Step by steps to create a transparent table in SAP

There are two methods of approach to create a table

Here you can watch the steps to create a table in bottom-up approach.

Step 1: Enter the transaction code SE11 (or use menu path Tools->ABAP/4 Workbench, Development->ABAP/4 Dictionary)

Step 2: Enter the table name on object name field

Step 3: Choose the table radio button and enter create button.

Step 4: Enter the description for the table.

Step 5: In the delivery class filed type letter “A”

Step 6: Tick the Table Maintenance Allowed field

Step 7: Enter the name of the field in field name column.

Step 8: Select key column if you want to make that field as a primary key.

Step 9: Enter the name of data element in data element column (data element should be created and activated)

Step 10: Repeat the steps 7, 8, 9 for entering all the fields in that table.

Step 11: Enter the save button and then local object button.

Step 12: Enter the technical settings button.

Step 13: Enter APPL0 in data class field and enter 0(zero) in size category field.

Step 14: Press save button and then back button.

Step 15: enter the activate button (Now your table is ready and activated).

Step 16: For going back to the dictionary initial screen press back button.

Before creating the tables you need to understand in detail the technical settings of a table.

Also Read : ABAP Tutorial Home page -> Data Elements and Domains -> ABAP table Technical Settings

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