Journal Entries ListAll the Journal Entries can be listed, excepts the FI documents integrated from Accounting by Data Submission. It is a Fiori Embedded Analysis report using Smart Template.Report Filters: Fiscal Year ; Posting Period; Version (Default Value: Y10); Cons. Chart of Accounts (Default value: Y1); Consolidation Goup; Consolidation Unit. Customer can create their own Variants for the filter values.According to the Filter, the Journal Entries will be listed which satisfy the criteria in the filters. Following information is included in the list: Document Number; Line Item; Posting Period; Document Type; Consolidation Unit; FS item; Sub Item Category; Subitem; Partner Unit; Transaction Currency Amount; Local Currency Amount; Group Currency Amount. Customer also can also pick up another information they need to see in the list or hide some information they don “t care in the Settting.Click the last sign of the Journal entry item, user can enter in the detail of the Journal Entry.In the Journal Entry, user can see the Journal Entry header, such as document number; Cons. Chart of Account; Version; Fiscal Year; Posting Period. the main information of the Journal Entry has been seperated into three parts: General; Unique Subassignments; Line Item.

Financial Statement Items List (ID : F2574)
Financial Statement Items ListThis reports used to list an overview of Finanical Statement Items. Also it can display the detail information of the FS items.Report Filters: Cons. Chart of Accounts (Default value: Y1); FS ItemAccording to the Filter, the Financial Statement items will be listed which satisfy the criteria in the filters. Following information is included in the list:FS Item; Medium Text; Where-Applied Ind.; FS Item Type; Breakdown Category; Partner Unit; Subitem Category; Subitem. Customer also can also pick up another information they need to see in the list or hide some information they don “t care in the Settting.Click the last sign of the FS item, user can enter in the detail of the FS Item.In the FS Item detail screen, user can see the FS Item header, such as FS Item Number; Descriptiom. the main information of the Journal Entry has been seperated into three parts: Attributes; Technical Settings; Text.

Track Sales Orders (S/4HANA) (ID : F2577)
With this app, you can check whether the delivery of a sales order is on track regarding its fulfillment. For example, you can see whether it has been shipped, invoiced, or even whether a journal entry has been cleared. You can immediately recognize whether the fulfillment of the sales order contains issues or not, or whether it has been completed, or is still in process. If a customer calls, asking for information on their order, or a colleague or superior asks for information on all orders belonging to a specific customer, you can use this app to provide this information quickly.

Verify General Journal Entries For Processor (Inbox) (ID : F2728)
As a processor who is authorized to verify general journal entries in the Inbox app, you can view journal entries that are assigned to you and are waiting for approval. You can choose to approve, reject, or suspend a journal entry, and then the system changes the status accordingly in the requester’s worklist. If you want to see the Verify General Journal Entries inbox and outbox apps on the Fiori Launchpad, your key user must configure the workflow for verification and define responsibilities to determine who is authorized to process the submitted journal entries.

Incoming Sales Orders – Predictive Accounting (ID : F2964)
This analytical app allows you to analyze and evaluate incoming sales orders. The app uses predictive postings from the journal entry database. It creates these predictive postings by using data from sales orders and goods issue to simulate the respective invoices.

Track Sales Order Details (ID : F2981)
With this app, you can check whether the delivery of a sales order is on trackregarding its fulfillment. For example, you can see whether it has been shipped,invoiced, or even whether a journal entry has been cleared.You can immediately recognize whether the fulfillment of the sales order containsissues or not, or whether it has been completed, or is still in process.If a customer calls, asking for information on their order, or a colleague orsuperior asks for information on all orders belonging to a specific customer, youcan use this app to provide this information quickly.

Doubtful Accounts Valuation (ID : F3246)
With this app you gain insight into allowance for doubtful accounts management, and you can assess the adequacy of current allowance levels. This refers to provisions made to allow for expected credit losses, as required by IFRS (9). The app gives you a clear view of overdue receivables and their associated allowances, and you can drill down for details of individual customer accounts at journal entry level. The allowance values presented are based on Flat Rate Individual Value Adjustments created during validation runs managed by way of the Perform Further Valuations app. Note that if Perform Further Valuations is not in use, Doubtful Accounts Valuation will not be available.

Gross Margin – Presumed/Actual (ID : F3417)
You use this analytical app to analyze and evaluate the presumed and actual margins resulting from incoming sales orders. It uses predictive postings from the journal entry database. The predictive postings are created using sales orders and goods issue to simulate the respective invoices. The app then combines the predicted and actual figures to achieve the presumed financial figures.

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